Ask a U.S. army soldier anything.
Ask a U.S. army soldier anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is your grooming and physical standards...... So shitty
Where were you stationed
your wearing the uniform wrong and your too young to be a one star general dumbass.
Ohhh brigadier general fletcher. You appear yet again. And again. And again.
I get special grooming privileges for being a general.
Fort Benning
Being a tank trap pay much?
Oh yeah? Let's see your uniform.
how many isis have u deaded
So far over 300 kills confirmed.
U.S. Marine, mother fucker.
Cute ribbon, honey. How was bootcamp? Let me guess, 1st battalion?
You're too young to be wearing that uniform. I don't believe you.
post video of you very slightly jogging
I'm still in MOS school. I've got one month left to I graduate. My school was 7 months long. Longer than anything you've applied yourself to.
Bitch, I'm a Lance Corporal of Marines. Like I give a shit what you think.
Haha don't they have some sort of fat camp boot camp you have to go to if you can't make it through the first week of actual boot?
Fucking kek you're no soldier
Ooh, a salt dog. And you're only a PFC. We'll get through this together. So you just got to the fleet now?
Enlisted? Officer? Potato peeler?
Stolen Valor
You're a boot bitch. Fix your cover devil
You still look like a 12yo bitch nigger
Lance Corporal bitch.
So you're a POG? Fix yourself.
Damn, i didn't know they stack shit that high
r.i.p. in pepperonis when the government sends you on a shock mission and you get ganked
ROTFLOL assault forces
We're not even at war anymore. You don't even rate your only ribbon..
Enjoy that rank, it's gonna be with you for a while.
You look like that faggot in middle school who tries way too hard to look tough.
why do you look like you are entering a chumlee look alike contest from that pawn stars show
you look like the pillsbury dough boy if he fell into a mud puddle
i bet if you had to kill a guy you would accidentally shoot yourself in the foot
suck in that guy oh wait YOU ARE damn it.
Is this WW2? Why is your cover titled like that?
Apparently gravity doesn't affect Marines.
US marine and yet you can't figure out how to upload a photo for shit
good job
semper fi
you picture raping dumbass
Nice to meet you Lance I'm Eric
I'll take OPSEC for 400, Alex. So, you're in Geiger then?
My pft and cft are both 300. You mother fucked wish you could pt half as hard as I do. Hur dur, I get extra weeks with muh emsixteen and living in shit conditions.
For those who don't believe me, here's my crudentials.
When did the Marines become a boyband?
You look like your last name should be "Mung"
Is the white guy your leader?
Kill yourself immediately
He's still in MCT. Barely a marine.
Do you think I could kick your bottom?
You're not a marine dude. Earn your stripes before you put pictures of yourself up. You haven't earned that uniform yet.. 300 pft or not.
The guy in the upper middle's collar is fucked up
As a chef i don't think youre supposed to EAT the food as well god damn it. XD
From one marine to another. Stop being a boot faggot. Or the fleet will fuck you up.
Do you know his number?
Did they promise you all the brown people you can rape and the clap from 12yr Asian prostitutes
You ain't no Marine, nigga!
Don't make me buck-buck ya, nigga!
Do you tilt the photos so your cover looks less stupid? It's not working.
Not in the slightest. Lol jk I don't know who the fuck you are.
When's the last time you shaved
Oh! A challenge! Wanna bet?
>U.S Marine, mother fucker
>posts shittiest pic of shittiest rank right out of boot camp
why do you go on the internet and lie about being american and in the army?
Why are you here? On Cred Forums.
If you have a girlfriend , how often do you cheat on her and are guys in the military a bunch of horny fucks that they fuck anything that walks?
How are you a general in the army with such shitty physical attributes?
The US military doesn't rape any "brown" people, you lib-cuck faggot. You would have heard about it relentlessly from your lib-cuck media if they had
Why does my ramen do a sparky?
Gay retard detected
what would you do if isis captured you? you're out of ammo but have a single hand grenade. would you surrender?
Naw, majors always watching me, telling me he'll report me to President Obama if I do anything like that.
Fuck these dumb motherfuckers. Good choice Marine. You'll be kicking ass & taking names these next few years. Ooohrah!
Major is a goofy guy, huh?
What's the army like?
>implying Chesty would be proud of a faggot boasting on an anonymous website
Good bless Chesty. It's oorah btw
what do you think of American foreign policy in deploying you, honestly? do you think it's pseudo-imperialism or a fight for democracy?
