Hey guys its me the attention whore from last night. Whats up.
Hey guys its me the attention whore from last night. Whats up
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing much, you?
not much op
>the attention whore from last night
you're going to have to be more specific
hows it goin
Currently beating off. Care to help?
leme see dat ass
Why do you rely on internet attention instead of going to get some real dick
Little bored, browsing Cred Forums for a fap before bed.
Nice tits btw.
show us dat ass op
Here, you know... Fapping
ass or gtfo
lick your boob
My gf just sent a picture of her amazing ass in lingerie so I'm beating off to that.
Im bored thats why i do it. And horny
I prefer sluts over whors
post pic of spit drooling down from your chest to your pussy
ass hole
sharpie in pooper op
I love your little titties
post a full frontal :)
Ur SC?
do you have snapchat?
You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sistine chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along.
Full backtal
Wtf is the deal with the sharpie in the pooper somebody explain pls
We want to see poop on the sharpie when you pull it out. That's he whole point.
why do all girls wear bracelets and things on their wrists? please answer
it's a meme you dip
spread your pussy and we'll let you in on such secrets
We like seeing sharpies in poopers
someone started it as a trend i think on reddit, there is a subreddit where girls compete on the number of sharpies they can fit into their pooper.
pasta bait
You need to calm down
Spread your pussy, show us that you're actually horny.
post sc user
white knight in shining armor.
lick toes please
Shoe on head.
It's a form of "jumping in", so to speak. Jumping out requires toothbrush in pooper. Fyi.
Because it's cute faggot
Stroking my dick wanna help?
Ok so full back
it's some goofy shit that started way back, and now it's like tradition. They used to always ask for "shoe on head" too.
I gave you answer.... so write "Steve" on you and do pic related? I'll show you mine if you show me yours
you never answered why you wear bracelets/ things on arm
No one cares fuck pig
Just post sharpie in shitter and gtfo
Full front.... not gonna give my sc btw
Holy shit, man. Tone done the creepy pls
for you, OP
explain bracelet
I'd fucking wreck you.
Holy shit... Andrea?
Panties at knees frontal
take a pic face down ass up
Any chance you could spread that bodacious butt for us?
U little hoe bag
Hey stranger!! You ask why girls always have bracelets around their wrists. These are not bracelets, they're elastic bands for hair :) mine is really long thats why i always keep them with me
i wanna see your soles and your pussy spread. also asshole
why not??
Fit hand in mouth
Bitch, do you realise your disgusting ads is getting attention from niggers like in pic?
You're fucking sleazy and pathetic for coming to Cred Forums for "attention"
Go to fucking reddit Bitch
you were too slow I already googled it
Your awesome - a true freak. Fake freak's suck.
its a hair tye lol
so much autism
Put bracelet in pussy
strangle yourself with bracelet or gtfo
Please spread your legs with your panties on, lightly fingering through the panties
+post pic
Logging into Tinder now...
ITT: Beta cuck tries to white knight for an attention whore that couldn't give a shit. Congratu-fucking-lations faggot
Nice little cunt. Put something up your ass!
Let me see your pubes OP
>not knowing what bait is
You must be new here.
more of dem soles yo
I dont get why people bash me for doing this. So what if i like the attention. I like to be naked. And take pictures. GTFO if you cant handle it cunt
no better reason
need more people like this
a+ pussy looks tight as fuck. If you sleep with a nigger you'll be ruined forever
post feet. tops and soles please
lol i do the same :c somethimes people think im a girl when i show my butt
More. More. More.
I wear two or three cuz my gf is always losing them. Well done op
Sharpie in your pooper plz
OP it's my birthday in ~4 hours
Would you be so kind to write a happy birthday message to Bailey or at least write the name on your body somewhere? It would be the first present I get
llllllookin good
why cant we have both? I like degrading women sexually, you like posting nudes, win/win
Dildo in pooper
Sharpies are so 2006
Don't tell me what to do u little nigger faggot ass bitch
Fair enough
You're sexy
They bash cuz they don't have their own girl, or wouldn't know what to do with one
Hmmm what should i put in there
throw a gang sign OP, while showing pussy
i need this
Some dudes just can't appreciate a good freak - once you find one you'll get it.
do u have any fruits
Phone. Definitely phone.
