Ask a German "Bundeswehr Soldat" with an g28 dmr anything

Ask a German "Bundeswehr Soldat" with an g28 dmr anything.

Other urls found in this thread:üchse MR 308 A3/Heckler + Koch/Ansicht.html?Artikelnummer=182942

It's the recoil hard to maintain?

What ammo does it fire?

OP only answers questions when the planets align. the next alignment will be in 5200 years

How much of that scope fits in your butt? Also ever 360 no scope IRL?

Nahh compared to other dmr's not! Its about the lowest dmr i think.

Welche TS, Kamerad?

what the fuck are you doing on Cred Forums get on over to /k/ they wpould kill to ask questions about the g28!

Do you know hitler?

7,62 NATO rounds ... There pretty similare to .308 Winchester rounds. Nothing to big

Fucking hail hitler

I also am curious about this

Is it legal to obtain said weapon in germany?

Me too

I dont own it, in Afghanistan i may take it with me pretty much but back in germany i have to leave locked by my army. I think it could be legal with a low cap magazine and without couple of mods we have on it.

Why don't you grow some balls and kill Merkel with it?


Kommt nicht gleich eine Antwort verbringst du die kommende Nacht im Stillgestanden vorm Mannschaftsheim.

You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Nein, wäre es nicht. Schon mal was vom Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz gehört?

All the way in it. All the time


Wenn das tatsächlich Seine ist... Wie dämlich kann man sein. Auf dem Bild ist die Seriennummer lesbar... Hab's mal mit Link gerade an dem MAD geschickt...
Schöne Restdienstzeit... die drei Tage bekommst Du Ich noch rum ;)

Salient > HK

why aren't you killing the heretics?

eg. merkel, hollande and the invader jews

Und genau deshalb werde ich auch auf diesem Cred Forumsoard keinem Kameraden trauen oder jegliche Informationen über mich preis geben ... Guter Versuch aber NICHT mein Gewehr.


Das MR308 ist trotzdem nahezu die gleiche Waffe.

Ein Bekannter von mir hat ein MR308 mit Schalli(dh der Siff wird nochmal ordentlich in den Lauf zurückgetrieben. Behauptet sein Kumpel beim Bund habe zu ihm gesagt er reinigt das Ding nur alle 500 Schuss. Deine Meinung dazu?

Hatte beim Grundwehrdienst nur das übliche(G36, MG3, MP7) und kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass im Einsatz - besonders bei Scharfschützenbewaffnung - so nachlässig gereinigt wird.


Im just getting confortable shooting sandniggers somewhere in nowhere , im sure the day comes where i need shoot the same goatfuckers but in germany ... So traing makes a master

Achso... Nicht Deine also...
Bist ja ein netter Kamerad.
Ich brauche keine Daten über die Person, der die Waffe zur Nutzung übergeben wurde. Über die Seriennummern ist jedes einzelne Bauteil bis zum Endnutzer nachverfolgbar. Du hast also gerade mit seiner kleinen Potenznummer hier auch noch einen Kameraden in den Abgrund gezogen...

jew detected


They're almost identical to 308, you dumbass.

Nice 1200 dollar airsoft rifle

Can you own a rifle like that privately?
I can.

Hmm naja also der Kollege deines Kollegen meinte so etwas ? Bestätigen kann ich sowas nicht ich reinige meine Waffe normalerweise nach jedem gebrauch (gerade mit dem Sand/staub hier im Niemandsland) aber das ist natürlichen übertrieben. Trotzdem würde ich deinem Freund als (wahrscheinlich?) waffenliebhaber empfehlen dies öfter zu machen so irgendwo zwischen 100-200, gerade als Liebhaber sollte das ja auch kein Problem sein

In Germany you can easily get a rifle like that:üchse MR 308 A3/Heckler + Koch/Ansicht.html?Artikelnummer=182942

Being that retarded...