I do
I have several members of my family Marine Vet's, and they would make you a sobbing bitch in no time
So ur saying Seth macfarlane is a lib-cuck faggot
Ok you obiviouly are infected cancer
Implying you even know who Chesty is.
Yes you do.....
Oh, but wait. YOU aren't one? Way to piggy back achievements, bud.
It takes a Marine 7 months just to learn not to jerk off in public.
Fucking this
Chesty Puller, our Lord and saviour? I know a thing or two about him.
Is that the equivalent of technical private, staff private, or command private major?
Cuz there's nothing straight in the USMC.
So close
Just to let you know the style that was universal among those that wear flight suits: the EGA goes UP, not DOWN, with the jauntiness. You're fucking up the one option you have with uniform regulations.
Please stop posting, private Sanchez.
I'm a Lance Comandant
Well, you didn't have to tell everyone.
A real soldier wouldn't look for glory on the internet scumbag.
I was just being bombastic, leather neck.
Not piggybacking anything, i would've made a better Marine than you in my fucking sleep faggot
Have fun being a homeless bum. No one gives a fuck about you faggets
Of course they do. You're not a real soldier so you wouldn't know.
That's funny, I go to MOS school with an MC2 Sanchez
Mexicans? In MY fucking Corps?
There seems to be a few Marines in this thread. Tell me about the toughest parts of your training. I've seen many threads on /k/ with Marines pounding their chest, so I want to know, what you're made of.
"Would've ". If you had manned up and done it.
Yes, I am saying that you faggot
Illiterate fuck haha
Did you meet Sergeant Hartman?
You need to have some fucking respect for General Fletcher. I personally have served under the General and you cant comprehend what it is like to serve under a true american hero such as General Flecher. You pussy who have never plied your selves to anything in your life have no right to peek disrespectfully of this great man.
MC2 isn't a Marine rank you dumb motherfucker.
LOL scanned with dbids, says you're a female sfc.
try harder fatty.
Don't be.
This is correct. You fucking boots can't do anything right. Regulation says garrison cover tilted to the RIGHT (not left). All uniform orientation is made to the wearer's direction.
Fix yourself you moto faggot.
Your collar is popped, your boots aren't even tightened, tied, and your laces aren't tucked in. And your pants arent bloused. You also haven't shaved but I'm guessing that's because you're SF right?
cant wait to put my face in this shot.
Chesty Puller? Isn't she a porn star?
I wouldn't join a faggoty army that doesn't let you rape ur enemies that's beta as fuck
Marines don't see color or race, fuck stick. It's light green or dark green & that's fucking it.
I said corps you fucking faggot, no mexicans are raping me after I'm dead fuck you
pretty good shoop
Silly boot.
helo marin.
ITT: People who die so i can masturbate all day.
I had to suck off four dudes AT THE SAME TIME! It was a pretty great time for me. I felt bad that they had to be kept waiting though. I only have one mouth and two hands.
When you're* this new
I was put in the dryer, with no dryer sheet!
John Basilon
When our furher comes into power that will all change.
That makes me chuckle, bieng a Marine isnt about "Manning up and doing it" mentality is everything. Military isn't my dig yo, i went the opposite direction and got my G's, which, where im at, is much more than YOU will ever achieve in your life as a Marine,. Different strokes for different folks.
That's how they make you jump off third deck.
Ur good at reeding filenames, too?
Exactly! General Fletcher and I were in BUD'S together! He was a great leader, always leading troops in a positive direction. For those who don't believe General Fletcher, just remember the type of people who served with him directly. God bless you sir!
What in goddamn fucking hell do you think corps means? Marine = Corps you stupid bitc. I bet you pronounce corps as in dead body.
hey hey lets not fight we all hate muslims.
You're a trolling shitstain. Save it for inspection day, you overzealous buddyfucker.
Also - I'll be bombastic whenever I fucking please. Ooohrah!
Took you what? 20 minutes tops to make that?
What are you even trying to say besides you want to bait as hard as you can? Why is the world full of such faggots?
Better than niggers...
I like You.
Respect. Thank your for your services
That would be Marines
Ugh! I can still hear the female recruits "aye, Ma'am! Aye ma'am!"
I'm airforce A1C going to Cali to start my career as a boom operator. It's the best enlisted job there is.
Great memes but what do Marines really have to go through? They seem to make a lot of noise about their training and toughness. Also it would be nice to hear about military training in foreign countries.