Sharpie in pooper
a bannana just like my dick
Two go-gurts - frozen of course
Bracelet sexy motherfucker
moar tits plz
Just do this OP
rolling for phone
>I want to see you on the inside
Bracelet you sexy motherfucker
Ok sole guy have fun. Jesus Christ
Shampoo bottle
Do you think you could post a video of yourself on here?
A lit stick of dynamite
Andrea stop this
wash your pussy with a bar of soap, and throw gang signs, i need this
Roll for this
I tried to put a video yesterday, didnt work, might try again tonight
Get a nice long Banana inside. Webm would be awesome
Who invited this fag
Who the fuck is andrea
you got a bf?
The largest object you can fit, duh.
Everyone, shes 17
you're a champ
Don't listen to him, Andrea. You're beautiful and so's your cunt.
Get the fuck out you faggot
OP a real fuckin' best. Fuck that other chick, all hail OP.
I'm legal for her, also 17
Actually i do.
shes 17 you desperate cunt :^)
Put down the sword and shield
20 actually. À
thanks sexy :)
How could you know she's 17?
do a POV pic, lifting up your panties to peek at your pussy, and throw gang signs, i need this
get the fuck off Cred Forums, 18+ only faggot
Can you post a pic of your ass plz?
you guys like each other?
spread your asshole for me please
can you do this pic but completely naked?
if you have a bananna use it
yea, what he said
Doggy style spreading your butt, please!
I only come here for the god tier porn
let me cum to a closeup of your spread pussy please
Fingers in the pussy with a time stamp or gtfo
Hey there :)
move it closer to the right, and with panties on, pull your panties up, i need this, throw gang signs
You seem like a nice guy
Get out other also fake bitch
ayy gurl u want some dick
post noots
>still no sharpie in the pooper
god damnit op i dont have all night
is someone making a cringe post of this? When you say shit like this it is the reason you don't get laid.
:I oppppppppppppppp i like yoooo panties
Do you like fat 8 inch cocks?
can you take a pic with your panties around your knee, spread eagle, and throw gang signs, i need this
Today OP wasn't a faggot
this X2000
Could you post another pic of your butthole please?
gape your asshole really wide for us
oh bb i am but i have a naughty side 2
Theres not 21 months in a year, checkm8. Also look underage. Get v& kid
Go fuck yourself
get the fuck out, white knight faggot.
Sharpie. In. Pooper.
So wait, I'm a white knight for wanting to see more naked pictures of this girl?
OP, you are beloved, and always welcome on Cred Forums. (Ofc with tits and timestamp if not gtfo stupid bitch)
I'd dump the load I've been saving for a week, RIGHT IN YOUR PUSSY
yea you slack fanied basterd, shut the fuck up
Will you take another one like this only with those hot panties on? Please and thank you.
Nice thread OP
Came pretty hard, cheers.
Wow, have fun with those restraining orders loser.
Can we get a close up of your pussy and asshole?
Fell so hard for it you mongrel
no you are a white knight for "protecting" her from another user
>Don't listen to him, Andrea.
U use a sharpie for that?
All spread out. And stfu with the sharpie
Is that nailpolish or is your big toe really fucked up?
.... that's only one post. You know what, here, these are all my posts, you retarded shit-flinging gibbon.
How does it feel knowing a bunch of creeps are beating their dicks to you?
inb4 >implying I'm not a creep
moar now
take a back side pic, on your stomach, i wanna see that hump girl, and throw gang sings, i need this
You should lie back and put something in your pussy
OP: u are awesome!
Alright if your not underage then lemme see dat p00say gurl
Sharpie in pooper
I'm going to ask kindly:
Dear OP, could you just put a sharpie in your annus?
Do you fuck on a regular basis?
put some fingers in there
> OP is a newfag, and a guy posting this same shit that he does every week. yawn
Lit candle in pooper
Wipe your asshole faggot. I can still see some poop left over
you can see the toe in this pic too. looks like it got fucking smashed
Sharpie in pooper, it will not be said again
It makes u horny knowing that a lot of men are jacking off to ur pics?
Can you take a pic of your pussy directly, not w the mirror?
I want pixel depth dammit!
Close up of the puh, please?
Op is kinda cute
Make a stream OP or give Snapchat
>faggot has a point
>faggot can't greentext.jpeg
they masturbating to it so id say they enjoy it quite some bit
fuck you bitch ass nucca, i can greentext if i wanna
You shave very well
Do you let dude cum in your pussy?
How can you tell? She hasn't posted her face.
