I have been working for a AT&T call center in the Advanced Technical Support department for android cellphones for quite a while now (I take phone calls from customers that need help with their phones) and I have seen some pretty stupid people call in and ask ridiculous questions.
AMA about AT&T, calls etc. I'll try and answer as best as I can
I have been working for a AT&T call center in the Advanced Technical Support department for android cellphones for...
Other urls found in this thread:
How long you work there for?
Been working here for about 2 years now
What's the most ridiculous question?
Hmm I can onlh wonder why you probably get treated like a pile of shit when you call in to talk to support, get the fuck off my thread you Goomba
Probably when people ask questions like what does the camera app do on my phone? Me: ummm I would assume it will use your camera? Press it a and find out?
Is your company the vest for wifi? I have xfinity right now bc they are the only provider for my area and it's horrible. I pay for 50 and the give me 11
OR when people call in all mad saying "my phone won't work" me: What is it doing? How is it not working? Customer: what do you mean?? It just doesn't work!? Fix it! Me: *facepalm* FML
Best call story
>greentext dat shit
What do you mean for wifi? Are you referring to free hot spots around town or home Internet service?
Home Internet
I've taken so many calls, it's hard to pick just one.
Half the time when people call in yelling I'll either just mute my phone so you think the call dropped and you will just hangup, ill mess with you and take 20 mins to do a 2 minute task, or just put you on hold while I talk to my colleagues about how much of anew asshole you are
at&t make up the Internet bud
Who does #2 work for?
>found the nigger who doesn't pay his bill.
I don't ever work with our home Internet service only wireless service, however I use to work for a cable/Internet/home phone company in the past and the service really depends where you live, the speed on your Internet, what your doing on it, modem/router strength and how many people using it.
I've seen people call me saying how good our Internet was and people calling in saying the opposite, it all depends on your setup and where you live
Xfinity sucks because you share bandwidth with your neighbors. AT&T may not be able to offer you as high of speed though depending on where you live. If the have uverse internet in your area or gigapower, you're good to go.
Haha pretty much, people thato cry like that usually have like 2 months past due balance and don't realize that when you don't pay your next bill is going to be larger and larger lol
Confession: I'm an AT&T tech with 21 years in the field.
OP here. Im not to sure how our Internet really works as I don't get paid to look into it, Internet service has tons of factors in terms of reliability, how far you are from the node etc
OP here: you install people's services at home?
>250 GB CAP
Read your service agreements faggot, I think I've been to your fucking house.
Lol, so what your saying is you don't know how to read bills, you don't know how to read a fucking contract, and don't know what's required to deliver you a service.
Your stupid as fuck
Yep, and repair all of our products since we were Ameritech and people got 2nd POTS lines installed because the internet was still just dial-up
I have at&t dsl 1.5, I'd like faster....I try to upgrade and cs says its not available......do you think they are full of shit or is there anything I can do to get faster speeds? AT&t is the only thing available.......
what does at&t stand for
They wouldn't lie because they get a commission on the sale. It's just physics. If the cable that brings the service to your location is beyond a certain footage, only certain speeds will work.
American telephone and telegraph
OP here: If at&t is the only thing available then they prob aren't lying. Some areas just don't have the speeds that other areas have as they are still expanding etc
Thank you guys
This is convenient. I'm currently looking into getting a floor sales position at ATT (school and paying my own way is emptying my bank account, can't save money on slave wage). My job experience includes about 2 years of food service and 2 years of manual labor. What do you think my odds are?
oh tanks sur
my wife works for ATT, any chance you would be interested in meeting her?
How can I save $$$ on my account?
Why does the attached s7 have a shit ton of bloat ware on it? Makes me want to kms
10-4....I had a 6mb and to make the story short it got cancelled......then when I was setting it back up the next week they say DSL isnt even in my area lol....finally after a lot of run around I get it back but only at 1.5........
You one those Arabs who claims their name is Jason Anderson?
Exactly, when I worked in the Internet cable department at another company we made $2 commission on every upgrade, may not seem like a lot but if you can upgrade multiple items on someone's account and you talk to 30 plus people a day, it adds up. Any more money on my paycheque the better
What systems do you use? OPUS? Telegence? Phoenix?
