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can any of you furfags tell me if drawing any of this shit for a quick buck worth it?
i draw well enough to do some of the stuff i see around (personally hate it) but i need cash, also any advice on where to start (fur affinity?) and shit is appreciated

this isnt the real thread anyway it doesnt matter

Gotta be quicker than that, my dude.

real thread


You think you could actually draw it well enough even tho you hate furstuff? I'm not convinced, but I don't know a lot about artists either..


Go to your own board faggot

No because furs are fucking picky autists.

Actually pretty much anyone who buys art is a fussy buyer.

"$5 for a portrait? Fuck off! Drawing is so easy!".


>Gotta be quicker than that, my dude.
Always when I finally want to make a thread because nobody does it then you casually do it just a few seconds before mine. Doesn't matter how long I wait.

Do I have a future in drawing furshit with continued practice?

Kek, sorry. I was off doing other shit.

never draw again, autist


This is about the lower end of deviantart tier.

Perhaps $1.50 a pop, or courtesy ones for free.


>Do I have a future in drawing furshit with continued practice?
I'd say yeah if you are willing to put more practice into it. She's cute already!

I'd not hope to make a living out of it in any case tho. I don't think many artists can do that, and dealing with furry customers is also pretty exhausting.





This makes me sad.


>This makes me sad.
Why tho?

because hes a zoo virgin faggot


>tfw no mare to make sweet, sensual love to then cuddle after



is it mair or mahray?

Are you suggesting I start on Deviantart to acquire a following? Or should I use others/multiple sites?

Not determined to draw for cash, just do it for fun and attention, I have different art forms in mind for the pursuit of profit.

couple minutes sketch without the proper tools, with access to my computer, my scanner, some pens and my tablet i can do much better, is this good enough for some of ya?


>>tfw no mare to make sweet, sensual love to then cuddle after

Aight, I see.. Mares is one thing but I wouldn't want to try it the other way around.

I'd say that one, just like meme and not maymay. But I've never heard that word somewhere so I dunno

FurAffinity has a higher reach if you're dead set on only selling to furs. Just don't do anything to upset the SJWs.

DeviantArt may be a good place to start too, but it's general.

I'd say something like that could get you $4 a pop for a pencil-shaded piece.

Chin is too angular. :^)

Well, I might consider it if it was a small pony. I have videos of M/M horses and they guy was fine. The Mr. Hands case was because it was a fucking massive horse, and he was stupid to not go to the hospital.

The "seas" on the Moon are called mares, pronounced mah-rays.

Alex, how the fuck do you think it's pronounced?

*was different
I'm retarded.

Actually, that wasn't even necessary.
I really am fucking retarded.


In my language, every letter has only one form of pronunciation, with the exception of e, which has two.

english is fucking retarded

ok, thanks, should i cater to guys in furaffinity then?, make a profile there? how that shit work, is trowing some freebies in furthreads recommendable?

thanks for the pointer (see what i did there) cut me some slack man, tbh its the first time i draw a furry and it was just a quickie to prove a point

Why on earth furries tho? If you don't like it anyway why not draw something you like? Or something you don't like but the customers aren't that autistic?

I mean you'll have to deal with lots and lots of details in emails and shit just for a few bucks. Don't know if that's worth it at all if you hate what you do. And as a customer that'd be off-putting as well if you let that shine through in your mails.

But yeah, if you're determined to do that then go for it!

English words are simplified by usually using less syllables in words. It would be pronounced "mair"



>Why on earth furries tho?

large demographic, quick buck, or so it seems

tbh, business on my other ends have been slow

>Well, I might consider it if it was a small pony.
Myeah, that's a different story.

>I have videos of M/M horses and they guy was fine.
I have some as well so I've seen that. I don't even know why I (still) have them, but I was curious once and I don't really want to delete stuff for some reason.




Interesting that I happen to post that. Just a couple of days ago, that artist put out a journal on FA saying she was selling some of her old prints because she was moving, and that was one of them. I was almost tempted to buy that very one.

Doing requests in the 4chinz is good practice, shopping the drawthreads (Cred Forums, /mlp/, /tg/, etc.) for prompts gives the widest range of ideas.