Why does your face look like it's melting?
I want to play the game of sex with her
But I can't because I'm not a bad-A Marine...
Air Force A1C...
Only in the Air Force is diabetes actually a military job description.
Are you trying to argue that you're better? It sounds like excuses to me.
>about uniform regs
P 1020.34g page 3-6 para 1. a. Have fun faggot.
If you're going to push regs you need to actually know the regs. Just doing something flatout wrong gets your shit diddled real fast and real hard.
loool boi you look like a fucking asian sam gtfo
It's more mental than anything. The physical part comes after you get to the fleet. Provided you go infantry.
What's the deal with dumb enlisted soldiers buying a fucking brand new car and acting like they make a hundred grand a year? Isn't there some sort of financial counseling in the military? I live in a base near a very large base - I'm not nor have I ever been in the military - but most of the people here are in the military and act like they make a shit ton of money when there's no way they do.
I'll just say that I've achieved more in a different part of life with aproximately the same level as a Marine and will rek you, Marine or not and the fact that that post was 33 proves it. Have fun bieng the probably one pussy as fuck Marine that'll get rekt when you try to do something hard.
Why do you think you are better than everyone else, above the law, and should get free handouts?
>live in a place
dur. I fucked up
Not too much. Hiking with a pack is the worst for most. Typically specific schools are harder than basic if the job isn't admin. Its actually a pretty fun time, user.
LOL. Oldfag here. Went into Iraq when the war started as a Sergeant E-5. Can provide proof, but I don't give a shit whether you believe me or not.
turbo manlet detected
This all day
Sergeant Major reporting in. General Fletcher led our brigade of marine force recon out of an ISIS ambush in the middle of San Bernardino, California. For his bravery I let him fuck my wife.
Having two numbers in a row does nothing valudate the claim that you've accomplished more in your life because you've managed to graduate. Congratulations. I'll do both. Military pays for college.
Air Force fag here.
I'm just happy no one is making fun of me.
>have fun bieng the probably one pussy as fuck Marine
So were you born retarded or has bashing your skull against your parents basement wall made you that way?
>I'll just say...
Right, anyone who says this is a self absorbed faggot who hasn't actually done anything. Granted I'm not saying anything good or bad about the military or the Marine Corps in specific. Just that you're a faggot. Which you are.
One you're in accordance with Ar670-1 and Ar600-9 we'll talk.
Also gonna need to see your dd 705 because I'm sure there's a no go on it at least twice.
Also choke yourself until I get tired
Marines are a relatively small force & are generally underfunded. They have their own air wing & by necessity are somewhat self supporting. We train hard & fight harder & we have a great unmatched esprit de corps, because we forge bonds during our training & our war fighting. That's pretty much the heart of it.
Wow a group of punk ass bitch marines. Always run in packs so that there is at least a few brain cells between the group You guys do realize you are the lowest branch right? below the navy. I mean the army nave and air force are real branches. You guys are just a sub division of the navy. Look at your checks they are from the department of the navy/ Your third rate soldiers shouldt even talk about a real member of the armed forces let alone one who has done a much for this country as the general.
being a veteran in the Iraq war makes you like what... late 20s or 30s...? how is that oldfag. then again I guess everyone on Cred Forums is 12
It makes you look and feel old.
According to article 765.45 of the Geneva Convention I don't have to show you anything. Good day
Smedley Butler is actually real as fuck. He wrote a ton of stuff about how the US gov was shit and full of war mongering pussies who were getting us into pointless conflicts. Dude is real.
Also your picture isn't of Smedley Butler. That's Dan Daly. Fuck, user...
Your jib line is off
finished my 20 as a lt. col - 40 years old
retired - now I consult at 200k/yr private + my meager o-5 pay
I did start as enlisted, a reservist to boot. decided ocs was for me after I was activated and later picked up staff. made it to o-5 with time to spare for my high 3, then couldn't resist the civ sector. plus family...
All of you Marine faggots are the same. Jaja. Puci boi.
Could you elaborate?
Tell me about those schools. I certainly don't expect basic training to be tough. Also tell me about those hikes.
The question is, how hard?
Don't Ask, Don't Tell. But you know all about that don't you sweetie!
>Smedley Butler is actually real as fuck. He wrote a ton of stuff about how the US gov was shit and full of war mongering pussies who were getting us into pointless conflicts. Dude is real.
