What's the answer? I bet we have some complete idiots here, with all kinds of lousy explanations

What's the answer? I bet we have some complete idiots here, with all kinds of lousy explanations.

My calculator said 8


6. Multiply before adding




What the fuck is "*"-operator? This could be anything.

I mean I know the plus sign but what does the asterisk do?

6 + 6 * 6

You're all fucking retarded

It's > >


roll it bois


Its the gayest character ever used to present multiplication. Ever.

add 2 + 2 you get 4. multiply 4 and 2 you get 8. that's one way, you get one answer. multiply first, 2 and 2. you get 4. 4 + 2 = 6. two answers to this, 6 and 8. there. you faggots will argue either way though

Yeah you guys are fucking retarded for assuming a common character most people assume is something but its actually wrong because Im a nerd who googled the exact definition of this certain character and this makes me cool yeah

fairy oddparents?

samefag nigger

oh look, he's retarded

9 for sure

Your calculator is being operated by a retard.

It means multiply.

Also. The answer is 6. PEMDAS, order of operations.

it's simple. 42

nigger, did you learn anything in school? you would do the multiplication first

there is only one way to do it. there is no, this is one of the answers.

Did you pass middleschool

Hitchhiker... and so on, lol

You can put your faggot bullshit up to your ass.

Its annoying how many 'brain teaser' internet math questions are completely based on order of operarion

6 last digit get

Was that supposed to be hard or something?


are you fucking kidding me? why are there so many people saying 8? what the fuck. you retards can vote? Order of operations is the easiest shit. you can't graduate high school and not know it. multiplication ALWAYS is done before addition. if you didn't answer 6 you can kill yourself.

....unless they were all just bait. now i feel dumb

>Was that supposed to be hard or something?

No, not for a second. Was done to prove how many idiots there are on Cred Forums. Like, PEMDAS and shit....