walk in bathroom
see this guy
wat do?
Walk in bathroom
Other urls found in this thread:
kick him square in the balls
Kick right in the middle of his shaft, breaking his dick in two.
Turn 360 degrees and walk out the door
kick it so hard into the door that I try to cut it off, and hope that I have my steel toe boots on.
piss on the silly cunt, baby.
720 ollie kickflip to a 4 point stance and blowjob, then crabwalk out the door. Git gud.
9 volt with him
Leave the Apple store.
>not knowing what shoes you're wearing
>being so beta you cant even pick which shoes you want to wear
>360 degrees
Oh wow, do they finally have bidets in America?
I would take off my shoe then try to hit him on the top of the dick
disinfectant and a match
go to another stall take a shit, wip my ass, flush, wash my hands and then leave.
you fucking retard, the hypothetically isn't something you know is going to happen. The cringy dude hopes that when he encounters him he's wearing the right shoes
This thread.... AGAIN
We made it very clear
>sit on it
put ass on dick what else?
follow his lead and do the exact same thing.
strength in unity!
>mommy still dresses him
Hehehe always one.
Nah dude, 360 not one
"its time to chew ass"
-Dick Kickem
open past to all you dumb faggots:
no you wouldn't, stop internet lying tough guys.
take a big rancid shit on his dick and proceed to pleasure myself with the shit smeared meat blade
Karate chop his dick with my asshole
Kick his dickhead as hard as I could do that the door flies open and hits him in the face for an old fashioned dick kick face smash ko combo.
I'm about to cum don't stop
After he recovers I'll kick him in balls so that he flies back shoulder first into the toilet bowl for a ball kick shoulder smash combo
Do a 180 and walk backwards
get naked and do the exact same thing in the next stall
As soon as I see it I run as fast as i can and kick harder then I have ever kicked before. I will make that nigga infertile.
how about a 180?? unless you like this sort of thing...
Leave Apple store.
I carry a razor sharp knife. I'd cut it off and flush it.
general knowledge at its best
well meme'd
Do you have to wear special gloves to deal with all that edge?
360 and moonwalk *
kick him in the dick
Pull out my pocket knife and stab him right in the pee hole.
Sit on it while thinking about mummy
Turn 360 degrees and walk backwards.
does anyone have the animated gif of this where there are a million of them going into infinity?
see how much of my boot I can get in the shitstains ass
As always, I would be SO tempted to kick him as hard as I possibly could, repeatedly.
I'd probably just leave though.
beat you by a second cunt
Sharpie up pooper
I'd probably take a photo of it and start a thread on Cred Forums asking people what they'd do¿