It's really easy to get a job here, just apply. If you don't get a call back id be surprised, the turnover rate here is very high
I'm about to start a new job working in a call center. Is there any advice you can give me?
>in before don't
I work for uverse services :D
I don't know but we use over 9000 gig/s of dedotaded wam in our sata 6 server mainframe
Because AT&T spends a lot of money on their apps and will put it on any android device they can so they can stuff their name down your throats
Lol no, it's funny how many people say how happy they are that they aren't speaking to someone in india
Ah, your area may be getting upgraded to uverse internet. They usually try to stop selling the dsl product and you have to fight about everything during the transition. If they offer you the uverse internet product you should be able to get back your 6M or even higher depending how close you are to the office.
What state do you work out of? Rochester, NY by any chance?
Fucking idiot
OP HERE: We don't use opus, I use telegence, clarify, torch, pears, system x just to name a few, in tech support we have like 50 different tools the ones I listed above are the most common ones I use
Is that because of being fired, or quitting? I've heard that with the high commission comes high expectations from management and near-impossible quotas. Any light to shed on this?
You a prem tech?
Cancel it.
OP HERE: Don't be nervous on your first call, everyone always is, some even cry. Just remember the customer has no idea it's your first call, they think your the expert so just sound confident like you know what your talking about even tho you don't lol
Watch for specials whenever your introductory rates expire.
I used to have Uverse, I'd love to have it back.........im in a rural area now and I kinda get the vibe from them that they don't really wanna fool with maintaining the lines out here.......
OP here, I'd rather not say but I am in the states
No, I sling the cable when dindus call in bitching about their 3 month past due bills expecting us to give them free service.
Yeah, the DirectTv deal sent maintenance into the shitter. I hope that will change with the price of fiber bottoming out.
That's actually really helpful :)
Thanks friend, for what it's worth I'm a loyal AT&T user. I've had them all you you guys are the best imo. Keep up the good work man.
OP HERE: it's because of people quitting mainly, we have impossible to meet metrics, you can never be 100% in all areas. Once you improve in one area you will go down somewhere else, management is always on your back and you get yelled at by customers daily. It's quite stressful
Rochester NY holla!!
Me too......Thanks for the replies.....
Same here. AT&T has been great, and the Asurian insurance program even better. Also, excellent coverage most everywhere.
Just curious, I work for a call center out of rochester who contracts out to many different company's, including tons of different AT&T departments lol
One quick warning: if you have AT&T service yourself and go to work in a call center for AT&T, DONT EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT OPENING UP YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. Guaranteed firing. They monitor EVERYTHING you do on the computer.
Truth. It's amazing to me that I can be 135% one day and 8% the next when there will be no noticeable difference in my days. At least in the field we don't deal with commission shit, it's just some dopey gift card every month if you hit all your goals.
No problem, everything you learn in training gets forgotten on your first call lol
Thanks for the kind works, customers like your self always gets the best service, at least from me. I appreciate you actually being human
Hm...doesn't seem like something I would handle well. Thank you for the heads up!
I work for a simillar company haha
I also work in a call center out of Rochester.. Maybe we know each other, maybe we don't.
Very true. They know what your clicking on and record your screen etc
It's not over exaggerated either I've seen people get fired, I've seen one person get legal action pressed because they gave them selves a 200$ credit
System X is shit, has been for the last 9 years. I miss RNS and BOCRIS from the old days in Bellsouth.
Yea people need to remember that you guys are there to help. You didn't cause the problem. You only want to help fix it. No sense in getting all pissy about stuff.
Yeah in tech support we don't worry about commission, we get weekly prizes and give aways for the agents to keep moral up, and we have perfect attendance bonus's if you show up for a month straight without calling in sick lol
I know they frown on us installing or repairing any of our own services but most of our bosses know that us "old guys" won't let anybody else touch our shit. We don't have access to account stuff so the most we could do is wire up some jacks or give ourselves free router upgrades and our departments don't really care about that type of stuff.
A few years ago we had a mass firing where I work, 20+ reps and 5 supervisors. Some were crediting their own and friends/families accounts for money, a couple were triggering phone upgrades and mailing them to themselves to then sell on the intertubes.
Op here: Telegence and Clarify are two pieces of software I use to use for another company as well, just called something else, seems like a universal system for lots of wireless companies
I would fucking love if at&t fixes their dsl in metro atlanta. Goes out about every month for 2 days.
