Walking home some guy bumps into me and instantly starts talking shit to my face about aluminum being the best metal. I tried to stay calm and explained to him that iron was actually the best metal, but he wouldn't take a hint. He started throwing around words like 'rust' and I lost it.
Wyatt Watson
Walking home? Are you poor?
>you deserved it
Henry Clark
But aluminum is shiny.
Luke Gutierrez
Tungsten is the best metal you fags.
Ryder Brown
>Aluminum I don't get how mericans just forgot the second i.
Also kek Also aluminium ftw
Owen Price
Jesus, you fucks. Platinum.
Brody Bailey
tungsten master race.
Logan Foster
I'd have gone off on him about bismuth
Jason Martinez
>all these dubs
But Copper is where it's at.
Sebastian Nelson
>arguing over aluminium and iron and not the superior titanium They're both poor.
Wyatt Nelson
Tech death is the best metal.
Ayden White
metal? why not carbon fiber?
Brayden Ramirez
srs tho, tungsten is the badass of the metals
Lincoln Johnson
>Carbon based fuel >Carbon based emissions >Carbon based life forms Jesus you meatbags are so unimaginative.
Daniel Jones
Do you even gallium? A metal which will become molten in your tea is aw-right.
Eli Young
Y'all is fags. Barium is where the money is
Robert Lewis
I second this
Henry Ramirez
So you can not only not stir your tea, you can even drink it because there's some molten metal in the cup? What a terrible material.
Luis Smith
Titanium may be strong, but it's really lightweight too. Not good if you need to reinforce something.
Joseph Walker
why don't you come up with an original story, you fucking faggot?
Austin Lopez
You're all retarded, calcium is the fuckin god tier you proles
Ian Allen
Silver, guys.
I kill all bacteria. Also the most conductive. Try to get on my level.
Daniel Fisher
This is now a dubs thread.
Jose Powell
Why not diamond that's a pretty good metal
Hunter Powell
Probably because it was originally called aluminum, dummy.
Oliver Evans
1 gram is like 14 grams dude, it's too heavy.
Cameron Diaz
Bismuth is the man
Dominic Campbell
Tell that to the guys who count on their titanium bathtub to keep their balls from getting shot off.
Elijah Carter
Alloys are the future.
Michael Richardson
But traveling at 400 miles per iron, it is definitely the superior metal
Samuel Fisher
Iridium is master element. So elite that the only way it even exists on this planet is on a screaming ball of fire from the heavens, and can produce a steel harder than John Cena's abs.
Alexander Thomas
Landon Morgan
Led is brutal
Isaac Nguyen
gold is heavy but you wouldn't reinforce something with it.
Lucas Hill
but mercury is only metal liquid under normal circumstances
Lincoln Turner
>titanium bathtub
Leo Anderson
>rebar graphene reinforced armor plating
Fucking normalfag
Isaac Cox
black metal is only metal
Joshua Williams
What's an example of something you need weight to reinforce something for? The only thing i can think of is tanks since their difficulty to blow around is their selling point, but tanks aren't famed on their fuel economy.
Caleb Moore
>tech death
I like my metal like I like my coffee.
Brandon Price
Osmium is densest therefore osmium is the best
James Richardson
Ceramics are the future.
Jose Garcia
Wow, really great point. Being lightweight sure is a downside you dumb fucking piece of shit.
Juan Hill
It's also poisonous to humans, why do you think the hat makers went mad back in the day?
Leo Foster
You're the densest.
James Nelson
Nigger detected
Easton Scott
Every metal in existence comes from nuclear fusion. Except maybe lithium, but most of that too.
Dominic Lopez
Plastics are the future.
Isaac Mitchell
That all depends on which normal.
Camden Rivera
because they couldn't handle the awesome power contained within the mercury
Jacob Foster
Fuck that, they make dinner plates out of ceramic.
Dylan Bailey
The future is merely a concept of a persons mind, it doesn't actually exist
Logan Phillips
No, tank armor is constantly being improved upon, mostly to make it more lightweight while still offering protection.
Leo Collins
Ah, you got me there
Dominic Lee
Plastics are already the past, and may prove to be our downfall. I'm sticking with ceramics.
Jackson Bailey
I like pop
Carson Howard
At least you faggots are reposting funny shit.
Wyatt Cooper
Zinc is the best metal
Luke Bennett
Guys someone call non-emergency line for police
fuck their shit up
Bentley Russell
whoops wrong thread
Bentley Johnson
Diamond is the best metal. Cred Forums settled this question a long time ago, newfag.
Cameron Nguyen
They make body armor plates out of ceramic.
Dominic Diaz
Ehh, no. Technetium can possibly come from neutron capture, but it can also come from uranium fission and only made synthetically.
