Other urls found in this thread:
/R/ Translucent Rainbow glitter neko slime girl with heart core. Picture relevant. Can be SFW.
draw porn of her
>slime girls
I'm back and hey tomo
Can someone repost that tomo from last thread
Bein fukin cute or takin dicks. I dunno. Just what I said my chimp friend.
is nim still around aaa
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
Just got here and the thread closed
what's good, it's me smithy
anyone can conjure up a drink for me?
H-hello! I'm new here!
Is everybody okay?
no youre not fuck off
welcome to the cesspool
show butt
im back & waiting
...did you mean to post this in a diff thread lina?
Requesting a japanese biker!
loli rape
Who drew that?
Yup thanks!
love it!
and tell tomo to start sucking dez dong
Gluteus Maximus
is tomo still here?
Requesting me succing the dongo
Your coloring is pretty cute kiddo
>keep up the good work
Nicely done, Kai. :)
Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Walrein
aaa-aa thank yu ;;
it was sort of rushed cuz i gotta get ready for ahs
high heels
so why you collecting all of these?
I hope the one who requested CC is still around.
Tried to draw her from last thread, just not feeling it, not sure why. I apologize.
From the last thread...
i wish I could smell her armpit like she does.
Hey guys, new computer, getting used to how it and my monitor interact with my tablet.
It sucks.
Requests pls
Guess which anime I based my drawing from.
Abusefag mustard race check in.
I came back beautiful people! Now, where is my Nofre raped?
boku no pico
What is ahs?
Aye, thank you. Draw name?
And iunno. It started and I can't stop
aw, whats wrong user?
yes sankyu bby
it was a joke ;;
what do you mean? like those rebels??
Is this Oni bby?
american horror story
ay faceless
gib succ bby
I deserve it
pretty good.
no need for apology.
thank you.
have some music as a reward (i imagine rewards are rare here)
I was never here. I just got here. I am NOT happy with previous events.
This is why we are arch nemesis. This is why we cant be friends.
would everyone please destroy this picture from their hard drives?
Spiderman the Spanish priest
To kek.
who dis qt gay boi
I did that a long, long time ago. Apologies.
hows every one doing ?
I've downloaded so many smug anime girls for this day.
God bless ya
Oh? Is your draw name dungus? I don't think I have a doodle saved under that draw name. Did you have a different name a long, long time ago?
You could be friends if there were donuts about. No one can be angry with donuts
Ah, cool. Have fun then, Kai. :3
Well Roth feels weird. It doesn't hurt it's just got weird feel. Other than that I'm fine
yup! but i gotta go :c
homework is calling, have fun in DT lina dina rina
Wrong, friendo. Tis Faceless.
The bad one.
All of them.
Drawing other things.
loli rape
I learned something today. The best drawfags come on at night but my favorite drawfags come on during the day. Hmm.
Hm, that name does sound familiar, for sure. But I don't have one saved under Faceless either, unfortunately. I might have never received it
Or is it in the Anonymous entries folder?
sup Cred Forums
Why is she smelling her armpit?
spread pussy
> tfw i was on today and during the night
a-user what does this mean
Nice thanks faceless
Also have to considered going by one eyed monster
I also really just dont want to do it.
Oh, another cyclops. This is awkward.
Thats funny.
Yeah, like the bikers with the good hair, and stuff like that.
Requesting your definition of 'The Final Warrior'
Cutest Cyclops eva
No, I know. I'd just like to know whether it's in the imgur album or if you might have it saved somewhere, if you save your old drawings
Not much. You doin requests or just hanging?
This one too!
Can't we all just get along?
hey slut
No it's not. I'm just some sorta stupid. Also I'm pretty sure the minimum for a face is something expressive
Tomo, you a cool dude
Be my fren
Hey mommy lady person
Can't we just be friends
hello drawthread.
another day of draw practices.
I dont really give much a shit, it made me laugh a little.
If it isnt in there it doesnt matter, my old hard drive is fuckin fried dude. Lost all my old drawfaggotry.
i thought we were like best buds in the world!
im a pacifist user
we sure can~
>chubby girl with bikini a bit small for her
heres that request from last thread, tried to do a different perpective, many errors were made for sure
hey there junior, how you doing ?
I'm pretty good, Wish I could figure out how export animations. It keeps on fucking up other than that I'm gonna make a pizza and smoke a lil.
Oh, yeah. Forgot about the 'new computer' part. Your drawing actually might be in my laptop, but it got fucked before I could back it up again
Oh, well. Thanks anyway
okay. We friends now.
Git out dog.
