We doing anything about the niggers yet or is everyone still pretending like nothing is going on?

We doing anything about the niggers yet or is everyone still pretending like nothing is going on?

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Well sort of, The cops have been murdering them when they least expect it.

Load them all up in boats and send them back to Africa. They're free now so why did they stay?

dey dindu nuffin doe

>They're free now so why did they stay?
Because millions of them have better jobs than your parents.

You sound like you need to be shipped with them.


We have to pretend niggers are like everyone else, giving niggers the edge to rob and kill

They act like savages. Doesnt Africa need more wildlife to boost safari tourism?

We've given them guns, drugs and AIDS. It takes time my friend.

Simba and Mufasa want them home

niggers in our area be scared, they be stayin inside

south alabama for the win baby

No... My country is slowly becoming Dindugistan...

>be scared
>be stayin inside
I believe this chap may be a nigger

yes cops should stop killing them for no reason.

Cops need to carry extra guns to plant them on the bodies

They need to stop using tear gas and use full metal jackets!

Being a nigger is more than enough reason

Wholesale niggerslaughter needs to become a reality. Either kill them or ship them back to Niggerland.

Bill the Jews. Jews imported and held the vast majority of niggers.

It's always the fucking Jews, ever notice that? The only meaningful regulation is that of banks. How well-regulated are banks these days? WAKE UP.

killing someone just because he is black ? It's called racism and it's wrong.

I said a nigger. The black equivalent of white trash and it's a help to society to execute all of them.

It's not racist. We would be acting like them. So are they? Survey says!

Lol, no. That area is like 80% black. The only scared people are pussies like you.

What's stopping you, pussy faggot? It's real easy to talk shit anonymously. You'd probably roll into the fetal position and cry the minute anyone bucks at you IRL.

The bigger the nigger the quicker the trigger

So kill all rednecks too? There goes 95% of trumps support


You're 14

Bigger =/= black person.

Welcome to Cred Forums newfag.

that's the thing, they never expect it.

>act like a nigger and chimp out
> get shot
> "why cops always gotta shoot us"


The sooner we remove the trash, the sooner society can move forward. Doesn't matter what color the trash is, it all stinks the same.

Fucking phone.


You're a nigger

You misspelled Mexicans

Those are black people. We're talking about niggers, user

Your percentages may not be entirely correct. Actually, now that I think about it, fuck you. Eat a bag of dicks and die in a fire.

These threads make my black ass laugh


Nigger detected. Everyone act nice.

I'd be scared too if a big ass deer comes at me. Those fucks can do some damage.

I used to think you guys were just a bunch of racist assholes, and all the sterotypes and shit was just fear mongering by shithead kkk faggots.

6 months ago, I got a deal on a house in a black ghetto. 10k on auction. It had been sitting on the market for 15 years, and they couldn't get rid of it. I figured, great, all the racists and scared white people mean I get a super cheap house. badass.

I was wrong.

I went from living in Visalia Ky, a black free town, to Westwood Cincinnati. In the 6 months I've been there, I have seen how black people in black communities act. They're worse than any white trailer trash I've seen back home, worse than any redneck or hillbilly. They're a lower class of human being. They're pack animals. They hoot and hollar like apes all hours of the night. Couples have arguments about private matters in the streets, screaming while all the other blacks watch and laugh. they fight, block up traffic and then look at the driver they THEY did something wrong. They walk around stone. Are constantly going through my garbage, looking for cans. I set an old TV on the side walk on garbage day? within 30min some black guy was busing it open with a brick to try and get the copper wiring. busted glass all over the sidewalk and my drive way. no fucks given. didn't clean it up, and left the TV in pieces, even glass in the street.

i've seen break-ins, and they've tried to get into my house more than once. I call the cops but they tell me, "well maybe you should move." and "there's nothing we can do, even if someone saw something they wont talk, we don't even bother canvasing the area anymore".

I could go on for several posts, but the point is, living in a black neighborhood has really opened my eyes to the fact that black people in black communities are filthy, barbarous apes with no respect for themselves, or their community. They disgust me. Even the stores down here are unbelievable. rude employees, cashiers on the phone. ugh

They're too busy looting and whining about being black. None of us give two toots about your color. Stop acting like jackasses.


Cool story bruh..

If this is true, your only hope is to do what white people have been doing for decades: leave.