Julian Richardson
low cost and high conduction? cool. moderate cost and high combustion? magnesium!
Adam Brown
Well ok but I dont see any of those guys getting quads.
Blake Wood
Silver is the best clearly, that's what they used to slay vampires and shit with
Brandon Thomas
lithium bitches
has a song about it
explodes in water
fuck you
Camden Clark
Kayden Ward
floor tiles, knives, dental implants, surface mount electronic components, automotive brake pads and more
Anthony Thomas
Easton Baker
Magnesium is pretty snazzy tbh
Hudson Cooper
It can be made "naturally", it's just it isn't stable enough to be around this many billions of years after earth formed.
Wyatt Ortiz
plutonium master race you shiny pussies and fags
Luis Wilson
Isaiah Brown
>titanium fag Titanium needs tungsten just to get hard in the morning.
Juan Hernandez
Lithium doesn't explode in water, it's the least reactive alkali metal.
Christopher Kelly
I hate to admit this ayyyylmao has a point...
Adam Baker
Hard? Aww, poor little tungsten fag is trying to come up with nicer ways of saying "brittle" I almost feel sorry for you.
Henry Ramirez
>2016 >being this new
Blake Phillips
Ceramics belong in the home, like a woman.
Joshua King
I'm sorry to inform you user but I think your a little potassium deficient...
Zachary Davis
Levi Foster
Oliver Garcia
All stupid, diamond 8s the best metal
Parker Walker
Fucking silicon man. I'm using it right now to promote silicon. This message is being stored using silicon. You're entire life was spent using silicon. Problem?
Michael Powell
You fucking retards
Diamond is the best metal
Leo Watson
I just said that
Andrew Rivera
What about rune, mithril, and addy. Those r my fav metals.
Aaron Gomez
Is diamond 8 like ice VII?
Colton Murphy
I wonder how irrelevant runite is in runescape now.
Christopher Phillips
Doesn't negate the fact you're a retard, you aluminum loving fuck.
Camden Perez
Fake and gay
Grayson Richardson
Can it
Robert Hill
gallium > aluminum
Christian Scott
No... Wait that's right the meme, yes yes it is!
Evan Sanchez
Oh, so now you're into tin alloys? I knew you were a dirty little slut from the beginning.
Aluminum is way too reactive for me, I only use gold
Sebastian White
It's not our fault the shit is so fucking versatile. I'm sorry we can't all have your fancy fucking crystal-silicon DNA and your pansy ass non-nitrogenous proteins substitutes.
You're just jealous my osmium shlong never goes soft like your fucking wimpy tin pecker.
Nolan Johnson
Is there really any debate here? Diamond is the hardest metal. Therefore the best metal. Fucking newfags
Unexpected chuckle
Hudson Roberts
Arsenic is way classier than your liquid bullshit. Obviously arsenic is the superior metalloid.
Dylan Bell
Jace Harris
molybdenum is old and busted, I wouldn't wipe my worse enemies ass with that weak bullshit
Liam Powell
M8 you oxidize and crumble into a pile of wimpy shit faster than anybody. Gold is just as conductive but never loses its imperial shine. Take your dull ass and leave before I breathe too hard and you catch fire.
Colton King
hydrogen is not a metal.
Bentley Wilson
Nice get
Christian Jones
hydrogen in solid state would act like a metal
Hunter Carter
is this bait or are you retarded?
Luke Peterson
I'm not seeing a yes. Fucking niggers. Supercooled hydrogen and superheated hydrogen will one day rule the earth.
Nathaniel Stewart
Supercooled hydrogen would be too expensive
Kayden Gomez
We can't all have fucking social anxiety and anger issues like you. You're a one trick pony and you can't handle the pressure of real work without destroying everything. Come back when you've at least made something of yourself other than your one gig in Japan. Uranium and promethium are doing cool shit like making power and medicine and what are you doing? You couldn't even keep your job as a battery for people's hearts because you were too dangerous! You should be ashamed.
Ian Jenkins
Magnesium is god tier.
>throw a bag of grandulated magnesium in a fire pit >blind everyone.
Dominic Reed
>act like a metal exactly, while it may display some metallic properties, it remains not a metal.
Bentley Howard
One day we will discover that aluminum is actually bad for you and causes neurological disorders
Ryan Fisher
ok, I was gonna agree with you then you had to superheat the hydrogen, god damn piece of faggot cum booger cunt
Nathaniel Miller
>implying that iridium and Osmium aren't the best metals. fucking Aluminium faggot
Angel Hernandez
copper is kind of neat
Eli Reyes
>carbon >metal kek are you talking about Steel? because that's fucking iron.
Mason Powell
Fuck-off metalnigger.
Evan King
This and Osmium, rarest metal and the densest and highest melting point. also Thorium because most energy dense element.