Anyone who feeds into this nimxtomo thing is now an enemy.
What program are you using, bud?
no probs
gosh so sensitive~
draw a very simple nim
what is this blasphemy?
Only a sith deals in absolutes. I shall do what I must!
simply done
What happened?
Awww sorry oni! Have a good night!
Bro, like. you dont mind bike girls, right? cuz they are totally frigging cool
Still crappy but I tried
we can make it more awkward
>wink wink
damn straight!
I'm takin requests
no u
can you make a smug af nim?
loli rape
Requesting Panne lewds
Requesting a tentacle gangbang!
Might you have interest in this?
i wanted to start the next thread but im too tired so ill post here, taking requests
Now THAT is hot!
Would you mind drawing Fuzzy from Mononokean?
It's basically just a cute hairball though.
I'm still your friend tomo smug never leaves a Friend's side
ill try
loli rape
If you have a collection of the artwork you have done in the past could you put all of the files into a zip file and put them up for download up on dropbox/mega? I really like the artwork.
Doing good sexy mama. And yourself?
taking requests
Anybody do lewd Pokemon requests ?
Look like your missing some ears
loli rape
I think i'll take some request before going to sleep~
Um... Draw loli.
Your favorite Pokémon getting it's ass kicked by a Togekiss
Young lady is that pornagraphic material!!!
>I guess u can let it slide
> >_•
loli rape
show butt
Is this correct? Also, are you that sweet user that always requests and gives kawaii music?
sup bae
AAAA no it's not smutty otome game !
Someone know if this one was finished?
It's really fun tho. Everything's happening in a chatroom, i don't play otome usually but this one's nice !
Requesting Ace doing something cute with a Jibanyan
I will draw a request
I don't think i have a favorite ----
Do this one
seeing that gif when sleep deprived is... something
dot really wanna do color but I'll draw a non colored slime girl
Requesting Esdeath doing something lewd
cuz its simple
could you draw a flat chested nim but with big ass?
Thank you Sir. Keep up the good work and hope you liked drawing it.
Yes and yes.
>dot really wanna do color but I'll draw a non colored slime girl
Acceptable so long as is cute neko slime girly and has a heart core. I can color it myself.
hello Miro i did a scribble of your character today i hope that you like it ~
tell tomo to come back and stop being a bitch
You call that smug? Step it up.
nice thank you
i request you do something with that smug guy
taking requests
I'm going to bed mate, but somehow you always manage to attract them
loli rape
Requesting Paz as a succubus
So what's up
thanks fam 100%
Just thought I'd say out of all the drawfags I've seen on my week or so here, your expressions have been my favourite. Which is saying something considering I've seen you all of three times.
what're you on about
This is legit lina wow
also forgot to mention I'm taking a request or two
You do lewd?
nothing will make him less of a bitch
im starting to think youre smug requesting yourself into drawings, also "something" is not very specific..
ur trips
no probs
Who you texting? Let's see the convo.
Its my first time.
I'll be gentle
make your request and i'll let you know know if i'm willing to Scrribble it
It's okay, Nim, we can't all be smug. You did your best. Now you're just angrily smiling, hahaha.
>straight up grinch mode
okie will do
> Only a sith deals in absolutes
Isn't that an absolute also?
Nice smug and maybe I am that user? Who knows
>okie will do
Thanks indeed.
requesting futa rukia sinking her shaft balls deep into a male goodras mouth
Holy shit that's a lot of images.
Thank you! I love it
thank u
>Pic related masturbating with a smug face
(not troll smug)?
Requesting Najenha showing off her tits
Cute, these two were meant for each other. Thanks for the delivery drawfriend
Scribbie..... You're giving me so much..... *saves while sobbing* i don't deserve this.... It's beautiful..... thank you ;;;;;
requesting Marshal
It's a game akshfgfjf
Hi, can I /r/ cuddling and touching each other?
It's good show.
Requesting Ace doing something cute with a Espy (Satori-chan)
Miro, can I ask, what is "weh"?
Yes, cutie? Hows it?
Thank you so much! ;; I put so much effort but I guess even the person who requested ignored it...
I DON'T EVEN KNOW--- it's just a noise.... to express.... emotions..... should i consult
Requesting this loli being kicked at his balls by a Koala.