Just your's or your whole neighborhood?
OP HERE: exactly, im always willing to help fix the issue but if your a Douche your issue won't be fixed right away I'll tell you that
OP here: you work for att also or another company? Lol
It's probably the same company, or at least one of their 3 Rochester locations lol sound about right?
I work for convergys lol wbu?
Around the time the newest phone hits the market, my phone starts to run like shit or completely breaks. I have at&t and I'm fucking tired of feeling like i'm forced into upgrading.
it happened both with apple and samsung. now i'm stuck with a 6s plus when i really wanted the note 7, but i couldn't wait after you fuckers raped my phone. i'll fucking slash your fucking throats you conniving pricks
250?quarter of a gig? There is no way that is enough per month.
Not OP but in a portfolio manager at AT&T. What's her UID?
It's just you, we have a meeting and write a special firmware that you don't have to download or install and send it straight to your phone.
at&t. Not much other way I could know this. they were going into telegence to credit their bills and system X to trigger upgrades, then change shipping addresses. They are damn lucky at&t didn't press charges.
Sutherland unfortunately lol
Telegence was a system originally developed for and used by Cingular. AT&T now does the majority of work on wireless through it now.
OP HERE: this may be a surprise to you but no one uses your phone but you, learn how to manage your device better and stop blaming people for your ignorance. Shut the fuck up and throw your phone in a river ass hole
do it one more time and see what fucking happens asshole
Everyone in my neighborhood who i know of that has it. Itll cut out at odd hours of the day and night randomly. T was really bad during june/july. 18mbps down .66 up.
Op here: Telegence/clarify are actually made by a different company which leases the software to many providers. I worked for another telecommunications company before I worked for AT& Tatum and we used the same systems they where just called something else
thats just the attitude i expected from a lying scumbag like you. i had my phone replaced for free because you morons were too stupid to figure out what the hell was wrong after remoting into my device.
i take good care of my shit you stupid fuck or i wouldn't have got a free replacement, so fuck you
Prepare to be shocked: The only reason your phone starts acting up is...............YOU! That's right, the dumbfuck that fills their phone up to capacity with tranny porn, big black cocks, and the viruses attached to those files is the one responsible for their phone being fucked up, not us! Imagine that!
Speak of te devil. My internet literally just cut out.
yeah you know it all you degenerate fuck, not everyone is a sick fuck like you, so keep your trap porn to yourself faggot
yeah, I suppose you're right there. AMDOCS does the same thing with the shitfest program we use for uverse, CRM. It's the result of accepting the lowest bidder, I guess.
Has it been predominantly during the summer months or has it been going on since before that? What speed profile are you on? I'm betting that you are having a heat related issue at the RT that serves your area. The things that will help a local technician are notes about the specific conditions of failure. Was it raining? Was it at a specific time of day? Was it hot/cold? Windy? You'd be surprised the dumb shit that causes long-term intermittent outages. They can be almost impossible to solve without either information or luck.
You got a free replacement because your phone is under warranty, your stupid as fuck
>thinks we're a hardware company
>calls us stupid
This sir, is why you will never get decent treatment from service people.
not exactly true. if i return my phone, you send me a new one.
but you examine the old one to see if i may have broken it.
if i was found at fault, i would have to pay for the replacement
do you not know your own regulations? or are you just shitposting?
Well i havent had it that long before the summer. I got it around febuary and its just gone down whenever. Its around 70 degrees outside right now and it just went out. I have a nvg589 motorolla its 18mbps down and .66 up. It has gone down during rain. Low temps (for summer) and the likes.
what on Cred Forums? you think im like this in real life? lol you're a fucking idiot :)
You know they just send them to a refurbisher right? They send out a refurbished model to the customer. There is no inspection department.
well i guess we'll never know if i was at fault then, would we? don't know how a customer is supposed to process that shit
No, you send your iPieceofshit back to apple, under warranty, they realize you're a dumb nigger posting BBC threads on Cred Forums's Cred Forums board, realize that it's probably not worth the hastle of dealing with the size of your neckbeard and chins, and they just hard wipe your phone back to factory, and send it back to you, claiming it's a replacement phone when it's the same one minus the shit you put on it to fuck it up to begin with.