You are in greater danger now than you've ever been in, I'd wager. All it will take is one black person being killed by anyone BLM can convince them is racist, and they will literally lynch you.

Don't know why I'm writing this, only a fool believes what's written on these boards...

That was at least 200pts!

Chimps gonna chimp....

you white fucks created niggers. Now deal with them. As a hispanic, I find the irony very funny.

Leaving is the safe thing to do. Unfortunately, it's also the wrong thing to do. These creatures must be brought under control and forced to understand that they cannot cross certain lines.

To do so means public death.

Shouldn't you be somewhere beating your wife?

You're welcome for the internet by the way.

you should try to hide your insecurity a little more.

Nah. I'm good. Just white and proud with no illusions about where all of this is going.

It's difficult to argue with stupidity

As a Hispanic, I'll just keep choking out white bitches with my long dick. White bois haven't done shot about that since the cowboy days.


this happens last night


Shoot them all and claim rabies outbreak. They act rabid enough.


lol, you reek of insecurity. Try to find something else to be proud of instead of your race. It helps advance your way of thinking and helps you gain confidence. Just my 2 cents you hick.

good job fellow spic.

hair-hatted hooligan got huh weave!

>projecting this much.

Nigger, we know your can't be proud of your race because you are literally the shit of mankind, but don't project your insecurity on others. You're a fucking idiot.

Spic Dicks in White Chicks Unite!

I love that trap

Not him, but "insecurity" isn't a valid argument against pride in ones race.

The traditional hierarchy of tribal relations goes family>nation>race>outsiders.

It is completely normal to love your race, you have a shared history and identity, that by loving and respecting you can strive to improve upon in your life.

It's not looking for an excuse to be proud of someone else's accomplishments, it's the pride in knowing that you're a part of something great, and while everyone might not take that mantle of responsibility, more should.


Ignoring this doesn't seem to be working. How the far left tolerates this insanity is beyond me.

yes you are doing something - you are getting blacked!
hurry up and dissapear you cuck

Yes it does. They're all niggers. All squares are rectangles.

back to tumblr with you


My wife and I have a chide weird fire niggers and white trash. We call them deceptions. We have a sign on our front door it says no soliciting or decepticons.

This type of shit is why the racial pride movement will never get any traction, you cant argue that whites are allowed to love their race but others aren't.

mad white boi? lol here

As a Mexican I hope whites start focusing on taking care of this nigger problem instead of distracting themselves with us and other races. Most of us hate niggers just as much as anyone else. With out them we'd all find ourselves living in a better place.

Yeah right. We'd shoot you and say you fell down the stairs. I don't see any spics in my neighborhood. They all live in the part of town the Asians won't live in.

no, it is just stupid to be proud of something you had no control over. How about being proud of your accomplishments and skills? Instead people that feel proud of race ride the coat tails of past people that accomplished things but happened to be their specific race. Makes you look stupid and ignorant and definitely insecure.

beaners are lower than niggers tho

>stupid honkey triggered that hispanic cock is wrecking white pussy

Yup, you definitely make white people look smart and superior lmao.

I'm not arguing that. In fact I'm not white I'm Mexican. Blacks are just objectively 99.9% of the time niggers to on degree or another. Every race has its good and bad. Niggers are simply far more imbalanced in that sense. I believe everyone should be proud of who they are and where they come from including whites. But when all of a certain group of people are shitty you have to call it what it is. All squares are rectangles.

Nigga we fuck Asian hoes too!


I'm assuming this was your wife's justification for the nigger dick she was taking while you were at work?

That's questionable. Niggers are the main concern right now. Spiks are just a dormant volcano. While just as deadly, the median hasn't sparked them to riot and chimp out.

Nah, that's just you projecting your own insecurity at not having a family history to be proud of. Honestly, the very idea that you can't be proud of your race is ridiculously absurd. I'm proud of my race and accomplishments as an individual. Stay mad, nigger.

Where you're logic is going off track here is imagining that whites just "happened to be the ones to invent the Internet" or "happened to be the ones to found modern medicine". It didn't happen miraculously, there is a correlation.

The crucial flaw in modern thinking is that all races are the same, they definitely aren't.
Darwin himself observed the differences of "Negros" and whites.

Blacks are a few genetic deviations below whites, just as whites are below Asians, etc. It shouldn't be controversial to say that.