A girl that is hot and horny
Somebody tell the random bitch to get out of my thread
OP what happened to the big toe on your left foot?
Dubs speak the truth. He who can't greentext
>is a faggot
insert something in you. =)
>finger your pussy pls respond
Fucking Cred Forums stop jerking off and make this attention whore stuff magic markers in her ass
I've only had one boyfriend. Yes he did come in my pussy. I love that shit
There was a whore a few years ago that inserted like 4 sharpies... probably it comes from that time... tomboy-chan or something like that.
I like your nipples, btw.
Well done. Your parents must be so proud so proud of you OP. What would your grandmother think of you if she found out you were degrading yourself. You need to rethink your life choices Op. You're better than this. Please stop.
kid, its a guy posting the same pictures for all u newfags. you will never get a sharpie in the pooper pic or a time stamp pic.
can you make your pussy wet? and throw gang signs ?
Let's see that tight little butthole
Let the battle begin!
That's a dude with photoshop
Also: ok, I hear you, no more sharpie in pooper requests.
Put your thumb up your ass.
Sorry about my feet its leftover nail polish....
OP post a pic of your left foot. I'm not lying guys the toenail is gone
you are very beautiful , i really wish I could kiss your soft white skin
Make me. Bitch.
>spouting bullshit about sharpies
OP do this
I'm prettier than you. Slut. Show your face then you pussy
Sharpie in pooper and I'll make sure she never posts again.
Why would you even scroll down and look at the whole post if im such a disappointment asshole
Tits or gtfo random bitch
gtfo faggot
> OP do this now
maybe multiple sharpies is more your thing?
fuck that, just finger yourself (would 3 be too much to ask?)
Jk. I'm not really her.
This is her
Just ignore the random bitch and post more pics. OP is legend
Bitch timestamp and i might ;)
you need this in your life
Do you have a kik?
Sharpie in your pooper, bitch
Fack off bith pretty my ass
this picture is incredibly hot
moar like this
mods, mods
Sup Mike tyson
noods nao
She said prettier than you fucking cuck. OP hasn't even shown face so she's ugly as fuck as far as anyone is concerned.
couple of fingers wouldn't hurt
Leave the man be. Nothing wrong with showing a little shlong
Both of you exchange addresses and take a picture together with some damn sharpies in your stink stars...
Spread asshole please.
Let's listen to some tunes together.
Cmon op. Show your face you Pussy. I'm not afraid to show mine. Bitch
Hey op :D can you help me out? I'm making a collection! Can you write "i love your huge duck, Brian" on your tits add well as draw a duck?
That's an old picture, posted by a troll. Let the nice lady show us her cunt.
Hey OP you look good, and you have a nice body shame that you are somewhere elsejavascript:quote('704897257'); :\
can we see your asshole?
tits and timestamp
Fuck off
Tits you pussy, c'mon, op isn't afraid to do it.
Role for this on OP
Show pussy
fuck off dude
you moronic, uncultured fuck
you dont think other people (mainly overseas) write day/month/year?
out of all people you really got some proving to do. you got another bullshit non delivered thread on the go at this very moment
Oh shit, pineapples finally fid it??
More please
That's a man baby
oh sweet, i love hanson. which one were you? how did you come up with mmbop
>mfw when attention whore OP gets her thread hijacked by another femanon
posting sharpie in pooper if trips
i got a better idea OP, how about you draw a giant swastika on your ass
Oh wow, time to fap again
OP it's just a fag posting saved pics from other post
Your damn right she did! Op, help a nigga out
Hey second girl - fuck you you degenerate neckbeard. Gtfo
The dude posting those pics is out of them now. there's only like 4 of them, so you're good
>op she's right you know
the fuck are you replying to me for
Can you please make your own thread miss? I think this one is gonna 404 soon.
Also freaks girls are pretier
Best tits ive seen today
You're an ugly cunt, and the fact you're lacking tits in this picture makes you far more ugly.
>implying isn't just other user posting saved pics
Damn OP, now I need to start fapping to you, great body btw.
Can I see more tits?
Hey random girl show tits or are you too pussy?
Nah, we already like her better than you.
This is fucking entertaining
but anything in mouth please?
bitch, first off, you're fucking ugly.
But afraid to show ur pussy fagg
Because he is am uncultured fuck, duh
This thread is dead.
Everyone out.
You can't compete.
its a Cred Forums tradition