What category chimpout are we looking at in Charlotte? Don't give me that bullshit planet of the apes chimpout scale its rating for a category 5 is too strict.
What category chimpout are we looking at in Charlotte...
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Local news is showing cops in riot gear in a line with blacks yelling in their face
i hate black people thinking their being oppressed
Check out fb/RTAmerica live stream
>blacks yelling in their face
I'll never understand why we allow protesters to do this to the police.
It's verbal assault, they should be arrested for it.
lol verbal assault
You know you have the right to self defense if someone comes up to you and screams in your face.
Sorry bro, didn't mean to rape your feelings.
To the safespace!
any excuse to loot a walmart
let's not wait to hear any facts or anything before jumping to conclusions. daughter who wasn't even there says he was reading a book and kneeling and praying when he was shot in the back with his hands up just because he was black. or the chief of police says he had a gun. who do you believe? wait, i have to know the race of everybody involved before i know who to believe. pathetic.
maybe, you'd have to show me some specific laws cause that sounds like a free-speech issue, honestly. Also, personal self-defense is entirely different than grounds for arrest. Anyway, I'm sure you'll come back with proof. You seem like such a super smart person.
The right to peacefully protest is guaranteed by the 1st ammendment to the Constitution. Freedom of speech.
What does dashcam/bodycam footage show? That's about the only thing you can trust nowadays.
Do you think if Kaepernick kneels again, it'll put out CVS fires?
almost as bad as Thought Assault
Libcuck leftists think it's perfectly legal to follow a random person around all day and scream in their ears.
It doesn't show a book and it shows a black cop shooting a black guy.
They don't care who does the killing, as long as it wasn't nigger on nigger, they'll protest.
they haven't released it because ongoing investigation but do you figure the police chief has seen it? and he said the guy had a gun?
>verbal assault
>government employees
There's a difference fuckwad.
>government employees are second class citizens we can step on them and abuse them all we want
leftist logic
Yeah verbal assault should be illegal. Just like hate speech and just like micro agressions. Yeah.
I'm just so sick of niggers.... black people are ok but when they transform into giganiggas then we got a problem.
It is illegal, you can punch someone out if they get in your face and scream at you.
UNCC Student Here. AMA
RT is dead, new stream?
I'll wait, then. I don't trust BLM OR cops on this shit, everyone's pushing an agenda.