Stupid nigger
y-you too
i wanna sniff floofy butts
Can i get into collage?
You and I both.
Any ideas for a collage header?
Re-use the 2014 one?
>I guess it would depend on the person, right? I'd imagine having such an interpersonal relationship would make it a bit easier.
I know it doesn't make sense at all but for some reason opening the client to look for new mail is the hard part. After I've done that actually replying to people works fine for the most part. It's getting a lot better since I'm getting my mail on the phone where I can see it right away without having to open a client. I should do that with my furstuffs mail as well.
With actually replying it depends on the relationship if I'll answer right away am like meh, later.
>Not as cute as you tho ;)
Harr harr
Can i get in?
[Insert Sfur Header Here 2016]
>Get a room you two lol
Who knows what life brings right, if the opportunity arises some day I'd not turn that down for sure. And stuff.
Anybody got anything like my picture?
Need more equine stuff
I am dying in two weeks and I don't want to bother with getting more or less people in.
As it is right now the people on there are finalised - And I have absolute veto considering I have limited time to do this shit.
Great minds think alike right?
If the opportunity presents itself, don't hesitate. You'll regret it.
Y u be dyin fool?
You're gonna die?
Yeah, it's cool. I'm zoo too, but obviously a furry as well. I mainly just like the art and the conversation here. The s/fur threads have a good community.
>I know it doesn't make sense at all but for some reason opening the client to look for new mail is the hard part. After I've done that actually replying to people works fine for the most part. It's getting a lot better since I'm getting my mail on the phone where I can see it right away without having to open a client. I should do that with my furstuffs mail as well.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah I guess that makes sense. My anxiety isn't quite that bad, so it's not as big a deal for me, but I guess it would be harder for you.
>Harr harr
Like rigor mortis, habeus corpus.
Oh, is that so? Maybe come down to Atlanta for Furry Weekend Atlanta?
And that reminds me, I haven't seen Weiss in a while either. I wonder what he's up to.
When is Furry Weekend Atlanta?
Fucking quitter. I fucking hate people who want to kill themselves. So help me god is the afterlife exists, however unlikely that is, i hunt down any souls who gave up on life i and will make them wish they had never died!
I live like 3 hours west from ATL
Then you go argue with God.
So? Ignore the pain and fight, you pussy.
I would if he existed.
Next year it will be April 6th - 9th. I've never been to a furry convention, and only went to my first convention recently for Dragon Con, but I've been wanting to go to FWA for a few years now.
You replied to the wrong person m8.
What's with all the drama in here?
Hey, guess who got prescribed with a-fucking-NOTHER medication today?
That makes five.
Agreed. Anyone who offs themselves is just a selfish faggot. There's help everywhere these days. Just talk to someone man. Most of us in here ain't jerks (i hope)
Requesting polar bears please
You sure?
You little coward, instead of fighting you choose to give up.
There is nothing more dishonorable!
It's just Alex being Alex.
That's a lot. If you don't mind me asking, what for?
Getting help isn't the issue.
Whether the help helps is.
Yeah I'm pretty sure.
I thought so. But why so much? That seems like a bad idea.
Help does not help.
Fury and brutality does.
your choice to take drugs
recreational drugs
life drugs
party drugs
anti cum drugs?
You're a dumbass if you actually believe that.
Probably, the people there are actually starting to fuck me off now.
Why won't you just fight?!
It's in the human nature! We were meant to resist!
If the help ain't helpin, then it ain't help, its another burden. I don't want anyone to take the long sleep unless there's a good reason. Come on, talk to us. What's going on that's so bad you want to die?
Huh, and I thought that most of us have since graduated from High School.
>If the opportunity presents itself, don't hesitate. You'll regret it.
Yup I think so as well. I'm not getting younger y'know and I'd regret not trying things like that so hard when I'm older. I'm already deeply regretting not going for other opportunities I had in the past.
I mean even if you don't like something at least you tried and now know that you don't. Nothing worse than having only what if's in your head when you're old.
So tell them you don't want anymore medication. Having that much can't be good. If I were you, I'd ask to be taken of a few of them.
Chill. Stop being autistic.
Suicide isn't selfish. It's just rational.
Human nature is logically flawed.
It is the correct option.
How so?
As a cancer patient, will being kissed and hugged help more than being angry and determinated and furious towards your cancer?
I thought so.
As a rape victim, will having people to console you heal your emotional and mental wounds more than finding the bastard who did it and beating him into organic pudding?
I fucking thought so.
You are weak.