If that's real, I'm all for that. It's crazy to get out of the military and see the government treat it's veterans as shitty as it does, while the politicians who sent them to war in the first place make millions. It's just too bad it took me as long to figure that out as it did. I wish more people would recognize that 99% of our elected officials only see the military as a means to an end.
Shave youre fucking beard. Tuck those laces in and start running.
-us armed forces SPC 11B
looks like Finns in Russian winter war... ended up marrying a Finnish girl.. best catch ever
Well, after bootcamp, Infantry goes to SOI. It's like a more physical bootcamp. More weight, farther hikes, things like that. Then when you hit the fleet, you'll probably get hazed, and the PT is way harder depending on which company and platoon you join.
Where is your fedora?
Settle down, Army Dog. I trained with some fine soldiers in my day. Try & remember that we're on the same team.
Well, well, well, well, well....Private Fatass here thinks we believe he's in the US Army.
FUCK THIS THREAD..ask a navy sailor anything (me)
How dose Dwarven ale taste?
>Where were you stationed
Looks like Camp Krispy Kreme.
*Continuation War. Says it right there in the image name.
Can you give some numbers or anything I can relate to?
Those colors don't run... they just collapse and shit them selves with fear
You should look up his writing if you haven't. "War is a Racket" is a really easy and quick read. I read it when I was in and it made me pretty happy to realize that not everyone in the Marine Corps had been a fucking idiot in the past.
What's it like being in America's fattest fighting force?
Numbers about what?
How many?
How many Marines do you suck off per tour?
>now I consult at 200k/yr private
defense spending is such a huge waste of money. every single private contractor I've ever come in contact with is just a piggy bank for whoever is running the place. it's outrageously stupid. I ain't mad you're taking advantage of it, after all someone is making more than you, but it really infuriates me
How much do you have to carry, how long are the hikes, how many nights do you have to stay awake at a time, etc. Things like that.
R u a navy sailer? Thank u for ur service.
Pics or GTFO
Why are you fat? Why do you have a beard? The fuck is that rank?
>I read it when I was in and it made me pretty happy to realize that not everyone in the Marine Corps had been a fucking idiot in the past.
Honestly, just hearing another Marine said that and agrees with that, makes me feel better.
Cheers. Have some tits.
Airman 1st Class, however I won't argue that the air force has been known for it's easy pt tests. For Aircrew I have higher standards with everything.
But ur not the navy? Does the navy have sergeants?
whether or not you can see the image name depends on how your phone is oriented. doesn't matter images like that remind me of sisu and the winter war. don't need a description
Oh wow i didnt know those were the lyrics, just always lipped them. Kind of bad ass actually.
How does it feel to have once protected a great country that's gone to shit?
Oh shit, respect. How many ships have you driven so far?
Ain't that the truth. I was told I have the joints of a 50 year old at 23 after our tour.
Well, the average weight for a pack/flak/kevlar/rifle is about 93lbs. But if you're in a weapons company (like yours truly) you'll end up carrying a mortar, machine gun, things like that. The lightest machine gun we have is 27lbs. And the mortars that weapons company has each piece weighing in around 23lbs. The shortest hike I've done in the fleet was a 10k. The longest was a 25k. Normally the sleep schedule isn't too awful. You can average about 6 hours a night in the field.
I have a question why dont u go on a diet fatty
But that's a Marine Corps's sergeant's insignia on that sleeve. Whatchoo driving at?
SrA (separated)
I always thought the joke about the Air Force being weak/lazy was just a joke. Then I got stationed with people who complained that PT was too "strenuous." There was an NCO my friend was stationed with who had to sit with sun glasses on and ear plugs in a low light room in the morning to "sensitize to being awake." I shit you not.
They don't go through training, more like intensive brain washing to be part of the cult.
Don't be so gullible, nigga.
Aircrew? What afsc and plane?
Like 12 or 13. All up into Mullah Omar's asshole.
This pic isn't a sailor btw, marine from stripes.
Last post because I have other better things to do. I don't consult for anything related to defense whatsoever. It's actually business Consulting for corporate strategy. I could make a lot more money if I wanted to, but I'd rather spend more time with my family then making more money at work
Fuck - I dunno... Pretty fucking hard. Some marines don't even fucking make it off the training field. I was in a CAX op where somebody got sawed in half by a 240Golf. Shit happens. Training is hard & can be deadly.
That's the navy uniform man
Let me guess, the VA fucked you over?
If you haven't been afraid - you haven't been training hard enough.
