I planted these catnip plants to repel mosquitos after the first couple zika outbreaks in south Florida. How do I keep the cats away?
I planted these catnip plants to repel mosquitos after the first couple zika outbreaks in south Florida...
Old Indian trick. Canned tuna and antifreeze.
You mean poison the cats?
Don't fucking do that shit man, stop trying to engineer life. Besides, zikka isn't real anyways.
>Inb4 hurt durr the news told me it is killing everyone so it must be
They'd probably smell the antifreeze.
I heard when they put onion powder in the baby food vets used to feed to cats it killed and poisoned hundreds of them so that's apparently effective.
Just eat them
One whack with a shovel and snap neck.
You shouldn't catch anything if you cook it well
Why would you? All these cats are lined up for one continuous combo pet
Be one with the Pussy.
Or start growing Rosemary instead.
cats are not Kosher and there are too many of them to eat
no one here say that faggot
I don't think the media has once said zika is killing people. or at least they haven't in my country.
I tried googling but then i saw that america was spraying for mosquitoes so you've got some pretty fucking dumb shit going on there i guess.
Pesticides never worked on malaria why would they suddenly work now?
Looks like you'll have food for a while then.
get a large aggressive dog, problem solvered
You don't have to say it in order to insinuate it. Stop being a little shit, if you don't want cats in your backyard, get rid of the catnip.
Wtf is that gay Shit?
a big scary dog that doesn't like cats dude common to easy
go lay next to them. Have them become ur minions and have them do your bidding.
Why would you want em to leave in the first place?
A gun? Dumbass.
Just let the little critters chill and enjoy the free cat marijuana.
righttttttttttt .
Why do you want them gone in the first place, though?
Yah, that's a legit shotgun
Because they're rodents.
dude really common okay so go out and shoot off some rounds to scare the cats away, maybe the cops might be a factor.
It' slike excuse me sir why were you shooting off you gun in the middle of theday .. oh to scare away the cats ..........
False. Cats are mammals.
Guys I don't want to hurt the cats just get rid of them
I said gun, not legit shotgun. Moron.
Rodents are mammals.
Catnip seems to repel mosquitoes and cats repel rats, mice and rodents.
Trust me, you *want* these cats to be there
Cat's aren't rodents, they are felines.
This OP. Rodents can carry the very diseases you wish to keep at bay just as easily as Mosquitos can.
Yeah I imagine it's not saying it in your country, I live in fl and everyone here is freaking out about it for some reason. Same thing that happened with ebola a little while back, the media here had people believing it was gonna be the end of the world, when in reality quite literally nothing from the usual was happening. It pissed s me off, I used to live in Canada and it amazes me how hysterical people here are
simple, dog urine or another canine species urine like wolf. Sprinkle around territory, cats gone.
1 cat is enough to deal with rats in a house sized area, that many must sound like hell all night.
Cats are fuckign annoying when they group up.
I solve all my problems with wolf urine
Ask /an/, they fucking hate outdoor cats
Well I'm gonna try to get some shut eye. I don't want to hurt them, but they sleep all day and are awake howling all night. I feel like Charlie in Always Sunny trying to sleep with that shit going on outside.
>I heard when they put onion powder
My dog ate a frying pan full of onions and had to be on an IV for like a week because there's a toxin in the onions which breaks down dog red blood cells.
Maybe it's the same for cats?
>Old Indian Trick
Fucking hell user
It might make them cautious for like 3 minutes but cats are adaptable and assholish enough to figure out the dog either doesn't exist or is mostly absent pretty quick.
Cats hang out in my mother's yard all the time because the dog is incompetent and my mother feeds birds.
Cats are very appropriately cautious.
Yeah it's much more toxic to cats though.
Catnip is basically cat weed
You should let them to, as long as they don't ruin it or shit inside your home (Wich is less likely to happen) you'll have a bunch of friends when you get lonely
Wolf urine; available for purchase at all major stores. Good advices Cred Forums
Don't do anything.
Let them be, they'll go away eventually.
This, cats are horrible for the environment anways, you'll be doing the world a favor.
shotgun blasts
animal control
a lot of cat traps
a dog
Plant garlic instead of cat bait.
perhaps you are right
pretty sure it's synthetic. All sorts of urine out there for the grabs.
Feral cats are very destructive. I think he should poison them.
why you want them out?
thats like an army of cats against an army of mosquitoes.
Sure the mosquitoes are more, in quantity, but there's nothing powerfuller than the fur spirit of the cats.
on behalf of /an/ we agree with this decision.
