I just spent 11 hours jerking off to porn on my phone in a bathroom at my univeristy and missed all of my classes. Now I'm full of shame and guilt. I just wanted to tell someone.
I just spent 11 hours jerking off to porn on my phone in a bathroom at my univeristy and missed all of my classes...
how the fuck do you get 11 hours of phone battery?
You should definitely seek help somewhere else faggot
what kind of porn? asian? interracial? redhead? lesbian?
Op suddenly goes silent
My schools bathroom have electrical sockets and a Wall-mounted tv, so his probably does too.
That sounds so fucking boring
A lot of asian. Also anything with good tits.
Thanks for understanding, guys. I just didnt really wanna talk to anyone else.
Aren't we all though?
hopefully you weren't watching anything that had blurred genitalia
Well, you had your fun, you had a day off, nothing wrong with that. Just make sure it doesn't become a habit, or you're screwed. I'm speaking from experience. Keep up with your classes user, it's easier than it seems
I hate jacking off. I jerk off for about 2 hours on average. Duel monitors, one with youtube, the other with chaturbate. I need to stop and get back to programming.
Does anyone else have this problem? You always keep feeling like the most amazing porn is right around the corner and you end up searching for hours? Even at home I feel like it's a 3 hour mimimum
Even though most of the 50 gigs of phone storage I have is taken up by porn, I keep looking for more.
Also I guess I like buttholes.
post more
I've always liked this girl
mia li. she can fuck, but her bj skills look a little weak compared to others
4. That face. Asian faces always get me.
Better yet, next week only use "other people's bathrooms, after asking permission" (won't give you time to be a wackadoo), and go outside and meet some fucking bitches (if you got 11 hours of wack in ya, you got 6 hours of "smack,smack,smack" in ya, but your gonna have to give Woody woodpecker a rest for the week (chafing and plus bust nuts next week).... keep up the good work user !
5. Its a hassle to upload these because of how much porn I have to scroll through to get there. I actually couldnt see this one properly when I selected it but its probably still her
Dial back on the stimulants man or you will be living in your car in two more yrs.
Jerk/Fuck is the best ! Not necessarily in that order, the ultimate best is to fuck 2 chicks in the same day w/o shower, and then jerk goodnight
6. Thats the other thing. I'm dating an asian girl but we havent fucked in days because of all the porn I look at.
Please somebody do a new banner of this
Anything else you would like to lie about op?
I also spend a lot of time on omegle. A lot of girls seem to like me and I get a fair amount of nudes that way. But it takes hooours to find the right girls. Ps omegle boobs
No lies my friend. All truth. Thats what I'm here for. To finally come clean.
>11 hours
We are all faggots
My ass fuckin hurts from sitting on this toilet seat holy shit.
Anyone else like big tits? More from my phone.
Your arm is gonna be sore and stiff in the morning also lol.
Why is there a wall mounted TV in the bathroom? Do you have one in each stall?
So people can masturbate. Obviously.
Oh yeah, I never answered this. I just plugged my phone into my laptop with my cord. Like a battery pack that ways 10 pounds. I have waaaay more porn on my laptop but the fan is loud and i didnt want to haul it out on the toilet
Damn man, I've had those days before.
Also weird shit happens in bathrooms. Dont jerk off in the middle stall, one time this guy kept whispering to me, asking if he could give me a blowjob. I'm straight so I declined. He was persistent and stuck his dick under the stall. Fuckin freaked me out, a dick nearly touched my leg.
Also I remember his pants and shoes ans whenever I see someone walking around the campus with those shoes on I get freaked out.
Hey look, quints
Anyway, this was nice guys. Good to get it off my chest without lying about what I was doing. My girlfriend thinks it takes me hours to take a shit. If this thread is still up when I get home I'll post more
You're not alone OP.
I too have mastrubate, for hours, through what should if been important events.
Instead I wasted all that time on getting off.
I do this all the time. I waste so much time, hours every single day to find the exact niche videos I want but rarely ever find.
Kik group anything goes join fast!
She has the smallest neck ever. Weird. Nice tits though.
I jerked it for like 5 hours the other day on meth and my cock is still sore. You have some intense resilience op.