Do you guys divorce/break up your romantic relations before you deploy? I really don't trust the faithfulness of women in this day and age and those cheating army wives stories really rub me wrong
Didnt think Id see Terminal Lance here.
It's 80% mental. The physical work is tough as shit, but the main thing they teach you is leadership and bearing, to keep your calm when bombs and shit are going off in your face. You sleep little, are asked to put in max effort when training, and are expected to hold your own regardless of what the fuck happens.
My MEPS buddy graduated recently and he told me that while the recruits were doing push-ups on the quarter deck and a DI actually went around and puked on people. If you stopped doing push-ups you got slayed some more, so they just had to work through that shit.
who runs the US?
Navy and Marine Corps wear similar uniforms. You can tell its Marine Corps from the stripes (sergeant). Navy only has collar insignia for that uniform.
DSCP are actually the expensive uniforms, too. So that's weird...
That's why you marry your buddy from your platoon. Then you can always be together
That's a Marine Corps's sergeant's insignia on the sleeve, as well as a Marine Corps's top. Sailors wear different colors and have different insignia.
just me dumbass
Lol, kinda. I'm going to get fucked for this by about half the people in this thread, but I actually work at the VA. Yes it is fucked up. Especially for us employees who are vets.
They denied my TBI claim despite at least 3 documented incidents, yet granted the headaches resulting from it. Fuck the rater I had I guess.
i dont work with murines
Agreed! & you are right as fuck about DanD. I'll correct myself.
No further questions, thank you.
the threads is about to reach it max .. vape off
I'm leaving for boot in a couple months and I tell everyone to cut ties before shipping off. You don't want to be that fag who receives a letter saying Suzie is banging your best friend while you're gone.
Hookers and liquor are all you need, unless you're looking for tax breaks and more money.
Stolen Valor. Take off the uniform ya fat fuck
Shut tear bait fuck if OP
That's unfortunate.
I thought military females were fucked in the head or also sluts?
Hmm. Well anyway, they're either some sissi or LRRP patrol in Continuation War.
So a lot of heavy lifting but also a lot of rest? Sounds pretty nice.
Based on what I've seen on /k/, I almost believe you.
Brutal. How many get through the training? 50%? 60%? Lower?
Would have taken puking over satchel charges any day. Still pretty disgusting though.
Yeah, I'm trying my best to avoid ever even interacting with the VA. My shoulder has been jacked up since I deployed, but I've only got like, a year and a half left in.
Semper Fat
No. You mean, "and."
I didn't say females. *wink*
If you want massive sluts, look at the Air Force and Army. If you want a /fit/ dom go look for a Marine. If you want a whore, look for a sailor.
All women are a little crazy, but military females are just better disciplined crazy.
We had seven dudes attempt suicide in my platoon at bootcamp. We had a firewatch just for them and everything. Good times.
Why are you so fat
You are a disgusting fatbody Pyle.
Eh, do your best to get it documented as much as possible. Same with any other shit from deployment. Get copies of everything. If/when you do claim with the VA, send only copies and circle and highlight shit in crayon. Several of my coworkers are incompetent as shit and it is damn near impossible to get people like that fired.
It depends on where you start. In bootcamp we lost tons of recruits. One of em even tried to throw himself out a window. Shit is very intense & real.
It looks like a few Geek Squad dudes are playing cosplay.
Forgot to add, definitely make use of your G.I. Bill though. Education's slow as shit, and is also a pain in the ass to deal with depending on the school you go to, but it is worth it in the end, both for the degree and the extra monies.
You look like a snapchat filter with Down syndrome
I read that & it was too true. Still true to this day tho. Makes you think about the powers that be & who they actually serve.
Appreciate the help, bro. Good luck on your journey for benefits they owe you.
Op is a fag. Same fag fag same
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Do you think they were just weak or was there some other reason?
No problem. Finish out your time and don't fuck up that honorable discharge. As lame as it may sound, helping my fellow vets out actually does feel good.
Anons, theyre kicking me off the barracks and forcing me to move out in town. My BAH request chit was hand walked by my divo up the chain.
What do?
They were not prepared for the mindfuck that they were in for. Maybe they were weak, but more importantly, they were not cut out for the Marine Corps.
My guess is you have an incredibly efficient respiratory system as a result of deep throating a lot of cock.
To all the newfags, this is an old post, some serious stale bait here.
>implying pt will do shit for you when you're outrunning bullets
hope you're short OP
-How do u like army?
