Wish me goodnight !
... or in 5 minutes, you ll get a phone call telling you that the person you love the most is DEAD !
Wish me goodnight !
... or in 5 minutes, you ll get a phone call telling you that the person you love the most is DEAD !
>tfw ex dies.
7 Cred Forumsro s have recieved THE phone call so far ...
Jokes on you faggot. Everyone I love is already dead.
you will know in 5 minutes who is the person you loveD the most ...
Sorry .... and GOODNIGHT !
waited five minutes, then my phone died. I sorry. You were right. Good night faggot. Love you. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. You want me to read you a story?
OP here !
sorry about your phone, i really did not want that !
but yes please if you have a great story to help me fall aslep , i ll love you forever !
ahh bruv, i just checked and my phone was turned off, any chance of a call back?
>OP is a faggot.
>I am a faggot
Good night.
Wishing this to you because I wish to spread to you all the Truth of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
goodnight :)
my phone's broken, so i fucking doubt it.
gooooood night
Sorry !
Too late !
All the people you love ( pets included ) are happy and healthy ...
You should have checked your phone earlier , sorry !
You now have to experience happy days ...
kill yourself
Good night
>once upon a time there was a giant who loved unicorns
>he loved unicorns so much that he taped an ice cream cone to his horse's head
>one day he saw a walrus
>the walrus had aids
>the aids had a cold
>the cold had super secret herpes, and took valtrex every day
>the giant was so sad he ate his own dick
>the giants dick got really mad and tore the giants asshole apart from the inside
>many years later the horse hired a prostitute to eat the icecream cone
>they got married and lived happily ever after
>then I saved a bunch of money by switching to gieco
>shit was so cash
Goodnight fag.
I hope you die in your sleep
i hope they all die anyway
goodnight anyway.
Goodnight you fucking memelord you
goodnight sweet prince
Goodnight you dumb cunt
Good night sweet prince.
good afternoon good faggot
good night
Good night faggot
OP here .........
Just concentrate on the RIIIIING you are about to hear ...
Have fun !
Or cry ?
>tfw you quit caring about people because everyone you knew ended up screwing you over.
G-good night OP
Goodnight faggot
but user
you're the one i love the most
Goodnight user, sweet dreams pumpkin.
Good night
good night op XO
OP here !
Had not thought about that !!!!
i repeat ....
THREAD OVER !!!!!!!!!!
Goodnight user!
good night op
dont wake up, cunt
Good night!
Night fam
Op is a faggot, but I wish him goodnight
goodnight pupper
That moment when u don't love any1 because of memory loss at age 19 so you forget how things feel or even remember that you ever loved :'(
I juist want to bash my head into a wall and make it al stop but i can't even remember why i want to kill myself. i hate my memory
OP here ...
Thanx ! just wanted to let you know that you will find a few hundreds $ on the sidewalk before this week-end.
Good night T_T
Good night pupper
goodnight op
Ok good night
gud nite