>hate ppl that offer to help you just because they are bored and if things become difficult they bail the fuck out
>hate online games being corrupted by 13 year old faglords and companies feeding these weab nu males what they want. completly disregarding their own creation+
>hate politics because its just a bunch of old ass kids in suits.
>hate the direction art is headed
>hate this fucken addicting shit ass gay board
>hate new moot
cont >:C

i hate muslims coz theyre the cancer of this world

>Stupid broads who have the accent you know already know I'm talking about

explain ">hate the direction art is headed"

>hate hitler for ruining racism for good. racism is something all ppl have(xept mental ill ppl) things that are different are to a certain extend unknown. the unknown means to lose controll. to lose controll is to fear
>hate the band chicago for completly and utterly selling the fuck out
>hate america for having only 2 partys and being forced to vote for
A zombi cunt
>or someone who would
masturbate to a zombi cunt
>hate the new trend of making every shitty movie 2 hours long jeez nobody cares for your non actors and your non characters babbeling no text acompanied by lame synth and piano scores get fucked already tranny boys
>hate that ppl dont get that Cred Forums has a whole section of boards DEDICATED to porn. yet all the new kids on the block post their shit here like "look jake im on the 4chans like you was"
>hate wasps

>>hate the direction art is headed
>>hate this fucken addicting shit ass gay board
>>hate new moot
>cont >:C
holy autism batman

please don't faggot

>hate manchildren and their dumb fucking superhero films that come out every other month

>Flash sucks but will not fucking die, even a hundred years from now Flash will still be alive

>Unified messaging is a god damned chaotic mess, and the only universal alternative is SMS, which sucks

>Google doesn't know what the fuck to do with Hangouts or Allo

>headphone jacks are going away

Wow. Technology in general is just fucking awful holy shit.

movies music paintings. they are all so self absorbed nowadays.
take the renaissance for example. they tried to educate themself,strife for perfection and pull humanity out of the bleak hole that was the dark ages.
whats art today?
>ohh look at my feelings.
>i was raped so if you hate my shit you a rapist
>this is just bullfuck i jizzed on the paper.. what? you dont get this? pleb
its not something to challange the mind and evolve feelings. its about self justification and money.
whats your opinion

I hate everyone


>see bread
>wait this is not a porn bread? i got my dick out and everything man
Cred Forums at its best

>be on Cred Forums

i hate you


I hate the robots that follow me around and do the can can all day

>that's not what the renaissance was about
>that's not the direction art is headed

see thats almost contribution to OPs bread
way to go champ


>be on Cred Forums
an hero.

explain ?
like is that all you got? point at something thats wrong, not explaining shit? yk you are right you are where art is headed. no effort. no nothing.
bait is the new art


Explain your arguments then >:C

Havin a good day
Then i saw this

> hate people who doesnt treat animals well
> hate people in generel.

I fucking hate hot weather, holy shit this is hell

Racism is returning trust me. Just look at europe 2 years ago everbody was a libfag but thanks to the refugees this will soon be over


what gave it away?

The asian moot needs a bit more ppl skill for sure :|

he sure showed you OP and all the guys posting here

shut the fuck up and kys

you're not looking hard enough then you retard. fuck off.

>states that modern art is about emotionally instable self absorbed pricks
>gets a reply
>"you're not looking hard enough then you retard. fuck off."

i was being dead serious you cock nugget.

oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

Holy fucking cancer


I hate natives (canada). They are fucking jobless mooches that just sit on thier fucking reserves and complain about how shitty the reserve is. They don't fucking work and then complain about their fucking living environment and whenever someone calls them out on it they drop to the fucking
>m-muh land
and get fucking shit named after their fucking shitty native band or whatever. Fucking thieving shits too. Fucking coming into my store with big ass bags and sweaters like they aren't trying to put shit in them. its 30°C outside what the fucking do you need a winter jacket for cunt. FUCK. Where i live the black people are upstanding citizens unlike the american nigger, instead we get these shitty fucking natives. Can't even be racist to them because they were fucking here first. such bullshit.


there are no more angery doggos here
peace has happened
ppl will easy now

>Hate everyone

Right on man. Modern art is shit and you know it is when the only argument in favor is 'look deeper'.

wasnt a ethnocide there

I mean they died from European diseases like most other natives, but god damn it didn't work well enough

>be proud Canadianer
>see wage cuck at a store near my "reserve" constantly talking to himself
>"..niggers" this and "...jews" that
>so me and my friends pull some shit on him like
>pretend to case the place
>hang out where he can see us doing nothing.
>friend is actually worried about this guys soul. since he works all day long has no women to compfort his pain and thinks this is the way to go.
>tell him all white breads think working like a slave is what makes you free
>see him post on the board of my ancestors



He's right.