If it's flawed then what is perfection?
you went to seek help from a doc who can give you drugs if you can convice him that you need it. ultimately its your choice if you need/want them.
the who a-nother-fucking perscription thing makes you seem like you dont want to, so, why take em.
hopefully they are not anti-cum drugs, that can be depressing.
Perfection is unobtainable by any standard.
Only in certain cases it is, and that's very rarely. Depression itself causes irrational thinking, so the belief that it is rational is just depression doing it's think. It's a mental disease after all, by its nature it aims to destroy, if I were to personify it.
What's the alternative? Spiraling down?
So by that logic, humans are perfect depending on your viewpoint.
What a turn of events. For once I'm not the one talking about depression and suicide. Feels weird being on the other side this time.
The alternative is getting that shit out instead of holding it in and stewing on it. I know it sounds cliche and dumb but just talking about it with people who might give a shit helps alot. You wanna hear a story about my suicide attempt? I'll green text it if you want.
Is the grass greener?
>Oh, is that so?
Yah if you'd be here right meow I'd cuddle the shit out of you, for starters. Uhm and then who knows right...
>Maybe come down to Atlanta for Furry Weekend Atlanta?
That's the thing. I can't just come down to another continent like that. Right meow I have around 30€ left for the month, and flying that far is so expensive. So that has to wait until I have enough money.
But believe me I'd do that right away if I could
It's more like depression gives you a chance to realize just how pointless it all is. The red pill so to speak. The universe is both infinite and yet fated to inevitable heat death. Thinking your 70 years here makes any difference is foolish.
getting a life, getting a job you like, staying busy.
i stopped taking anti depressants because i felt like i was just faking it, even more than i am now.
I'm not sad, I'm just tired and I want to go home.
>And that reminds me, I haven't seen Weiss in a while either.
I don't know what he's up to either, haven't seen him since I reappeared. Maybe his life changed in a way, who knows.
Serving Capitalists, serving Capitalists, and serving Capitalists?
I don't know yet. I wouldn't say I'm happy, but everyone else is being depressing whereas I'm not. It feels like I'm standing above everyone with at least some life in me whereas everyone else is just a black soul, crumbling as time moves forward. It makes me feel bad because I don't like being alone. I'd rather pull everyone up with me, and bring them to life.
whatever floats your boat
I think 8-bit had a point when he compared it to redpilling yourself.
If you don't want to be redpilled, get the fuck out of Cred Forums.
So here it goes, hope you guys don't mind a feels trip.
>> Be me
>> 17
>> Working at grocery store
>> One day, 9/10 grill walks in
>> Can't stop looking and drooling
>> Checks out in my line
>> Flirting.exe
>> Gives me her number
>> Paper, Plastic...or latex
>> Set up a date
confirmed for dinosaur
if it starts high i know it's gonna go low
i don't want to read this... :(
You can if you want to, I'm just saying it wont do anything for me. I attempted suicide in February so I'm not unfamiliar with what you're about to talk about.
>Yah if you'd be here right meow I'd cuddle the shit out of you, for starters. Uhm and then who knows right...
Aw, that's sweet.
>That's the thing. I can't just come down to another continent like that. Right meow I have around 30€ left for the month, and flying that far is so expensive. So that has to wait until I have enough money.
Well shit. I hope it gets better for you.
Of course everything is pointless, but saying that it the "red pill" is just one side of it. Right now you're just seeing the dark side of it. If life and everything is pointless, why not make something of it? Live life to the fullest, fuck what everyone else has to say.
Actually, the last few times he was here he was talking about things getting better. I wish he was still here though, I really like him.
Dude, do you even realize who you're talking to?
Let next thread double as feels thread general
>I don't suppose you'd be willing to reciprocate on that, huh?
I'm very reluctant with these kinda things you know and right now I don't feel ready for that, am sorry. I mean I wouldn't even post a non-lewd on here if my identity was widely known let alone pics like you posted.
I'll send you one by mail eventually, but on another day.
>For some reason I like knowing what all the people here look like. It makes the conversations seem more personal, which I like.
I get that, and I'm happy that I know how you look like now, but I'm not ready for that yet hope you understand.
What the fuck. Of course everyone starts acting like this when I'm feeling decent for once. Seems I'll always feel alone in one way or another.
max(pointlessness) is still pointlessness.
I stared at a 30 foot drop off the edge of my high school gym for an hour once. Then, I didn't...
Do i have to repeat my motto on suicide?
That's cool I tried to stab myself with a knife and I wound up in hospital
if youre vegetarian then gtfo of the steak house
Furs being furs? Furries and drama seems closely related to me.
