Hey, Cred Forums, first day in Lisbon and bought this hax for €10 from some dude on the street...

Hey, Cred Forums, first day in Lisbon and bought this hax for €10 from some dude on the street. It was a little bit bigger (like one square or so). Did I get ripped off? We don't get hax where I used to live, I've never even seen hax before, so I really don't know how much that shold cost. And I'll get a train or something like that to go to another city tomorrow, how is the security? Should I put it in my underwear or is it ok to leave it in my backpack? What would happend to me if I got caught with that (I'm a brazilian who moved out for college)


Wtf is a hax?

You mean hash?

That hash looks pretty ghetto man. 10 euro aint much though, would get you a good gram in a weed shop.

Depending on where you live. The good shit is usually around 12 to 15.

Wrap it in plastic then place it under your dick and above your balls.

I made a poor guess at how much 10 euro is in US dollars, here it ranges from 14-16. Just looked it up though and a 10 euro is just over 11 bucks...

oi OP tudo bem, olha eu sou da Lisa e digote que nao ta nada mal por 10 paus podia darte o dobro mas sabe como e esses dealers sao forrados

Shit, yeah, I did... Haha

Sabe me dizer quanto custa, em média, uma grama de cannabis pela região de Covilhã? Se não souber, fala de Lisboa, mesmo. Uma cannabis de média qualidade já me serve, sou estudante, então não tenho muito dinheiro.

a e caga pra bofia eles nao te podem catar a pala duma linga, aqui na tuga o consumo e legal so o trafico e k nao

OP is 12 and bought minecraft hax

lingua* pah OP eu nao customo fumar erva , mas aqui na zona e arredores e a volta de dez a grama d erva, depois tens bolota a 25 e polen a 5 euros a lingua. eu fumo polen da haxe

>first day in Lisbon and bought this hax for €10 from some dude

all right loololoolllllllllllllol o kek fuck

Ok, valeu pelas informações.

What? It was easy as fuck... I dont see whats wrong.

nothing wrong , ur all cool buddy, Im just saying you said Hax

It was funny to me. Your a funny guy. ya kknow like a clown or something

De nada, boa sorte pro teu futuro e decerteza q te vais orientar melhor do que isso daqui pra frente pq toda a gente aqui fuma principalmente o ppl das faculdades eq, va fica bem mano

newkid on the block

Poor quality. I know because I got same shit when I was in Lisbon two years ago. They sell shit to tourists on the street. But I got best hash ever at boom festival. Seems one has to meet the right people. And no worry because of cops. Nobody cares

É noiss parceiro

looks like pretty low grade stuff..could just be pollen/trichs pressed together, kinda like bubble hash, but something seems off

id still smoke it though lol

u shoulnt buy it off the fucking gipsys them fuckers will sell u chicken stock

I did. It was nice haha


could you be anymore of a fag

Can I suck your dick?

get a rom