OP here: yeah thats called a warranty replacement you dumbfuk i do those daily
what's been done so far as far as repairs? 18M is a uverse product.
just stop, cuz you have no idea what youre fishing for and i'm not telling you, so fuck off
well, nothing was my fault because i didnt have to pay for it, that was your understanding, no?
My old nvg589 to a nvg589 that dates back to a 2014 manufacture date. Wouldnt be suprised if it used to belong to someone else.
Op here: you only have to pay for it if your device falls out of warranty, mainly physical or liquid damage will cause a charge but if they find out that it was just user error they wjll wipe the phone and give it to someone else as a refurbished phone under the same program and YOU wouldnt be charged.
Maybe next yime you should listen to what the person is telling you on the phone when they read tbe t&cs of the warranty replacement program
Next time we're out tell them to swap your port. If you're CODSLAM tell them to put you in a different bank, if you're RTDSLAM (which is my guess) tell them to put you on a different card and to check the air filters on the VRAD. Write it down or print it out or something and hand it to them when they show up.
kepp talking shit nigger
When I've called with out of warranty Apple devices they've made me go through Apple. I would have to guess your device was in warranty.
Op here: Lol im telling you what your doing, stop acting like your right, i deal with this shit on a daily basis and talk to rednecks like you all the time that dont understand anything even when its spelt out right in front of you.
Do you guys monitor people's data
How much to upgrade to the new iPhone 7? Currently a Galaxy s6 user.
OP here: If the device is out of warranty we referr to the manufacturer as they may have other options to replace a device. If the person has insurance then we will help the customer set up a claim with asurion
Not for content, only for speed and bandwidth usage.
bruh, you and i have the same job, are you in orlando?
Op here: sorry im not to sure, i never sell anything as thats not my job. I just fix peoples phones for them
Op here: no im not
No. We can see within 3 hour increments how much data is used and which device on an account is using it, but we cannot see where the data is going to or coming from. It's completely possible that there's a system set up somewhere that monitors that (in case the government gets all edward snowden-y) and wants to track shit, but no sales or tech rep can see that.
I only connect them to Wi-Fi and add the MyATT app. Check the website.
Why do you assholes think you're so fucking smart? I called the other day about a bug where 18000 spam messages couldn't be deleted. I scoured every orifice of the Internet and found nothing other than rooting the Phone which isn't an option. I obviously had to factory reset and I didn't want to. I back upped all my data and the cunt I spoke to had the nerve to tell me that my SD card should work without formatting it and all my apps data will be restored.
All my apps data weren't fully restored. My fucking SD card also got corrupted.
Had I just done my own research I would have avoided the whole fuck up.
My question to you is why the fuck is AT&T hiring morons for fucking tech support?
How the fuck is this allowd?
yeah nothing's your fault. eat shit you fucking pogue
Op here: thats right, we dont know waht your doing to use the bandwidth we just know how much your using, also we messaure it per packet that the tower sends your phone weither you receive it or not, thats why your phone will prob show a different amount of data usage compared to what you see on our website (small difference)
Your phone measures data packets it receives and displays it to you in kb,mb or gb
We measure it no matter if you receive it or not as we cant tell if you infact received it
Is it possible to do DHCP starvation on the phone network? does the cellular network even use dhcp or something like it ?
iPhone 7 Pricing
$649.99 32GB
$749.99 128GB
$849.99 256GB
add $100 to each of those for the corresponding 7 Plus model. You either get a 24 or 30 month plan, depending on if you want to upgrade yearly or every 2 years. Also, you have to pay sales tax on the MSRP up-front, and a 30% down payment if your credit is shit, like this nigger right here.
Wow. Bigger never heard of Wikipedia or Google?
You shouldn't have answered that dumas questions
Really? You not using a fucking spam filter is someone else's fault? How the fuck did you let 18000 messages build up before you took action? FFS, just turn off your phone, put it back in the box, write a note that says "I'm too stupid to own this" on it and send it back. If you bought a car, left the window down and 18000 stray cats moved into it is it Chevy's fault? Just fuck off.
shit man, i feel you though, i do android ats in the orlando branch, whats your call volume like?
No, it's not possible.