Sounds like you just like to be the one on the outside.
doin it wrong
im out of this conversation now
*continues posting garbage*
no shit, I'm still here
Exactly, so do whatever you want. I still understand what it's like to feel that way even if I don't feel like that now, but sometimes you just gotta think "what am I doing with my life?" then ask "what do I WANT to do with my life?". I get that depression is crippling and will completely fuck up you're way of thinking, but you have to remember that there's two sides to every coin.
Not really. I want to feel welcome, like I fit in. But it's just strange to me that suddenly everyone gets depressing and shit on the extremely rare time that I'm not. It feels like everyone is insane, and like I'm the only one is seeing things clearly.
>I tried to stab myself with a knife
That doesn't sound like a smart idea at all. Where did you stab yourself? That must hurt like a motherfucker!
It's not "suddenly". I just came here and picked up on the existing conversation...
>I get that, and I'm happy that I know how you look like now, but I'm not ready for that yet hope you understand.
No, I completely understand. I just figured I'd ask.
Fuck it I'm continuing anyways.
>> Fast forward to graduation night
>> Two years later
>> Ask her to marry me
>> Says yes
>> Life couldn't be better
>> Fast forward two years
>> Working in factory, going to college
>> Life is hard but we're making it
>> Walk in the door
>> Tired as fuck
>> She's not home?
>> I think "Probably at her parents"
>> Go to bed
>> Next day
>> Wake up, still not home
>> Notice some of her things are gone
>> All of it actually.....
>> WTF
>> Panic
>> Call her rents
>> Shes there but won't talk to me
>> What the fuck happened?
>> Find out through third party she been seeing someone else
>> How, when, and why?
>> Fast forward two weeks
>> Quit job
>> Dropped out of school
>> Can't stop crying
>> Still haven't talked to her
>> Get knife from kitchen
>> Can't live with out her
>> Can't get any answers, so many questions
>> Put knife to jugular, make it quick
>> Pull
>> ...hesitate
>> WTF am I doing. I'm better than this.
>> Drop knife and call my rents
>> Tell them everything thats been going on
>> They had no idea
That was just under 11 years ago. Since then, I've graduated college, bought my rents land from them, own my own car, and make a least decent money. I still think about her almost daily and still don't have any answers but I decided to live for me and no one else. My give a damn broke that day. I do what I want, when I want, and I don't let anyone determine whether I'm happy or not. If I'm sad, its because I want to be. If I'm happy, its because I want to be. Fuck everyone because I learned that the only person that can make you happy is yourself no matter how hard you want it to be other wise.
Sorry for the long story. I'll hush now.
My arm, the idea was I was going to hit an artery and then dip it in warm water so it wouldn't clot.
Well now we have like 4 different people being depressing and shit. I have also noticed that you show up on these occasions rather often, relatively speaking. I see why, it's comforting knowing that you feel the same way as everyone else. I just wish I could help all of you. I don't like feeling like this while everyone around me acts like husks. It's against my nature.
>tfw come to post colorful cartoon animals to relax and forget about how shitty my life is and all everyone talks about is how shitty their life is
pretty depressing tbh
Trying to help a brother/sister in need. I'd wish someone had did this for me years ago when I was on 4chins. Cred Forums was alot worse back then.
For real. I just want to jack it to some fuzzy tails
Love the black and white pics.
I instantly recognized her, and just verified.
I don't know how I feel about this...
>I just figured I'd ask.
Yah you should ask me again at a later point if I don't come up with it myself.
BTW I've sent you a mail earlier, figured I should just try and take you up on that offer right away :3. Not much in it, but I wanted to actually do that instead of only talking about it.
I've been trying to respond to it, but I have no idea what to say. Trying to talk to everyone else here at the same time isn't really helping. I'm not good with emails anyway.
How come furry art is always the most hottest?
>like everyone is insane
Ripped out of context I still think this is true to a point. I mean you have to be a little fucked in your head in one way or another to be here a lot.
I'm definitively no exception here and I like that everyone seems a little weird in their own way.
>My arm, the idea was I was going to hit an artery and then dip it in warm water so it wouldn't clot.
What went wrong? Were you in the bathtub and all?
Fuck being normal!
Agreed. We're all a little fucked up but that's what makes life interesting.
Joinme going on right now.
To chat and fuck.
Host is a girl and you might get lucky, user.
No worries at all breh. The asynchronousness is the sweet thing with mail, you don't have to answer right away.