-Why u look like ISIS?
-why u look handsome but still fat?
-why ur bone structure so good?
-why u have nice boot?
-why u look like ISIS?
I think they were weak. It didn't take much physical strength to get theough bootcamp. I had pneumonia for the last two months. They let it get to their head, and started getting depressed because "oh, man! Two months is long!"
>third world physique
typical out of boot camp faggor
Can people in the military just not smile
Mostly this. Armyfag here, but we had them in boot camp too. Had one guy try to take an entire bottle of aspirin. They'll just pump your stomach and put you on suicide watch.
cool stolen valor brah
theres a fly floating around my living room and my dogs shaking on my lap
Ever heard of AR670-1 there General?
Hey what happened to this thread yesterday
oh my god youre so fucking lame
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
His mother's basement
Ha! Boot!
how does it feel to be a faggot
Boots look mighty clean you fat fuck. You're disgracing a uniform that men and women died in so you can have the liberty to be on the internet. Loose the weight, pass the asvab, and join the Army if you want it that bad.
The total control isn't for everyone and some can't tolerate pain and fatigue.
Hah! You beat me. I only had a nasty case of bronchitis a couple times. In retrospect I maybe should have talked to our doctor and try to cure it quickly. It's pretty dangerous to train while you're sick. One of our instructors came back from sick leave near the end of my service, because he didn't rest while he was sick. Eventually he got myocarditis and was forced to take it easy for a few months.
Is it even possible to kill yourself with aspirin?
It's a rare bad play, bro. I I can say from conversating with militaries, they are usually quite quiet and nice people, a little bit retired. Unless you. enrage them, which is fucking difficult
why didn't you fucks join the real alpha branch?
Jesus F-ing christ, Ok - you're right about shit. You remind me of the fucking jackass at staff sergeants course. At the end of the day we're all Marines & some of us are less perfect (pedantic) than others. We're on the same team for fuck's sake.
>Is it even possible to kill yourself with aspirin?
Not really, but that's not the point. If they really wanted to commit suicide, they could've ingested most of the cleaning supplies that were available. It is the "attempt" itself that shows that they don't have what it takes to make it. You wouldn't want someone that couldn't handle basic training to actually be in a firefight or have to deal with a convoy ambush or IED. That's really where the mental part of it comes in. If you can't deal with the little bullshit that's in boot camp, then you definitely don't have what it takes to make it when real shit goes down.
Well, now I got you. Its actually a crime to make fake government IDs. This includes CAC cards.
Of course not. Wouldn't it make more sense that everyone could just quit whenever they wanted? Less harm to the individuals and the temptation of quitting would weed out more weaklings. That's pretty much how it worked here. If you felt like you weren't motivated enough for the task, you were transferred to another garrison for something easier and more relaxed.
General Fletcher, flip your ID card over
Look on the right side and tell us what your Geneva Conv. Category is?
Mine is II
Yes and no. Ultimately, yeah it works that way. But the Drill Sergeants/Instructors don't want to make it that easy for those that do. For one, you did sign a contract with the U.S. Government agreeing to a bunch of shit. Two, everyone that drops out was a waste of taxpayers' money, especially since even when they start the process to out-process you, it still takes time, all the while you're still getting your meals, paycheck, etc. Three, if they really let on it was that easy to get out, which it isn't, more people that wouldn't have quit before probably would have. Four, part of their job is to fuck with you, so they aren't going to make anything easy on you, including trying to get out.
Fucking A
USAF Security Forces in action
Blue Falcon is the mascot of our career field and a dime is our squadron coin
The economic reasons are viable but I think you would still get a higher quality group overall, if more people quite. At least transfer them to some easier job, so that their motivation would be sufficient. You have so much people to choose from that you can afford to lose a couple more men during training.
its great when you're an A1C, but you will be deployed or TDY over 200 days a year
How dose it feel being a faggot
Serving for a country of lies.
Why the fuck are you so fat?
>weekend liberty must be nice.
I hope you armyfags lost many close friends, i hope they died in great pain.
Fucker was stationed at Krispy Kream.
POG ass boot
On the same team? talk about stolen Valor you thinking that marines are the same as real soldier such as army air force ad navy. You marines are the steeling the valor of real soldiers who have given heir time and live for this country. You marines are one step below the national guard and reserve.
Honest question, why are gays even allowed in the military?
They make the whole army look like a bunch of faggots.
females in military are worse than fags