Have you ever seen a cat smelling antifreeze? Animals go absolutely insane over antifreeze and will fight each other for a taste. That's the reason why it's such a useful poison against domestic animals.
>Please leave...
1.. and 2.They defecate on property
3. They can carry diseases
4. They can destroy property
Call this guy he will do the trick and by tomorrow POOF! Gone no more cats
just tell them to fuck off
you wanna get Zika?!
Didn't know that, i just assumed it would smell foul to them.
If it attracts them it will probably be more effective than onions at least.
Can u smoke catnip
Rather get zika than rabies.
Depends on the place i guess.
I can't see them being very successful anywhere in the old world where they've existed since god knows when.
But America and definitely australia could do without them.
does nothing unless you have certain allergies then it kills you
"zika isn't real" why don't you head on back to the youtube comments section with your "false flag"/"crisis actors" buddies
u go into ur work and u boss say hey did u do the papers and u spray him with wolf urine
u go to th store and a blond bitch is maknig a scene so u give er the wolf piss
ur phone will not charge so u fill tha port with wolf piss and it work ok
u freind ask for some gum, giv em wolf piss
ur bro tries to fuck ur honey so u fill a super soker with wolf piss and give em both a good ol sprey
u want some milk? wolf piss
ur honey wants to get married so u use complex atomic reconstrution to make her a wolf piss ring
u son wants a iphone 666 so u give him a iphone box fill with wolf piss
all it takes is a lil *sprinkle sprinkl* ;)
Raise a falcon. Teach it to hunt cats.
Zika has very mild symptoms, the only danger it poses is to pregnant women.
Feral animals can carry much worse.
Use this
Cats, as being part of the environment, cannot be under any circumstance bad for the environment.
The source must be external to have an impact on the well-being of the environment.
5. They spread fleas, mites, and ticks
6. They kill billions in beneficial wildlife each year
7. Cat urine on everything
8. They get into attics and leave urine and feces causing thousands in property damage
Why don't you take your reality from an even less direct source than tv news
This is literally the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.
First, cats were selectively bred by humans. Second, your reasoning is circular (the environment can't be bad for the environment because it's the environment?) Third, naturalistic fallacy, look it up.
Not one person can explain how a mild viral infection leads specifically to microcephalic teratology. Not. Fucking. One.
9. Feral cat feces is a vector for tapeworms and round worms
Haha that's a cool ass picture my good HUE
after you get rid of the cats you will start another thread asking how to get rid of your snake infestation.somebody will respond with "get some cats"
So's your mom but no one's shitting the bed about her
uhhhh...feral cats are external
Not even close.
Mechanism of action isn't necessary when a causative link can be proven. I guess Alex Jones doesn't bother teaching much science.
You should go kill yourself now
uhhhh... feral animals prefer to be called "regular animals"
or even better,get your information wherever you can AND THEN THINK.
This is from reddit
delet this
Well that's not really the point
The main thing is there's much worse out there.
Hell even cats have that toxoplasmosis thing that kills babies
Dude that's an airsoft gun
so OP's cat problem is okay because it's just the beginning of nature taking back over. you're so smart
engineer life? what the fuck are you talking about faggot.
also check em
Newsflash, correlation is not causation. Stay in school so you don't buy bullshit news like every other news didacting retard
>abtract FUD
Sure, and planes crash with terrible outcomes.
Volcanoes erupt, lightening strikes hey everyone . Looks like killing yourself is really the only way to be safe, and even then you don't know what happens after
this misogyny needs to stop! you fuckers are nothing but a bunch of loser assholes
Oh shit, they let the cattle out of the pasture early today. Let me know the next time you know someone who has zika IRL, it'll be just like that ebola scare that never happened.
Nature taking back over? Wait, was there a natural order of conquering that I missed in which cats and all other wild animals were obligated to relinquish control of their lives to moronic micromanaging human people?
This is probably the only pussy you're ever gonna get. Lube up and have an orgy
I'd rather be taught how to think, instead of what to think. But yeah I mean keep fighting me head on if it makes you happy, I wish I could be happy dumb and ignorant to the world like you, life would be much simpler.
obligated to? no forced to. hence OP's question
Don't reply to idiots.
>conceited morons jizzing their pants at the ideology of controlling other lifeforms like toys
It's always the stupidest that seek the most control
Depends on the perspective, to OP it's a problem but he was the cause of this horde of cats coming in.