Eli Phillips
Because it's Aluminum, not Aluminium you faggotmouth. Learn to be not so fucking retarded you goddamn cockfuck. I should come over there and shove a shovel up you rectumhole you pretentious niggertree. I actually can't think of anything that pisses me off more than when I hear a britfag say Aluminium. Makes me want to wash their cockport with sandpaper and stomach acid. Jesus fucking christ you englandniggers are a fucking disgrace to the English language. I fucking hate you. All of you, with your terrible fucking teeth and your annoying faggotbutt accents. Why don't you just cucking kill yourself you dried up sheet of black-guy cum. It's aluminum
Dominic Jones
>being this triggered over spelling.
Xavier Hughes
dense=fucking retard
Austin Gray
Easton Roberts
Dominic Torres
Where are you from you fucking piece of shit?
Connor Peterson
Jace Morales
BEst metal is POTATO
Evan Adams
Jaxson Adams
fuck you, spiderman. i do what i want.
Jack Carter
Next you're gonna tell me that diamond is a metal.
Nathaniel Rogers
dense=totally fucking rad fuck you
William Ramirez
Wtf u must be hi to come up with this thread hahahah
Dylan Hughes
because Carbon master race
best element 2016
Kayden White
I only like caesium because it explodes
Nicholas Wood
B-but user, Diamond is the best metal
Eli Gutierrez
Diamond is best metal !
Austin Jackson
you fucken monster
Jaxon Nguyen
You ever play rock, paper, scissors? Rock beats metal every time.
Jason Ward
Titanium AND Aluminum are the best metals.
Jace Brown
Colton Peterson
Lincoln Anderson
no love for uranium? >used to power shit >can make bombs out of it >slowly kills your enemies by simply existing near them
Nathaniel Walker
Silicon is the best metal.... fucking retarded nonchemists
Josiah Gutierrez
Well 2 nukes didn't stop the japs
Dylan Gutierrez
Good. Fucking stay there you fucking pissmouth. I'll fucking enjoy your cancerous carcass not being here on the same planet as me. The planet that uses the correct spelling for ALUMINUM you piece of goddamn trash.
Jose Lee
Iron is the nigger race of all metals.
Levi Harris
Everyone knows copper is the best metal. I mean shit, man, fuck it kills germs just by touching them. Name another metal that does that.
>implying silver doesn't
Andrew Collins
I'm pretty sure it's copper you ignorant pleb
Aiden Hill
Iron is like niggers and aluminum is like sand niggers
Colton Turner
Do you deny the dubs of truth?
Joseph Anderson
metalnigger detected
Dylan Ortiz
Old but I approve of the dubs
Justin Lopez
1 vote for gallium, because who needs to be useful when you can be cool?
>also gallium buttfucks aluminum
Hunter Hernandez
yay I got dubs didn't even notice I'm so good at this
Jackson Ross
god fucking dammit I suck at this
Dylan Ward
Aluminum a best because it's allomantically inert you queers.
Jose Sullivan
Osmium anyone else
Jack Hill
>all these faggots arguing about their shitty weak metals
HARDEST metal coming through
Owen Diaz
Alright guys, enough with the shit. We all know ruthenium is the superior metal
Owen Adams
How was copper wire invented? Two Jews pulling at a penny
Brayden Bell
Nigger that shit is racist you fucking spic chugger
Robert Adams
You like men?
Mason White
Pb master race reporting in
Mason Brooks
Get the fuck out
Easton Rogers
My nigga...
Carson Young
I have acivil materials exam tomorrow. Part of it is aluminum versus steel. Aluminum has a better strength to weight ratio and is resistant to corrosion. The latter is of particular importance for structural applications. Steel wins out because it's stronger per unit area typically, but there's some bridges that use aluminum members.
Dylan Ortiz
It's all about the cobalt. Fuck other metals.
Michael Young
My Cred Forumseagle reporting in
Alexander Foster
i'm with you
Tyler Butler
Materials Engineerfag reporting, you all are autists
> Be FTW
Robert Moore
nice carpet/rug
Isaac Foster
Modern tank armor is titanium alloy. It's cut with CNC waterjets using garnet dust powder as an abrasive. Very lightweight relative to its strength.
Kayden Butler
Technically aluminum does 'rust'. While aluminum is one of the most common elements on earth, it is exceptionally rare unoxidized.
The top of the Washington monument is an aluminum pyramid because at the time it was the rarest metal known to man....
Daniel Fisher
Tin master race reporting in
Sebastian Torres
Try to uncap this and we talk again about your mighty calcium
Isaac Allen
Yes I would, faggot.
It wouldn't work, but I'd do it. Don't try to tell me what I wouldn't do.