Now I'm not saying that because you're black or Asian you can't be proud, the more people with pride in their race the better. People should be proud of the accomplishments of their own.

I mean if other races don't like whites so much, leave the countries they founded and make yours better.

To us, whites are the shit of america. Stupid, inbred hicks. Their women are sluts, love our dicks, and when we catch you trying to be semi-racist we slap the shit out of you. Then here you are crying on Cred Forums lmao. Just the other point of view you should be aware of.

Implying your Spanish forebears didn't pioneer the slave trade among European peoples

>just as deadly
Highly and objectively untrue.

honk honk

they just need a white girlfriend to even out their sexual identity and become two in one like oreo cheesecake

Context? God I hate niggers

yes. white people are responsible for the 250,000 years of evolution in an inhospitable environment that caused negros to become a barbarous people.

The slave pioneering thing is balanced out by the white womens' lust for our big, tan, Kotal Kahn dicks.

I don't think you get it nigger. But that's ok, you getting it is not necessary. You can stay befuddled all your fucking life for all I care.

Trying this hard on an anonymous image board.
Goddamn, young blood. Maybe if you spent less time trying and more time talking to women, you'd be half the person you're describing.

niggers are attacking whites when niggers are at least 3 in numbers and whitey is alone
this happens frequently in the usa and arab countries like sweden, germany, uk and france pretty often

I'm glad I CCW. I'd love to see some cowardly spades try and run up on me like that. Fucking niggers

Nah, they were always barbarous, that's why humans left Africa to those nearly mindless wild animals and established civilization without them.

White man exists, pack of niggers band together to attempt to attack this single man

I'm being sort of pedantic here, but you can't really say all blacks are like that.

Ben Carson or MLK certainly don't deserve to be lumped in with them, and in an ideal society they'd be the exceptions who could hack it in a white nation.

Everything would be better if we just stuck to our own countries.

MLK would despair of what has become of the black community

As a black person I'm telling you now MOVE you see what they do to each other imagine what they're gonna do to you if they catch you off guard dude they probably already think you're relatively rich and privileged unless you're a wigger, they'll harbor resentment.

fucking hate Cred Forums fuck u faggot white americans.

Yeah, dude, I think it's just too blatant to ignore. Honestly, every race has merits and good people who achieve great things.

What do blacks have? Well they are so bad that when any single one of them acts remotely civilized we want to pretend like they are an example of their race just to keep pretending that niggers are even human.

But by and large they are viral rubbish. I mean, when the best we hope for from a nigger is that they follow the law and not rob and loot and rape, then, that's setting the bar pretty low for them to have so much trouble being civilized.

I feel so bad for the good hard working NORMAL human beings such as yourself that have to get tied in with the actions of all of these modern day niggers setting your race back 50 years. And just fyi, a nigger to me can be any color. I know lots of white niggers.

Google isn't the problem, it's skype.

1. Open Windows Translator
2. "English" to "Welsh"
3. Enter "black man"
4. Profit!!!

>to us

Nobody really cares about your absurd nigger delusions, dude. You can tell us all about how you think you're the reincarnation of Malcom X or black jesus, next, hahaha. Nice fantasies, nignog.

I hate to say it, but you had it coming for being a deluded idiot about race. I bet you were the kind of "educate" your peers about the "realities" of black oppression and such.

Well, now you get to walk what you talk, and sleep in the bed you made. Literally. Sounds like Karmic justice.

I hope you're well armed my man. Godspeed

Niggers tongue my anus

You have no idea how many stupid, entitled, white idiots living in isolated upper class white communities believe that same meme of racial equality just because it's the PC, PR facade.

Honestly, you'd have to be fucking retarded to believe it after more than a cursory observation, but that's just it, the people dreaming up that races are equal are basing the idea on fantasy and ideology, not the reality of genetic heritage and evolution.

Niggers are literally sub-human, and any thorough classification of primate taxonomy would place negroes as a sub-species of Homo Sapien at best.

holy fuck, that's great

jealous much? you're on OUR continent, dirt skin. if you hate it LEAVE.

Kek. I know that's right

i lived in Mount Healthy for 8 years. MH high school was a nightmare. cincy is like baltimore. it's a mess just as you described. the crime in some of those neighborhoods is unreal. watch The First 48 tv show on A&E and you will see it yourself. i got out as soon as i was old enough to leave that shit hole of a town.


