The first female president of the USA will be Ivanka Trump.
The first female president of the USA will be Ivanka Trump
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She will be fine First Lady after Trumps makes incest legal. Can't vote for this guy hard enough
such an amazing woman
Elizabeth Warren
Lets do it
i think i'm gonna jack off to trump's daughter tomorrow when i go for my daily fap,
Hello. I am a 15 year old Rhinoceros. The only problem is that my horn on my head is soft and limp. As you may know this is very devastating to a rhino like myself. If there are any rhinos out there that can help me with my problem it would be appreciated.
She doesn't even have nice tits, fuck off
Don't speak about your future president like that!
Have some respect!
She's been here how many years and still doesn't even into English?
daily reminder...only post in pro Trump threads
never reply or bump a shill thread
It is your Civic Duty shitposters
its gonna happen folks
thinking about voting her president gives me an erection
to bad our zog will make Hillary president and nobody can do a damn thing about it
Trump will win by several % points
Ivanka probably wins after the next Democrat gets give it 12 years and Ivanka will be president
not a hot but twice as powerful
No. That bitch is dumb as a stump. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Have you seen her speak live? Her head swivels like a methed-out bobblehead.
She's a millionaire and her implants look cheap as fuck
She does great during speeches? Are you confusing her with Bill Clinton?
ummmm, is someone x-raying this right now?
if nudes exist...please post
Ivanka will be the first female president
Hillary is going to tank after the debates and you know it
fucking nig nogs going to ruin the election for Hillary. I cant believe they are doing this during her election
She can read off the prompters just fine, but she looks like a fucking spastic while doing so. Plus she shits herself if anyone asks her anything besides softball questions.
She tried doing press releases and ended up fucking fainting a few days later.
If she switches parties as much as her daddy, in 12 years she'll probably be a Democrat.
breh I wish.
still be first Female Pres tho
I doubt it.
Better than her dad.
Thank the Lord!
Some say Edith Wilson was the first female president.
Charlotte riots are a sign that Obama failed the black community.
Dramatic shift in minority vote to Trump. The Republican party is dead and Trump is some weird Alt Right movement.
They love Freedom, Law/Order, Gays, Blacks and Legal Hispanics. Get ready for a dramatic shift in vote bases
Obama failed to deliver for Minorities....Hillary is just Obama 2.0 and they all know it
Trump wins
Lion Party becomes the GOP, old white men are replaced by LBGT/Minority/young whites who hate the establishment
Anti Establishment is the new popular position. Hillary is a 30+ year establishment puppet supported by banks and crooked politics.
Trump is a self funded mad man bringing the ruckus
Game Over Folks....MAGA Wins
Obama's legacy
I hate her and her family.. But that body, I'd sodomize her like she deserves it
>this thread
>having more then one poster
Daddy's toy.