Op here: that would suck balls, tbh your question is totally valid, you would be surprised how many people get hired off the street, go through 4 weeks training then stuck on yhe phone still not knowing shit. The turn over rate in the call center is very high so they hire basically anyone that applys so they can keep up with the call volumes
butthurt faggot. you don't know my plan
How did your project avoid being outsourced to the Flips and Injuns?
>worked two different contracts with att both of them went outsource as soon as we built up the customer base
Op here: i worked today and we where actually slow today, at one point 5 mins between calls. On monday i waited 15 mins for a call at one point. Wbu?
that's a lie, look up deep packet inspection.
Also weev did nothing wrong
Op here: will do
our monday was mostly back to back, the fuck..
AT&T sales here. I back OP. Customers are fucking stupid. They don't understand that we are a services company, not a phone company; we provide the service and sell the phone as a convenience (that's why you need to buy the phone full price now on Next). We should not even be providing tech support on why the phone is fucked up. It's always our fault when their $100 smartphone stops working... This is why asians that come over looking to buy a sim card are my favorite customers. They understand that the phone is not our problem.
Op here: Im more than confident we will loose the at&t contract where i work, the company i work for is shady and is slowly doing it for all the fompanies it does support for, theres nothing we xan do because they pay them like 3 bucks an hour to do our jobs
Forgot to mention that it was the spam filter nigger ha
Morons stop trying to make it seem like I'm technically illiterate.
Everytime I selected all the spam messages the fuckibg app crashes. And this is on a note 4 with the gay ass marshellow update that fucking at&t completely ruined.
I hate how all service providers have to fucking tweek firmware updates just to try and keep up with all their corporate marketing schemes.
Get a better job, loser
-Quality Assurance Analyst at CAI
Never work the retail side. Our calls are almost always back-to-back. We praise Odin for 30 second breaks between calls, if they happen.
Op here: oh really? We whwre super slow. Did your telegence go down last week also? There was a power outage in dallas data center from whay i heard thay caused half our tools to go down
You are illiterate. Go to PC, log into email account. Empty spam folder, sync email. See? The call to tech support wasn't even necessary.
orlando ats here, you realize at&t doesnt make the updates, right?
I know those feels bro. I turned down two att contracts while I was looking for work. I can handle retarded users. I can't handle retarded foreign techs.
No, he's a moron
I'm going to apply to at&t op. The cut I spoke to is named Jennifer and was all fucking hype about how much I knew about androids. She was so fucking shocked. I was pretty freaked out though. She made it seem like tech savvy people are a minority.
I kind of like call centers though.
If anyone lives on the East Coast I used to work for Wawa's call center. Did every single department and I quit because I hated working with a bunch of wawa nutjob quack fedoratards
root the goddamn thing and install a decent firmware
Doesn't work that way you dipshit. It was for text messages NOT EMAILS FAGOT
yeah, all of our systems went down, clarify, csp, dlc, telegence, and torch... and they still made us take calls, we legit couldnt even verify customers, let alone troubleshoot anything
Get shit reception with my cell phone in the area I live. I know AT&T themselves can't do anything about it directly, but what could I do to make sure my phone doesn't have shit reception.
before suggesting to get a new phone, It's a OPO, works perfectly fine, aside from shit reception at my residence. Reception is fine anywhere else. Aside from uni, everyone's reception is shit there.
Ah, it's all clear now, you were just pretending to be retarded...
Google makes the firmware update, sends it to samsung, who then sends it to at&t.
I know my shit niggers. All you fags just keep getting btfo everytime you respond. Just kys
Op here: same here, everytime we have contingencgy we still gotta take calls and explain to people how tools are down and cant do anything, most people are understanding but you always get thay one douche that just wont believe you or ignores you and just gives you their number to pull up their account lol
so why would you say that at&t ruined the update? or are you just that retarded that youre going to contradict yourself?
I can't root because i have the gay unrootable model you ducking moron. That's why I fucking said rooting wasn't an option. Jesus fucking christ. Just stop
Get cucked. Be me. Be an ausfag, pay $300 p/m for two phones with a tablet Z4 and unlimited calls and texts and fibre internet with 1tb cap and no excess fee.
Op here: that sucks, give us a call and talk to us about a microcell, you might be able to get one for free if you qualify for one. Otherwise it costs $150
Because at&t finalizes the fucking firmware to make sure it suits their marketing ploys and their apps you fucking asshat
Matt? How are things, guy?
consider how shit att pays and you will see why qualified techs are few and far between.
