Be me, 19

>be me, 19
>same job since 2012
>hate my job
>hate my parents
>hate my life
>don't have time because i'm working all time
>bought a good computer
>bought dxracer chair
>now i'm a true gamer now i have a true life
>realized that i live in a shitty country with shitty internet connection
>cant play muliplayer games
>waste too much money with computer/dxracer chair
>need to work more and more to pay my bills
>gf breaks up with me
>19 yo and virgin
>never fucked my gf
>don't have gf anymore
>don't have money anymore
>cant play games

what can i do to repair my life?

Welcome to real life kid, please take a number and wait to die.

i don't have time to die, too busy working

Go get an education

If you hate life so much, then you can always kill yourself.

Work until you die


cant get education dont have time need to work

what's your job?

i am the IT guy

>shitty internet


Have you tried sucking dick?

oh shit


dont post thumbnails you colossal faggot

what are you? chinese?

Well option one in every situation
Don't be a bitch
Then step back and look at where you fucked up. Don't lie to yourself you know exactly why you are fucking up.
Make small changes like don't let the garbage pile up this week like you always do.
Then after a few small changes make a jump to a new position or job.
Make sure your rape them for ot or just Jew for 2weeks if ot isn't an option.
Your life won't be fixed but it'll be way better than where your at now.
The rest is up to you.
Option 2
Continue to be a bitch. Until your ready for option one or you can skip to option 3.

Kill yourself and stop making the planet and other people suffer so you can continue to exist and use up resources.
Have a nice day.

i wish i could be chinese
i am a shitty brazilian

Para de jogar velho. Games são uma fuga, divertem mas tomam muito tempo de atividade, atrapalha sua vida social, distorce sua realidade, pode transformar em um vício prejudicial se as outras esferas da sua vida não estão indo bem. É igual punheta e pornografia, onde você sacia seus prazeres imediatos através de meios falsos. Ganhar dinheiro jogando profissionalmente é só se você for realmente muito, muito bom. E acredite, esses que são muito, muito bons possuem vidas organizadas, com famílias que apoiam e apostam na carreira. Se você ainda tem um emprego peça ajuda a seu chefe a escolher um caminho para desenvolver sua carreira, invista em educação, faça um curso, conheça mais pessoas no curso, consiga uma namorada, transe com ela, coma o cú, goze na cara e dê risada do seu passado.

i hear dat.

25 year old jobless virgin

thank you so much user now im happy maninho, eu não quis ser um gamer profissional não.. eu só buscava jogar multiplayer por diversao mesmo.
Ainda tenho o emprego, mas não consigo estudar :s

you have a job at your age in the first place. be fucking grateful.

Get a better paid job and try and get another gf if that fails it's not the end of the world life is shit sometimes but it gets better.

I think about how pleasant death would be, multiple times a day. Then my mood changes and I take on life's challenges, or smoked weed.

dude get into university, it's free in brazil.
Talk to your parents.
About gaming I really spent a lot of time playing games instead of studying the subjects of uni. But that's just a coping mechanism.
I'm 26 and lost my virginity this year, after I lost it it felt like I did almost everything I could do in life. At that time (few months ago) I had quit uni to just work earing minimum wage, and I saw how shit that was. So a month ago I went back to uni and had to leave my shitty job. Also I used to have purely obsessional OCD, but it's being treated for almost for almost 2 years. I'm not so obsessive to study anymore and not so dependant on "fun" activities like playing.
I'm brazilian too but i'm typing in english so other anons can maybe add on my comments.
Any question I'm here

fucked her so many times, hahahah you aint gonne fuck any

No trabalho, quem realmente ganha dinheiro e é reconhecido é quem trabalha com coisas mais administrativas e menos operacionais. Quem usa mais a cabeça e menos as mãos. Por isso estudo é importante. Você só vai conseguir estudar aquilo que você gosta de aprender. Ou você aprende a gostar de algo, ou você descobre algo que você gosta. Seja qual for a opção, procure algo que alguém pague pelo seu trabalho e conhecimento. Você entende e escreve inglês e tem auto-consciencia, considere-se então uma minoria no mundo por isso. Você já é 20%. Eu também passo muito tempo jogando e estive desempregado. Minha namorada quase terminou comigo por causa de jogos, mas eu consegui convencer ela de que é algo que eu gosto de fazer e que provavelmente não vou mudar e ela escolheu aceitar, e eu escolhi pegar leve no tempo que eu gasto jogando pra ficar com ela. Ainda bem que eu consegui uma namorada que eu adoro transar. Já tive outras namoradas que eu não fazia sexo tão bom e terminei com elas, foi a melhor escolha que fiz. Hoje não tenho muito dinheiro mas tenho um emprego promissor. Me mudei com minha namorada pra outra cidade onde estamos apostando uma vida nova. Escolha uma prioridade na sua vida, acredito que vc deve procurar estudo e vida social. Uma faculdade te dá os dois. Provavelmente sua escolha de fazer faculdade pode ser apoiada por sua família e seu chefe. Mas leve a sério, estude, não deixe que outras coisas lhe destraiam. Mulheres vão aparecer, alguém vai gostar de você. Se precisar malhe em casa pra ficar em forma e mais disposto pra eliminar um pouco sua depressão.


Also, I can kinda relate.
>go to uni
>law is absolute shit because it's boring and people here are fucking idiots
>parents still try to control my life even though we live 300km apart
>fucking hate them more than ever
>gf is losing her fucking mind because she can't keep up with her course of studies
>start to hate fucking everything
>depression kicks in
>decide to get help
>gf apparently plays a big role
>end it or try to save it
>decide to save
>fight even more because she doesn't give a shit about my depression
>she makes me responsible for every little thing
>build up distance
>lose all friends because I never reply/talk/...
>getting isolated
>basically without friends and without gf
>only friend is my hookah
>what do now?

University starts soon again. No motivation whatsoever.
After trying to fix everything, all went to shit.

I recently started going to gym. Literally don't give a fuck about anyone anymore except my brother. Things are going better now. Listening to Instant Crush by Daft Punk and smoking Hookah. Today is going to be a good day. In fact feeling so much better after writing this and seeing other people in similar sotuations.

Don't give up user. I won't give up too. There are plenty of fish in the sea and there is always a light in the darkness. Man up and stop giving shits about little things.

Also, if money is your problem, try making some extra money. I started to grow weed. All the dindu nothing motherfuckers here in Germany buy shittons. It also keeps you busy. You stop thinking about stupid shit like your gf.

How could you fuck multiple times a girl with those weird feet?

OP's a crybaby. LEft the thread

valeu, cara.. valeu mesmo

thank you user.

currently living in sydney, can confirm.

>60mbps down, 2mbps up

kill me

Melbourne here.
Slow loading, constantly dropping out.

nigga you aint even measuring your internet in kbs your fine

ive always lived on 1mbps, dunno why people are comlpaning about anything over 1mbps