Light-Based Doodle.
gonna steal ur christmas
of course you are that user
here ya go
I'm so glad you like it! sorry that i drew your costume with short sleeves =/..i drew you from memory
sorry user that doesn't really appeal to me
i'll take this request i like her face
what am i supposed to have the grumpy squirrel doing user?
i will stream wile i work on your requests if you want to watch them being drawn
It's really nice! Requester is butts for not noticing! :D
Noooooo, it's adorable! :3
wtf i want to kiss a fat bitch now
Can we see that ass in a better pov?
pls dun toucc my crimbus
yeah but it's hardly understandable unless you've a kilt u fucking mong
> cutie
> how's it
Sure was, innit. Bout you?
i think its super cute never change Miro!
>what am i supposed to have the grumpy squirrel doing user?
just anything you think is cute, anything is fine really
Request this Pokémon and trainer in lesbian scene
Thank you!
Can I request a damaged robot gunslinger and an ancient skeleton gunslinger sharing a shot of oil and milk respectively?
Are you seriously still arguing about this? Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a child, if they they won't to do it they shouldn't have to faggot.
I'm not an anglo and I understand most of what he says. Pretty sure it's even easier for native English speakers. Also other sketch series feature better language.
Ill pass
yea lol
Requesting someone with a stag's skull as a head
I would be very grateful
Always ! AAAA and i don't mind !! I love short sleeves anyway ~ and boi you did good from just memory
Ah, adorable but confusing then ! I'll keep doing it, WEH
Thanks hun.
what ive been workin on for an user... fucking ferals man....
>how about 20$
hi qt
whoa bro
k i wont
alright takin a break
no idea how you do it nim but im beat, i don't feel like drawin' anymore
taking requests
here u go
on a scale of 1 to lukecis, how autistic are you?
Hey Gokai, I requested a tentacle gangbang with Alicia earlier.
Helloo!! how is everybody?
Hello, Azrealm. I appreciate the WIP! OR here, BTW.
Requesting loli bj
Pretty good, Dako. I gave you your coffee back, BTW. :p
Take this request, bro
draw panda girl
Slime is get, so I'm out babes. Take care.
im trying to figure out the bottom doggo pos. its... interesting because dogs cant bridge their back ^^;
Requesting the Hotline Miami biker.
Took link eating waffles
FINALLY moved out though so thats a thing
>de slime grill
like this is the idea i guess?
I guess okay, cutiepie. Whacha listening gud there
This hair and eyepatch are really adorbs, milkiru!
Ayy! I swear to god I saw you pointing a gun instead of a cup on this thumbnail hahaha
Can someone draw something like this?
>much aprreciated if done
Might need to start a new thread, almost at image limit.
Not sure alicias gonna survive this encounter
Not sure alicias gonna survive this encounter
>dropped pic
>I guess okay, cutiepie. Whacha listening gud there
nigga wat
can someone help me figure out doggo 2 ? T nT
>asks for what i want
>tell them
That could work!
alright. ill go for it :)
here is your panda nim nom num
you are still a thief
yes it was me hehe
hi user
I asked if you are listening right now to any music, breh
aww ;; dat panda
I just wanted you to reply to me bby. :^)
Hey Dako
Is that a ghost qt I see above you?
None in specific, sorry am drinking with buds
Maybe •-•
You can weh as much as you want! You're so adorable, maybe moreso than hero...
I'd post my playlist, but it has my name on it and OH WELL.
Thank you, I will now share my poor gift with you
We already know your name, It's Rin-sama.
HOW DARE !!! Hero is the cutest !!!! But thank you hehe
i love this songgggg
God, both of you are so cute ;-;
Be my thread gf
or real gf
Hahaha, I getchu! I really like Lemaitre!
Have you heard this one?
this one is cool too
saves a bit of time, uh?
The original isn't bad either. It's madeon, so it's mediocre, but still.
first one's pretty hot. Def heard a remix somewhere of the second, but not huge on that style as a whole.
>tfw you won't have a doodle ai gf
>tfw you're a fucking leaf
....don't tell her I told you this, or I'll hug you really hard, but you're totally cuter than hero, though she has her moments when I absolutely lose my shit.
ur drunk user
you qt
i think the inking looks nice so far
Can you re edit that pic but with tits showing?
Nah, Dako is the REAL qt. Pech could never compare to Dako.
Evening Nim, how goes things?
Hey Rin
How are you
You should draw Miro
uh there was already a vote on this
I was not aware of this. Who won?
Hey Dako
Can I request some Cuky
Cuky a better
Witch Rin
Sure does Rin-sama. ^ ^
Hey! Thanks a ton!
So you prefer chill music? Like:
Not really electro?
Thank you very much
Yes indeed. :)
Oh sup m8's
sure mang
pretty ok, feeling lazy, you?
>you should
NIGGER. Drawing is dumb and bad.
What drawing program do you use