And it was a pretty general mail as well giving not much to reply to, I just wanted to actually send one after all.
kinda surprised to hear how many of you attempted suicide, even at my lowest point it's never seemed a viable option. I think I just enjoy the little things in life too much
True. It's just so odd to me that everyone joined in the depression crew and started talking about this shit on the one in a 1000 days I feel okay. Normally I'm the one saying how much I hate myself and everything and being depressing in general. It's such a strange feeling, like I'm suddenly seeing an entirely different world. And that makes me realize "Jesus Christ, depression is really fucked up. I can't believe that's the way I see everything." I always felt like life was dragging me down, but now it almost feels like everyone else is; like depression is this horrible infectious disease that aims to destroy everyone and everything around it. Being free of its grasp, even just once, is amazingly eye-opening.
Anyway, I just felt like posting all that shit because I'm bored.
A lot of people think about it at some point and some of those try but never talk about it.
>Fuck being normal!
>Agreed. We're all a little fucked up but that's what makes life interesting.
And that!
I like it this way.
I've gotten very close 3 or 4 times. The first time was like a practice attempt where I tried to cut my arms from elbow to wrist. The second and third were this New Year's Day and about 3 days later where I was literally going insane. And just a week ago I actually had a loaded shotgun to my head. I'm still not quite sure why I never really did it.
AS it should be.
The moment you talk about it IRL, society makes drastic changes to make your life worse.
You had the freedom to kill yourself, but now they take that freedom from you.
Yeah really. When I started talking about my suicidal thoughts at the VA, my shrink wanted to put me on a fucking suicide watch. I had to talk my way back out of it. Fucking stupid shit.
anyone who has an easy time killing themselves was removed from the gene pool long ago
Makes sense.
Mine threatened to tell on my parents. I didn't attempt, but I just told the psych that I was considering it.
The fact that my parents are oblivious to my emotional sufferings is (one of) the only thing keeping me alive.
>It's such a strange feeling, like I'm suddenly seeing an entirely different world. And that makes me realize "Jesus Christ, depression is really fucked up. I can't believe that's the way I see everything."
It makes me incredibly happy to hear that from you! Good stuff, you definitely made my day here believe me that.
That's exactly what I wanted to portray a few days back (or was it yesterday? Am bad with memories). Sounds good, keep that shit up!
Its such a taboo thing that instead of helping, they do nothing but hurt those looking for help.
>> Be me
>> Be depressed
>> Talk about suicide to doc
>> Arrest me and put me in a holding cell for "suicide watch"
>> Should have kept my mouth shut
>> Still depressed
>It makes me incredibly happy to hear that from you! Good stuff, you definitely made my day here believe me that.
And that makes me happy as well.
>Sounds good, keep that shit up!
I don't know how long I can. I wasn't trying to. I actually felt pretty shitty the past few days, or the past couple of weeks really, and even earlier today. I mean, not much has changed at all. Except talking to Cobalt for the first time in a couple of months, and then being happy to see you. I guess that helped? I dunno.
And my God, I never realize how much I ramble when I'm not feeling like shit. Odd how depression causes my personality to completely shift like that.
>kinda surprised to hear how many of you attempted suicide, even at my lowest point it's never seemed a viable option. I think I just enjoy the little things in life too much
For sake of completeness I never actually attempted to do it even tho I've thought about ending it a lot when I was really depressed for two years or so. From that time I have a shitload of benzos which I wanted to use with a generous serving of whiskey.
Never did it though, and even tho objectively my life got shittier (lost gf, apartment, job, etc) I'm very happy that I didn't. Hearing stuff like "it'll get better" obviously doesn't do anything when you're depressed but it's true, chances are freakin' high that it actually get better even if it takes years.
They're doctors.
Their objective is to keep you alive or make you fear death so you can keep being exploited by society.
The means is irrelevant.
hey we're all stuck here fuck you for trying to get out!
nah the way we handle mental health issues is pretty fucked up, most people have no clue
That shit happens way too often, and clearly doesn't help.
I'm glad there are a few good people who recognize that the way people get treated, who just need an ear and a hand, is fucked up. I hope none of you have to deal with the VA like I do.
this has been a insightful thread
im off for the night
stay nice peeps
Nite broseph
Usually because the only real help for mental health issues is like the story of the guy who helped the butterfly get out of the cocoon.
What does that stand for?
AFAIC all psychs are just MDs who happen to "operate" on patients differently - Their only objective is to keep you breathing.
Sleep well, qt.
sleep well
unfortunately I think the reason why the medical establishment deals with the suicidal in that manner is driven by liability
little johnny sees the doctor and says he's feeling blue, doctor lets him go and johnny jumps off a bridge, now mommy wants to sue everyone
so instead they just lock you up
Veterans Affairs....
Worst people ever.