I made t2 two weeks after i started on the uverse project. Just always keep the idea in the back of your head that your job will be lost after about 2 years when they outsource the contract to accenture.
>att projects i worked all outsourced
>support +
muh surveys tho :(
fuck your microcell
I fucked you mom. Your sister is next
top kek I remember once we lost all services and they expected us to tech the shit from memory
Why does AT&T lock the bootloaders on the majority of Android smartphones? Also, why is there so much AT&T bloat on a stock Android smartphone from AT&T?
Op here: i know :( my aht went down a lot tho because of thay day haha
Well, that escalated quickly.
Just did a quick search on the website, I pay for minutes I'm assuming? If so, I might as well deal with what I have now. Not worth the investment if it's the case.
Also thoughts on Cingular? Get any people wanting legacy perks or something?
orlando ats here,
i make 14 something i believe, it's not to bad
i wouldnt fuck your mom, shes too much of a cancer-ridden skank
I made 23 on support + and 21 for uverse but I was pretty much always tier 2 I think our start on uverse was 18 but i took the contract through adecco and they paid a bit more than average if you had your certs
Because they want their logo everywhere
Bloat is for ads and partners, locked bootloaders keep kiddies from breakin shit.
nah, its a 1 time charge of 150 with a 75 dollar mail in rebate
do they still get all butt hurt about low POSE scores?
reread my last post nigger. you're just a fucking idiot. OP understood my post immediately then a flood of moronic niggers like yourselves begin to call me the idiot.....
Op here: i think i read in csp that the 75$ rebate is going to be gone soon, have you heard of yhis?
ive read that a few times, but they keep prolonging it, so im not sure
but you are a fucking idiot.
HOW ABOUT fuck your house instead? people bitching about cell phone signals not getting through their radiant barrier roof or in a metal fucking box. AT&T doesn't put up towers to penetrate fucking buildings asshat.
hi i do the same but for comcast and i was actually thinking of making one of these threads, everyone i talk to seems to want to change to your company, do you ever hear "fix my shit or i get comcast"?
AT&T DOS here, shut this convo down it's not how we represent the brand.
>bu-bu-bu you're the retard
Just kill yourself. How does it feel to constantly get BTFO in your safe space you little jungle monkey?
>at&t is my perfect little workplace of unicorns and daffodils
oh please, nigger, let's not go into coverage....
You still don't know how to find texts through your email account? Neck yourself, dude was right.
Op here: haha yes or tmobile, verizon etc. The other telecom company i worked for was the same thing, i realizsd people just say that to either get what they want or they go company to company to get the intro deals
we're all apes, nigger, not monkies... see? you are a fucking idiot
see the difference you asshat?
one is text messages
the other EMAILS
Need some tips on that too nigger?
Thanks guys, I'll most likely call in on Friday, see what happens.
When your logo is a Deathstar your firm is all in on the evil.
>and check em
I live and work in Dallas. Coverage is fucking epic. LTE errywhere 50MB speedtests on LTE
Not a chance I don't need anyone looking me up on webphone.
Op here: no problem, hopefully you can get one for free but please dont demand it for free, just ask if you can get a deal on one if possible. When agent goes to orser it, it will tell them you can get it for free during thay process. I always give ot for free if it says person is eligible
nobody is going to post uid on Cred Forums lol.
put a pepe logo on your tspace profile. I dare you
I'm trying to help you for the next time. Texts are emails. You can access them through the same system to clear unwanted ones from your phone. It is also a way to add specific messagers to your spam filter to prevent exactly what happened to you. Google sms-email, I'm done being insulted.
don't get me started on texas
Good luck
Op here: stop trying to censor me you asshole
Well that's not gonna happen, probably another summit badge the way this years going,
ITT shills
newsflash aggies and longhorns are goat fucking asswipes.
fuck your backwoods shitty complaints about coverage in your treefort
stop playing the victim, you whiny little whore
then you aint shit bruh
Fuck it this shit site won't hurt our bottom line anyway
more likely workforce 2020 f you in the ass badge
you just sound like a cunt
>i live in texas for the coverage
>see? I'm cool
I get paid to be a cunt
Yeah, but you have to actually be a cunt to get paid.
