Hey smokin weed *aka having weed brownies* for the first time, funny weed storys or tips?
Hey smokin weed *aka having weed brownies* for the first time, funny weed storys or tips?
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had a brownie last night, waited an hour and I was high as shit for another 4 or 5. A few days ago,, my friend I smoked a joint and went to our friends' house, where we used a pax, then we ate a brownie. Must have been high from 5 in the afternoon until 6 am
If tomorrow is your first time with weed, go into it feeling good and excited and just chill out after. Play some vidya, listen to music, fap
alrighty thanks!
Let the Ghana take you where it wants to. I once pretended I was a sniper for 20 minutes after smoking on my roof just Cuz I was feeling it
dont keep on eating the brownies if you dont get high. edibles take some time to kick in. you're going to be fucked if you eat more than you should, which should be very less considering you are first timer
what this guy said. depending on the brownie, you may only need like 1/4 of it.
how many do you think I should eat then?
Not OP, but I might try it soon too. How would I know what's enough.
if you don't feel it after 5 minutes eat more. repeat until it kicks in.
is it medical, home made, friend made?
k thanks
home made
This user^
Eat maybe half of it first and chill for 45mins-1hr top, if you don't feel anything or only feel slightly baked then eat the other half. Always have water and a ready-made bed you can climb into and pass out if you start to not feel good.
Pot brownies are usually 70% body stoned 30% mentally stoned for me so in case its like that for you, just find the comfiest spot in your house to chill.
try to be informed "how much" is in it beforehand. medical comes labeled, you know how much is in ones you make yourself, and friend made are the scary ones cause they could be garbage or amazing and its harder to tell how much unless they tell you what they put in it
Edibles take between 45-90 minutes to kick in. Have a small bite and wait to get high. Then eat more. You'll end up puking and going to sleep if you have more than required.
For real man, if you get too high the first time it might scare you away from it
I stole a fork from a coffeehouse and named him Jason
I just moved to a new area, no contacts. Had the same dealer since HS. how do I find a dealer? In my late 20s and totally look like an undercover cop.
was it a good coffeehouse
This guy knows. Be cautious, if you eat too much you'll be high for hours.
have half
Ask someone who looks like a stoner. Lots of people smoke these days. You oughta find someone where you work/study/live.
Yeah, they have these awesome fried mac n cheese bites. And the waiter knew immediately that I was baked, but was super chill. I was ordering with my face fully in the menu.
Just don't it alot of it.
I like to take a big bubble bath in my pitch black bathroom when I'm high
It's like a sensory deprivation chamber, always have awesome trips
This one time, I got so high that I did nothing
This is good, but I like to throw some Pink Floyd, or something like that on too.
Yeah play some DSOTM to get that quintessential first time stoner experience
Or Blackmill
this is the first time you're getting high and it's on edibles?
like 2 or 3 minimum. Edibles really aren't that strong.
Yeah deffo man.
I prefer The Doors personally but yeah music's definitely a must
Mr. Suicide Sheep
It's marijuana, you're not going to have any kind of a trip, Full stop.. Eat as much as you want, the worst thing that's going to happen is that you'll fall asleep.. The amount of people talking out of their ass here is unreal..
It's already been said but dont treat edibles like normal weed. Treat them more like shrooms. When you smoke too much you can just chill somewhere for 30min and you'll be alright again. With edibles you'll be like that for anywhere from 3~6 hours.
Start small. First time edible I'd say 25mg. 50~75mg if you have a bit of a tolerance from smoking every day. Wait. Dont redose if you dont feel anything. It totally depends on how much you ate recently just like alcohol. If you just ate a huge meal it could take up to 2 hours to kick in.
Typically you'll
>eat edible
>first effects at about 30~45min mark (random body tingles, for most feels like a wave washing over you)
>about 1h or just after you'll feel like a tsunami hits you
>peak is at about 1.5~3h. if it's a high dosage (or your tolerance is low) expect not to do much except blink at this point
>still feel pretty high about 2 hours after that. longer if it's a bigger dose.
>mix alcohol unless already experienced with edibles
>eat them on an empty stomach unless experienced with edibles
>sit around, watching the clock waiting for it to kick in. Eat them, do your thing (tv, vidya, sex w/e) and forget about em.
>use the first hour while it's rising to get your shit organized. get your snacks, drinks, everything gathered and sorted before it kicks in (you'll thank yourself later)
Some other facts. For those that dont know an edible high feels slightly different to a smoking high. It's not constant (usually). It sits at a set level and then ramps up in waves that wash over you every now and then. When you eat your edible effects the high too. After a meal it'll feel more "normal" with the waves, but if you eat them on an empty stomach it's much more intense and psychoactive. Dont eat edibles on an empty stomach if you're new to edibles.
Not a "trip" in the psychedelic sense, but in a physical sense. You sense everything, just "more" of it. I like to put on something with heavy bass and jam out. Feels like my whole head to the very bottom of my spine is shaking.
Edibles stories?
>friend of mine went to 4/20 celebration in Vancouver one year
>Japanese, late 20's, never smoked weed before
>takes some hits from a few joints, feels nothing
>eats like 3 brownies, 2hours later... nothing
>takes a bong rip
>bong rip set it all off
>she ended up being so high when she talked she could hear her voice in triplicate
>doesnt remember the rest of the day
>"oh yea I tried weed, I dont like it"
dont listen to this guy, use the first hour to eat shitloads more brownies, put yourself in space the first time bro cos once you start smoking regularly you will need more and more. basically if you are loosing ur virginity then get right fucked up.
Puking my guts out and waking up disoriented after 5 hours is not my idea of a good day
What do i do if literally no one where i am looks like a stoner?
OP, this guy just wants you to suffer.
Question for Cred Forumss resident stoners; is there any reason that my highs last way longer than they do for my buddies? Like even back when I smoked as often as they did, I would still be high for at least an hour or so after they were.
Ask the niggers and the spics
They don't like me for some reason.
There's no way ingesting any amount of THC, in any form, would do that to you.. That's why they use it to treat nausea, among many other things.. If that happened to you, it wasn't because of the edibles, unless they were spoiled.. There are effects the next day, but they are normal after glows, like you get with any psychoactive substance.. But it's hardly disorienting...
If you're not feeling anything after about 20-30 mins, go ahead and eat another one.
Different reactions for different people is my best guess. Whether the extended high is a good thing or not is up to you to decide.
Bruh just google edibles and vomit and you'll find hundreds of anecdotes. I myself have never puked but my friends barfed their guts out after eating the same thing. Multiple times. Trust me it induces vomiting in high dosages. Your tolerance must be high so you never felt uncomfortable.
One time me and my friend smoke 6 bong packs and 4 blunts. We got really fucked. We decided to hit up a gas station for food at 3 in the morning, then walked back to his house which was an hour walk. We were almost to his house but neither of us realized it so he said he was gonna take a nap. In other words we,fell asleep by the side of the road at 4 in the morning and woke up to cops shaking us awake. Luckily we play great at sober
It depends from person to person obviously
I appreciate how the two of you settled this without being total asshats.
That's a valid point, I've been a heavy user of THC in all forms for upwards of 15 years.. I've also been a frequent user of fungus, lsd, and mdma as well, not to mention the occasional roll in the snow.. Though, I have never experienced nor seen anyone experience anything on heavy doses of THC other than being extremely high and suffering from extreme fatigue..
I feel like you're in this thread Frenchie..
Monitor your food consumption. I threw up once because I was too high to realize I had eaten more than a box of fiber one bars (at least 12 bars, unsure of exact number)