Does anyone sincerely believe this?
I will give you a chance to explain things. I have many questions.
Does anyone sincerely believe this?
I will give you a chance to explain things. I have many questions.
Accensa domo proximi, tua quoque periclitatur
Bump, nigga
It's 'real'. It's a very realistic theater to motivate people to seek enlightment. It was made for this. Seek esoteric orders if really interested.
I've come to the 100% accurate conclusion that ALL WOMEN are apart of the Illuminati. You see, women have been playing the victim card since the dawn of man. Throughout time they've shaped society to protect and coddle them. They've changed laws to pro-women institutions. Look at marriage laws. Richer countries cater to women, and poorer countries treat women as the slut puppies they truly are. Through alimony, custody battles, and rape investigations, females are persecuting men and taking their hard-earned money. Where does this money end up? In the Female Illuminati's secret PayPal account. All females around the ENTIRE GLOBE are required to tithe and donate to the Female Illuminati PayPal account to further the cause of females everywhere.
Just look at black people. The female own the men of their own race. They trick their victims into killing each other, and raise future generations to worship women's pussies.
White women, being a tad more classy and less barbaric, force men to open doors for them, and pay for their existences.
>Also, check em
This is so retarded is not even funny
Female spy detected. Go back to Tumblr, fag.
Le funay maymay
You may ask what questions you have, though you may not like the answers.
From Darkness to Light, From Light Into Illumination
Oh shit!!! Trips to dubs 360 get flip. Noice!
If love is one of the highest vibrations but god is all that is. When we choose to love and hate at the same time are we lesseing ourselves or would we lessen ourselves with only love since there is a spectrum we are not aware of?
What is the actual name whose number is 666?
You are surrounded.
also nephilim hos from way back
Caesar. 666 was made by the Jews, not us.:.
Why is there no christ as of lately if there are some that can already manipulate the universe according to will?
Is English your second language?
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. They are opposite ends of the spectrum.
Without hate, we would not know love. Without darkness, we would not know the light.
The Illuminati was founded in 1776, just as the united states declared its independence from England. It's no conspiracy that the symbols of the illuminati's plan for global domination permeate through our society. Annuit Coeptis? Novo Ordo Seclorum? Not to mention that the founders of the nation were intellectuals of the highest degree in their time. Many have connections leading back to the illuminati. Yesterday (and today) it was freemasonry, today it's Bilderberg, for example.
Thelemic calc says caesar value is 191. Sure? Kabbalah?
The Annointed.
It is a title, not a being.
The Christ conciousness is within us all.
As for Yeshua, His time will come, and the ineffable name will be tasted on every tongue In Zion.
I know that. Shouldnt we encompass the spectrum at totality?
Nero Caeser
Contemporary to the time when Revalations was recorded
Hell bound lies
I know its a title. But why are there not christs as of lately? Wouldnt that encourage enlightening? Would he merely be hailed as god and people think theyre different and cannot achieve the same?
>Contemporary to the time when Revalations was recorded
go back to school if you're going to communicate.
I thought you faggots would be asking about lizard people.
You are a finite being, and can only exist at one point on the spectrum at a time.
Time is irrelevant.
Space is irrelevant.
You are already everywhere and everything at once.
Nigga I AM the Illuminati
it's not that simple, Mr. Hoffman
The Christ can be found within everyone, and is found everywhere.
You will see shortly as the race war rages on there will need to be a "savior" of the world, they will be the leader of every land some how through the un or winnar of ww3 idk but they will stand out to everyone. Putin the pope and obama are a few suspects as "their" leader they are without a doubt apart of the scheme...9/11 was apart of it, they are against Israel although they claim they are jews! Watch out!
sounds about right, blm is definetely playing into it...
Becaws spelang is ah derect corelary fowr inteligents, rite?
Fuck you, faggot.
what is the christ? Is it something only you call him/it?
Interesting. So it just means the leader of NWO when the time comes?
You are me and i am you and we are all together
it's not just your spelling, but usage and syntax. Grammar was obvious tho
Its my believe russia is the safest place when/after ww3. America will be destroyed. China devastated.
No. Revalations (sic) is for the most part a psuedo christian eschatological manifesto relevant to the christians living within the roman empire.