I thought it was pretty positive except for that one guy. A few people actually got help. Go figure, I'm kind of shocked, what has happened to Cred Forums
>I'm an internet weaboo and complain about shit I have NO FUCKING IDEA how it works cuz I'm 3 edgy
Op here: why are you on this site if you think its shit?
fuck you if you fags cant hack it, you're just a shit brand
I'm here and I think it's shit.
Op here: im willing to help anyone that goes about it the right way
fuck you and fuck your texas-sized vagina
>Op here: im willing to help anyone that meets my personal subjective criteria
you give them the reacharound too? I bet you do, you faggot
Op here: to bad your opion means nothing
so youre getting paid right now to monitor a thread on b? lurk more
Ill be reading about this on the CSO security bulletin next quarter...
too bad your shitty life working for a shitty company means nothing,
That means nothing to me
the quarterly bulletin highlighting employee retards who do shit wrong and get canned for it
Op here: at&t isnt even my employer go read through the thread you idiot i work for a 3rd party
oh now this fucking guy is even less important
doesn't matter, you have access to SPI data, accessing it on behalf of helping anons on Cred Forums will be a career-ender. there's one or two every bulletin.
Op here: Your retarded
except he hasn't accessed or recited any SPI. He's recited information available through t&t resources and the at&t website, but nothing pertaining to any individual customer's account that could remotely be used to single out ant identify any individual customer.
you're the retard coming here to think we're all going to toss your salad so you can feel important for once in your worthless life
Like I said, I read about a dozen of you idiots a year. I'll be laughing when I read the 4th quarter report.
Op here: ill be laughing to
OP what has been your best expierence on the job? i once fixed the xfinity phone to a woman who needed it to contact and take care of her disabled brother
remembering when phreaking was fun...
Op here: last friday i had a tmobile called us by mistake (not sure how) but she had no account with us but all she needed help with was backing up her old phone and restoring it to the new phone, she was so happy to see her info on her new phone it was awesome to have a chat with her, she wasnt our customer but thats ok
Op here: when i got her info restored on her new device she was ecstatic, that call made me stay 10 mins past my shift but its all good to me as long as the person is chill
>see? I'm such a good guy, i'm deserving of praise
Op here: The person asked me a question about my best experience so i shared my most recent one, fuck off you goof
kys you self-absorbed mung
dude if you cant hit your metrics go work the retail side, ive only missed 100% one month this year
Thats what ive been contemplating, whats commission like?
im in 3rd party but its probably similar. 13% of profit plus base rate and bonuses. im gonna end this year right at 60k
Post a pic of your self on here first bitch
I got into the next program and got kicked out of my grandfather plan or else no contract. Is this another money ploy?
Im not to familar with the contracts as im tech support, maybe someone in sales or retail here can answer your question better
the next plan is just a way of buying a phone, it doesnt change your plan. you probably ordered it online and fucked it up yourself
ok- see you soon > ;-)
Op: thats what i thought you pussy bitch
I've been working with AT&T as a U-Verse Tech for over 9 years. This company is the epitome of Corporate Greed. The Company continues to increase our scope of work dramatically and each contract they want to offer us poverish increases to wages ($0.10/hr). Also claiming they can't afford to increase wages to a fair rate, yet they sit on 7.2 billion dollars in cash with continual increases to revenue quartly. This company only views me as a statistic and not a Human doing his job who has high customer service and high quality work. AT&T doesn't give a rats ass how well I take care of my customer's and the high quality work I perform. If I'm not appealing to them on another statistic, in their flawed system, I am then placed in a disciplinary program to try and improve myself on that statistic. And improving that statistic would mean compromising my integrity of taking care of customers and producing high quality work. The disconnect from my job title and "upper management" is as large as the wage gap is between me and upper management. It would be nice if large Corporations, like AT$T, would be exposed for their Corporate Greed & forced them to share the wealth with the employee's who make them that money.
Op here: 100% agreed
Got it at best buy but yea they fucked me over, 300 just to fully pay for my phone a fucking galaxy s6
OK well I also have uverse Internet and every time I walk to the house, the WiFi kicks me out and says error even though I put the password correctly. It started doing this ever since I changed my original password because other people got in somehow
yeah dont go to best buy
I work at a target mobile, can I port a phone number from AT&T to consumer cellular?