I think what the user was referring to was, just let nature take its course. It does seem like a little science experiment OP has going on
My sides!!!
I respect this guy's intentions
Lol way to be mad, what's the matter, you couldn't come up with a sensible retort? Name-calling is something children often refer to when they're frustrated, but when you're ready for a conversation I'll be waiting.
Airsoft or paintball full auto
youtube it
sure. and your catnip had enough time to grow?
stop being such a faggot
post moar cute cat pics
seek control? not wanting howling pissing cats on their property? you're definitely the conceited one here. I bet you love hearing yourself talk. grow up
1. Catnip does not repel mosquitoes, you are thinking of cilantro. Get rid of the catnip and plant cilantro and both problems will be taken care of...at least until the local Mexican population discovers the cilantro, at which point it will look just like your pic except instead of cats it will be Mexicans.
2. If you are subtlely asking for methods to kill cats without being detected, rather than simply posting an image and story to be entertaining, you are a despicable human being. Crushed aspirin mixed with tuna in oil (15 aspirin per can of tuna) works very well, and is almost certainly not going to be traceable to any individual. Just don't be a dumbass and leave the can with your prints all over it laying around. Mix the aspirin powder in with the tuna and dump it right on the ground.
3. You will still get zika anyway.
Found the CIA
Leave them they're not howling and pissing they're fucked up on the good shit just chilling way out. What's your prob, stop being a malcontent
next thread
>where can I dispose of all these dead cats on my property
>Grow up
>Says the guy wanting to help OP poison cats, even though OP is the sole reason those cats are there in the first place
Pesticides worked great for malaria
What we did with DDT made malaria nearly gone in the United States
I didn't say anything about poisoning cats. reading comprehension, work on it
Now we manufacture malaria in labs and spread it around the globe to poor people via GMP misquitoes to kill them and sell medical services. Isn't progress grand?
my buddys husky ate a bunch of ritalin one time by accident. i dont think i have to go any further with that one. he lived tho
I poisoned some rats with AF they were puking blood all over in less than 24h
Just put them in a 50 gallon trash bag and toss into an apartment dumpster.
>1.grab random cat
>2.fuck random cat
Damn, dogs arent even scumlords like humans and don't even wanna be on speed. How is the dog psychologically?
All these posts and no one points out the opium den that happening here. These cats are high as fuck right now.
t; same with aids, same with the seasonal cold/flu, same with HPV, same with herpes
You have the opposite of a problem OP
Go buy a blow gun. Then get gud.
idk its a pretty hyper dog. it ate what we thought was acid one time too. turned out to be bromo dragonfly. she was pretty high. pic related
Oh yeah what was your point again? What I got from it was you're just feeling a little inferior today, so you wanna go online and pick fights with strangers over cats. The use of certain terms and catchphrases like "grow up" to make you feel superior must get exhausting. I've got news for you user, you're not better than anyone else on here. You can put away your guns, because you're not impressing anyone
I told someone to grow up after calling me a conceited moron, but it's to make myself feel superior. It's me.
Hey dumbass, I am better than you. get over it
fucking maiden
Good dogs are boiled dogs
only gooks eat companions...
that is fucking disgusting dude, who in the right mind would eat that. you'd probly get sick. do you serve that to people? fuckin gross. clean that god damn pot, or better yet get a new one
savage chinks....
>Aids was created to intentionally attack the homosexual population
From the food we eat, to the water we shower and brush our teeth with, everything is processed and usually poisoned with pesticides, steroids and other chemicals. It's a sneaking suspicion of mine that we are being genetically modified. I mean when's the last time you had a fresh piece of fruit from a tree? Why do you think you can't bring livestock/grown goods across the border? Take a second to think about it, is it really so crazy to think the government is making slaves of us? When Europeans settled here, they slaughtered the Indians, they enslaved Africans and claimed this land as their own. But now a days it isn't physical shackles and irons anymore, there's no battles to be fought, instead it's the banks and the ensuing amount of debt this country and its people are taking on. What's worse is that there's so much confusion and indifference to opinion, we may never stand together. Like the saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall, well it seems this country has plummeted quite a ways yet whenever someone suggests that, they get persecuted.
Dude you sprouted yourself a quality kitty garden there. Dont pass that shit up user. Go lay down and snuggle all those things
Antifreeze makes cats stay home more, no one knows why
You don't make the cats go away. You only accept them as your own.
Get a big ass dog on a chain.
>can't believe no one said this, smh fam