And yes sign up for FA, and set up a portfolio (blog your work) and then seek commissions. Look at other people's profiles for a guide of what to do.




Why hello.

I'd also check reddit to get an idea of prices and different types of commissions.

dash has less moustache than a 5yo girl

Also, that man is alpha as FUCK. I would probably do something like that with a tail and ears. I've even got a biker jacket already.

I have a light mustache, but that's about it. I've considered using minoxidil to grow a glorious dwarf beard when I start lifting and permabulk.

I thought I turned NS off. Was lurking on lunch break. I guess the jig is up.

Heya dude!

Haha, nice. It's good to see you back in the threads.


And I have a high-vis jacket for use at shipyards.

Not impressed.


>I thought I turned NS off.
Yeh it's confusing sometimes. When I post in non-fur threads I turn it off usually but it doesn't always work first try. And no way of knowing without posting either.





No, but they're nice to have on when you want to troll the TMZ.

And also makes you more visible when trying to walk through a crowd of fucking pokeman players.


On Firefox mobile. It went let me unselect an image to post.

Long time no see there Mew.

Just for a short while tonight. Maybe tomorrow as well. This weekend i'll definitely be back.

Also check out FurBuy (furry auction house) to get a better picture.




>Long time no see there Mew.
Yeah I was away for a while because I got in an accident (some fucker ran me over with his car). Fucked up my legs and knees and shit. So I had other stuff on my mind for a while and basically didn't talk to anybody because I was feeling like absolute crap every day.

But it recently got better and after being anxious for a while I got back here again. Slowly ramping up to old degeneracy levels.

Anyway glad to see you again dude! Hope life's been treating you well!



Can someone post the one of the female police officer with her skirt down and ass pressed against a car window

>On Firefox mobile.
Oh so there's NS for mobile as well? So that means I could shitpost even far away from home?

I wouldn't know where tho, maybe making everyone uncomfortable with all the furry porn in the bus or something.



>when you go to grab a 4AM snack and come back to find your computer restarting itself
Motherfucking Windows 10. I swear to Christ, I'm going to switch to Linux the moment it decides to pull some more stupid shit and an hero again.
Posting from mobile while this stupid cunt updates because it looks like it's gonna take a while.



It'll be nice to have you back for real. We've missed you.

boys taking belts to girls asses!

Have at it dash


Have fun triggering people dash

You can't tell it when/if to make updates or if it should even auto-reboot?

I'd totally freak out if my OS did that since I often have lots of shit open with progress I'd loose. I even have a UPS which keeps it up for more than an hour in a power outage because I don't want to risk it rebooting nilly-willy.



Don't have anything to post right now since I'm on my phone because fucking WINDOWS 10 DECIDES IS AUTONOMOUS.




I was pretty sure I set it to ask when to update, but Windows 10 thinks it the fucking alpha male around here. I'm gonna teach it a serious lesson when it's done.

Didn't know that you get triggered much by that. I only think it shows how sad the current state of Cred Forums is, these threads are all over the place nowadays.

Also Undyne

There used to be, in Cred Forums desktop threads, mainly light-weight distro users with setups where nothing on-screen was identifiable, the status bar on the top would just be non-descript numbers that you'd have to be the one true owner to know what they are, all the programs are tiled together with no identification so you have to have to already know what those programs are.

It looks like a DOS screen except it's a GUI with more text on it.

Pic rel is my setup.

Nah not really. I'm just bored and acting stupid. It is annoying, but whatever. I wasn't doing anything important, and I have firefox set to reopen all closed tabs when the window is closed.

Yeah. Undyne is fucking hot even though I don't like the Undertale fandom.

That's mine right meow. Didn't even bother to replace the default image because I never see it anyway.

Oh, I don't use GNU/Linux myself, that is W7.

Yah it's not actually tiled tho is it? Just missing its window decorations no? Like you can actually see the background image.

I'd show you one of it in use but there's my widely-used username all over the place. I'd never ever go back to non-tiling WMs again tho. I've tried so many conventional ones for years and now finally I feel at home.

>after a big update, Win10 decides to put Microsoft Edge and the Windows Store app back on my taskbar
You can fuck right off.
I do prefer the new layout though. Looks a bit better.




Thanks faggot. I missed you guys too.

Tiled, with gaps.