I know Verizon doesn't allow internal ports to prepaid without jumping through hoops.
I just have been trying to clarify if AT&T will allow a port to CC if it uses an AT&T sim.
And I mean like a currently used out of contract phone that someone wants to port, not a previously used AT&T phone
Never again, got a credit card there and holy fuck the interest on that bitch paid it off already so I do think have to deal with them.
44 unique posters itt
274 posts of att circlejerking
How far into it are you? Im on a 2 year contract and im at the same amount however my started in November 2015 with a different company tho
If you go anywhere but an actual AT&T retail store there is no way to preserve a plan that you are grandfathered into.
Next isn't a money ploy, you just went through the process in a way where you couldn't argue to preserve an outdated plan.
Op here: sorry for delayed response, is your other devices connecting? Do you have a laptop that can connect?
you can do it, sometimes porting with resellers requires you calling in to complete the port but its possible
A year in
I was thinking of breaking the contract but I bet the fees are ridiculous
Op here: sorry for delayed responses, i dont see why it cant be done. As long as the request is subitted by the rep it can be done, same with other carriers. I worked for another cell company for a few years, we use to port intercarrier numbers all the time if the customer wanted too
Okay cool. I'm more than used to calling in to CC to get stuff ported but nobody has ever made it clear of what the requirements are, and porting tends to be a hellish nightmare.
What's the weirdest thing you'be encountered in your time with AT&T?
Mobile is pretty tame, thenmost ive seen was a charging port full of sawdust with an old guy wondering why it wouldn't charge.
I got the s6 also and ive been thinking about it, however my phone is still wodking good
Okay cool, thanks man.
CC is super particular with their ports, I guess for security for the old folks.
I just didn't know if a current line that's out of contract on an account could be ported, but now that I think about it I don't see why it couldn't.
porting is a nightmare? normally you can skip all the info it asks for if you just have the social of the account your porting from just put 1s and shit for all the other info
Op here: portig isnt to complicated if you know what your doing, usually things go wrong when the agent isnt paying attention to which ctn is going where.
Ive heard of our warehouse where warrantied phones go have receive crazy things mailed to them. Shoes, hats, glasses just to name a few haha no sure if thays true tho
Most of the time it is, but most of my guests are 70+ for CC and porting from shit like Verizon.
CC is really picky and needs the account number and password to do a port, it almost always run into a problem with it.
There isn't even a option for ssn through our system.
If its out of contract its easier for a customer, if they are in contract most companies wont rejecg the port and let them cancel because it will just charge the ecf on the line. Typically companies that do this let vustomers port back in a few days to reverse ecf fees
I usually don't have to port unless its consumer cellular, it's a mix of old people and needing their account number and account password that the poa won't let me do it without.
I wish I had the access to those systems to make it easier but we have a super strict way that we have to do it.
Op here: ah i see, recoverying a ctn after a customer changed their ctn to something else can be a bitch sometimes tho in my experience
i didnt answer the second part. mine is mostly just old people thinking theyre being hacked because their phone is slow but really the dude just downloaded lots of porn and had that shit full. i love telling them that infront of their wives. 4 or 5 times a day people will come in with a simple issue that just requires restarting. the absolute weirdest is the guy that wanted me to staple his money to his wallet after he paid
you guys are more patient than me, i tell them to call and get the info or get a new number then move on to the next customer, fuck that
Op here: haha thats to funny
Computer never has the authorization error, logs in no problem. It's just the phones
Oh yeah for sure, out of contract is much easier.
Honestly I wouldn't feel morally right to allow one of these old folks to port a number in contract just because of cancellation fees.
I didn't know that they'll generally reverse it though, that's not something I'll spread out but it is good to know, thanks
It can be infuriating, but I love the old fucks so it's alright
Aw that's messed up man. Old people gotta have porn too.
I only do that with people who treat me like shit, but usually old folks are only vaguely grouchy.
That is pretty fucking weird though
I'm sure they would like to hear from you :)
Op here:: depending on the issue with the phone you have to revert their number back to fix it, most people will go back to their old number to make it work again lol
It helps that I absolutely love helping old people. They are the best guests around.
It's the fucking tweakers that get me though, I just tell them to figure it out on their own.
Got one guy who breaks his phone every couple months via throwing it, I told him after the first two times that I can't help him.