Made this thread earlier and it was fairly successful. Got a bunch of vintage pics of naked chicks from a anatomy/sex book made around the late 50s. Who wants to see?
Made this thread earlier and it was fairly successful...
overtrusting 19 year old girl says yes
This ones my fav
Nice. I think I'm gonna fap to
This shit right now.
bush bush bush
Very suckable nipples. Got me rock hard in an instance.
More ?
>makes up his own meme
>literally flashes his autism ID
>everyone in these pictures are probably dead
Stuck in the back of my mind as i'm having a wank and it's making me soft.
Looks like my moms pussy
It was definitely successful.
Ayyyy an user from earlier
> genital mutilation
So that was how Cred Forumstards of the day got off before
Yep. Any more in that book to scan? I have 16 from earlier.
Feels like i'm 13 again ripping out pages of nude magazines my friends stole from the corner store.
Im not at home rn so no, but i plan on taking a pic of every image/illustration when i have the oppurtunity. And they most definitely will be posted on b
Cool thanks.
I love seeing this stuff. I like to compare what women looked like then to now. I almost can't imagine these women being fucked. It's like they're superior beyond sexuality.
>It's like they're superior beyond sexuality
Damn, twas less popular at night than the day. My phasers are totally disconfuckulated
Either you have outstanding memory retention, or you're a sick fuck.
14....16 yo max
I love these puffy breasts
As do i, as do i