I like gaps because it makes the screen feel less crowded. If I were using a lower-res panel with a larger screen size like one of those 1024x600 netbooks I might choose to not use gaps.

It also lets the desktop background have some influence on the "mood".

I do agree that conventional stacking WMs are shit once you get used to TWMs, particularly ones with multiple workspaces. Lets you hop between tasks insanely easily.

On my old laptop which had W8 I used Plumb a lot. It was a very simplistic auto-tiling TWM with no gaps, no workspaces. Still better than stacking WMs IMO.


I don't know enough about W10 to have an opinion on that (used it maybe 10 minutes to fix some shit for someone) but they sure seem to change huge parts of the layout a lot.

That must be pretty confusing for the average user who can't even find anything when they don't change it at all

Yeah, probably. Luckily I know quite a bit more than the average user, so I can figure shit out more easily. Still though, I don't like the automatic updates.


Customising/ricing W10 is like trying to adapt to a moving target.

Can you not disable auto updates?


Back to the old grind stone. Later doods. I won't be gone as long this time.

thats what my dad said to me before he went off to buy cigarettes and never came back 12 years ago

>Tiled, with gaps.
Fair enough. I didn't even know you could have tiling on Windows so that sure is neat. I hope I'll never have to work on Windows somewhere for long but if I do that's something I want.

>It also lets the desktop background have some influence on the "mood".
Yeah good point. Most often I look at a bunch of terminals and they are partly transparent so I actually see that image a lot. Just wasn't aware anymore and now had to actually look if it's even still transparent.

I should find a nice one then.


Hey its me ur dad

I'm trying to figure out how, but it looks like I have to go through some stupid shit to do it. Says "change active hours" so I'm assuming that's their ass-backwards way of manual updating.

See ya, dude. Nice to have you back.

Later Cred Forumsreh!

>off to buy cigarettes
Speaking of, I could use a smoke meow, be back in a few

>setting this retarded active hour shit
>"active hours can be set between 1 and 12 hours"
What the fuck. You're not my dad, don't tell me how to live my life, cunt.

I need to take a shower. I'm covered in blood and chicken.

I'll be back in a minute.


>I'm covered in blood and chicken.
Badass. See ya then.


Oh? You personally never see your background at all unless you have an empty workspace?

W10 is Big Brother. You don't tell Big Brother you can't obey. You must obey Big Brother.

stop using 4chin posts as metal band names

I know, and I don't fucking like it. But god damn it, Forza 6: Apex isn't for Linux.


ill keep all this in mind, tis late and im tired, so (cant believe im doing this) ill save this thread and check all your tips tomorow morning, ill be setting up shop in a week or two

thanks for all your input, may ask the same things in a couple of threads tomorrow





last bump, see ya guys in a minute or two.



Furries ruined my childhood
>other than that, it's pretty good


>Oh? You personally never see your background at all unless you have an empty workspace?
Nope, never. I only see it after reboot (maybe once a month) or when I go to a new workspace until I've started a few things. On here I usually have the browser using half of the space and a few terminals on the other side to get stuff done without switching spaces all the time. But no gaps in sight anywhere, I like it that way.



>so (cant believe im doing this) ill save this thread
You know that there's archives right? No need to save threads but yah do what you're used to.

>thanks for all your input, may ask the same things in a couple of threads tomorrow
Do that, although there's quite a chance that there will be the exact same furs as today.





I'm in almost every fur thread.

Peace out girl scout.

I suppose having other programs beside your main browser makes sense on a 1920p panel.

On 1366p there's not a lot of horizontal space, so I usually have Firefox open in a workspace of its own. Sometimes though I put VLC in minimal mode beside it, but it's got to be pretty small in order to still maintain Firefox's usability.

Perhaps one day I will remove the gaps, but that's unlikely since there's already so many gaps in the programs I use, so I won't be gaining much in terms of meaningful space.

Pic rel: 4chin beside Windows Explorer.




Who is making the new fur thread?

The same person who always does it.


>Win7 pleb.





My raise can't come quick enough.



Why do you need one?

union jobs pay well, and we have a 60 day "make sure you aren't gonna pussy out" waiting period until we go from a lesser amount to the higher one.

You have fixed duration for such thing?
