Hay Cred Forums I need you to find me all the information on a cell phone number that you can get..
Can you gaise help me?
Hay Cred Forums I need you to find me all the information on a cell phone number that you can get..
Can you gaise help me?
shameless bump
search it on facebook. some people have the cell number added to their account and if so when searching the number the person page will show
Maybe we could if you give us the number.
He's making threats to my friend
*tips fedora*
No but you still suck pleb
Its not a He, and her name is Julia. idk if i can post the full name. would that get me banned?
its from athens ohio
post the name I'm bored
Yea anyway. Just search up the phone number on Facebook and you'll find her profile.
fucking newfag
Do you know a Julia P?
Also whats she saying to your friend?
if It's a dude he probably has his phone activated under julia parks name. so she has to know him If you search her friends you can find him.
She's just started the ninth grade. Probably best not to touch this one.
OP is a fag.
This.. Or its their fake account, because i have multiple fake accounts and i used to attach my phone number to them sometimes. And I'm friends with all my fake accounts. So yea he's most likely friends with the account if its a fake.
But how the fuck do we know who he is lol
Oh how do you know?
OP what did they say to your friend?
Or nobodies gonna help you.
dont let your own thread die faggot
Why on this ball of rock would you make internet friends with fake accounts? Either you're running a weird-ass PR campaign or you're doing plausible deniability wrong
They're actually trying to put a bounty on me and my friend for 10k worth of stolen drugs that I'm getting roped into.
If anyone can use Cred Forums's help it's me. Too bad you all have your heads up your asses too far to do any good.
in fucking ohio? Really?
Sounds like shit there's already a legal avenue for. Somebody's trying to get you killed, over an existing crime? Suck it up and talk to the fuzz.
have you tried googling it? or yellow pages reverse lookup?
Or tell the forums why your really tryin to stalk your skool crush
Fuck off op.
middle school me and my friends used them to troll and like our own posts. faggy i know.
Yea but dude, You can't just be like "Here fuck up this number" without giving us the reason. Like how do we know. You could be the one trying to fuck with someone and get us to get their info and give it yo you for no reason. You seem like a cunt so I'm not gonna help you anymore. i hope the bounty succeeds faggo
OP's a fucking poop fag
I did. They can't do much at this point. I'm in contact with the major crimes dept. but I'd rather take the route of vigilante justice.
Plus I don't have much of a case built up yet
>tldr; Cred Forums is dead
so what exactly do you want us to do?
also got any screenshots?
I just want you guys to get a name and maybe location.
I have screenshots, but it's dissolved in so many empty threats that it's pointless. Should OP dump anyway?
yea dump what you can. i want to build up a motivation to expose
hurry up