It has very little bearing on society today, beyond fueling apocalyptic ne'er do well conspiracy theoritors.
I say Him out of respect for the ineffable Name.
He is love. He can be a part of all of us.
same nigger
Grammar Nazi on Cred Forums
Good luck.
I think you're evading the question now. Why hasnt someone who has been able to trascend so far served as a master for those of mankind who want the same. I think Im getting closer, I believe it is because he would not make himself public, he would require you to seek light by yourself to find him.
Yep, they have an office in Rino Denver
but he/it is both good and evil. the bible lies, otherwise god isn't all powerful. or god is satan and jesus
Summer is over, faggot.
where've you been?\ there are nazis everywhere here.
He shouldn't speak like an illiterate hillbilly, so fuck it.
oh so you both went to the same school then... okay, sorry nigger(s)
Believe wat, exactly?
lol fucking owned
Really ive always thought this hides many forecoming predecided events. Christianity just used to promote awareness of books existance
You are trying to define the eternal and immaterial through material and finite means. You are on a different path.
You fucking stupid scumbag cancer shill, fuck off and die
Apology excepted, GuiltFag.
Wrong path.
actually theyre two dumb motherfuckers who spell the same word the same way wrong.
Ok. So I must first find immortality. Reminds me how not all souls are immortal but must attain this
yeah just learn to spell.
>So I must first find immortality.
You already have it like the rest of us, you just forgot for the purposes of being able to live this life (like the rest of us)
then it isn't universal, which is impossible
Hitler dindu it.
Shut up, fatass. Whatre you even doing here? You're dead.
I'm brilliant at spelling shit. I know stuff.
Ive thought that as well but not every human is god. Title-ish speaking
>I know stuff!
You sound like you're literally sitting on a stoop somewhere in New England.
shit is easy to spell.
Shit is also easy to sniff. Mmmm...
But everything to ever exist is of God and constitutes God and the law of conservation of energy applies to the mind we think with as well (the thing to which our brain is the conduit of for this physical existence) so rest easy my good man.
It's all bullshit made up by paranoid basement dwellers, obviously the ILLUMINATI doesn't exist.
In the sense many see it, no. Really it's just a group of rich jewish people fighting proxy wars, and greasing the right palms to get what they want done so they can profit. People call you a xenophobe if you point this out, but at the top of rhe chain, everything links to some kikes paying someone to fight for them. This all could be circumstantial if it wasnt entire families consistently getting richer from it.
I know that. But Im not really able to produce significant change in the universe, energy manipulation etc. I can mentally communicate with animals not fully effectively and people can sometimes get my thoughts, its evident the reaction they do but it doesnt seem they conciously 'hear' me. Infinitely achieving higher states is what I mean, with will
Really? You think people who have attained a state of illumination care about money? Money is for slaves, the only use it has its narrowing a path to assist others attain this state
Secret societies exist. It's just a bunch of dudes who get together that share similar beliefs/goals. Not to make light of their collective strength or their sphere of influence, but that's basically it. I like to think the most powerful people now are just doing things to maintain said power or get more. They come up with creative ways to do this. Like 9/11. War on terror cost 7 billion. Lots of people got more rich because of it and it really came to a head because of 9/11. Read the actual operation Northwoods document and compare it to what happened that day.
One can't join, but must be born into it.
The goal of secret societies would be to attain godhood
The super rich get to live like gods soo...
What does spiritual power have to do with material wealth?
Do you not believe that the super rich are not pulling the strings?
illuminati are entrenched and will support centralized power subject to their influences.
They are servicing those who do. I believe they don't really know what they do, if wealth is all they have. To achieve further progression spiritually you need to assist others in progressing. Service to others. We live in a world under the system of 'no' to understand the answer is 'yes'.
theres no true illuminati that has higher knowledge. Its a group that holds power through money.
My understanding tells me the opposite. I really see not how merely hoarding control and money achieves anything. Who in their sane mind would do that. Hence the metaphor 'selling your soul to the devil for power and money'
To what end do you think
They have attained spiritual progression and to further progress you need to help others do the same. Check mainstream media, as example, it always talks about energy and what some would consider new agesque things. If you would want to send a message you'd do it where it can be heard the most.
Yes because 666 horus Justin Bieber