"Although very similar to the military7.62×51mm NATOspecifications, the .308 cartridge is not identical"

guns are for faggots who cannot kill things with their hands...

Bin ja selber Waffenbesitzer, stehe aber mehr auf das alte Zeug(1880-1950).
Er ist halt so ein klassischer Besserwisser. Außerdem ungedient und halt jetzt mit Papis Kohle während dem Studium nen Jagdschein und die ganze HK-Produktpalette gezogen.

Schade um die Knarren.

>They're almost identical to 308, you dumbass.
>almost identical
stop posting, retard.

congratulations, ameritard.

go defend yourself from not having health insurance


Damn thats what im about to say with my bad english.

And to be 100% rigth the .308Winchester is Thema civil Version of the 7,62 NATO round

Eigentlich warst du das.

Was interessiert es den MAD ob der Kamerad hier Waffenfragen beantwortet.

Hölle ich hab ma nen Islamisten gemeldet (der typ war da ziemlich offen drüber) und bis auf ne Befragung und keine weiterverlängerung is da nix passiert.

How does it feel to know that you cant own that as a civilian?

WELCOME to the Microsoft English Learning Class .. aka MELC or MILK because you all are a bunch of babies

Do you use full metal BBs or the plastic ones?

Mehr muss man dazu nicht sagen, oder?

Or you could say they are similar. Lol

Fucking summerfag

Naja gut dann kann man sich seinen teil zu Umgang usw ja denken, und ja wäre tatsächlich schade also belehr ihn mal dem besseren.

Und wo du das so sagst vermute ich mal das er sich das ziemlich aus denn Fingern gezogen hatte mit denn 500 Schuss (und hoffentlich nicht vom Bund *lach*) obwohl ich das hier auch manchen Kameraden zutrauen würde

Thanks, I'll sit down next to you.


They are almost identical. The case and slug dimensions are however powder loads and chamber pressures vary slightly. fag


How does it feel, too care about health insurance?

Bin ich eigentlich der einzige, der RS seltsam findet, dass hier ein Soldat über das Internet Fotos seiner persönlichen Ausrüstung postet?
Ist man jetzt tatsächlich so unprofessionell geworden? Den Teufel hätte ich in meiner 15jährigen Dienstzeit getan. Aber eine Berufung ist der Soldat ja schon seid Jahren nicht mehr...
Ist ja auch wichtig, hier mit der Dienstwaffe einen Schwanzvergleich zu machen. Schwachsinn, dass er hier fachliche fragen beantworten will. Der holt sich gerade einen runter, weil er meint, dass ihn jetzt alle für den nächsten Rambo halten.

Pretty good actually because when I pay it I get a sense of self reliance and not being a little child under the care of frau merkle and her cuckolding reign

What's the best armed forces (other than your own) you've worked with, or which you think is best?

nigger, you only need Jah, no doctor or medical plan.. or a gun to protect you... better wake the fuck up and smell the coffee

learn to read, that's exactly what i said, you massive fucktard. goddamn.

Wie oft denn noch Jungs, es handelt sich hierbei nicht um persönliche Ausrüstung.
Weder meine noch die eines Kameradens, es ist jediglich ein vergleichbares Foto.

Jah? do you mean God? Yes I am theistic but I know that he doesn't give a big enough fuck about most people. So i like health care and my gun.

Sorry got lazy and didn't bother to read up the thread.

no worries, i ordered you a Big Mac with large chips

fuck off, bong

Actually not an amerifag. I am South African you weapons grade prick

Are you an ethnic German? If so how do you feel about working for a government that has disarmed its people while actively replacing your people with muslims?

how does it feel being owned by the U.S.?

Has Jamal fucked your mom yet?



Ich meine, soll er doch machen. Erstens isses net seine Knifte, zweitens is die pers. Ausrüstung nicht gerade VS und drittens sehen das vielleicht drei 17 Jährige und sind in nem Jahr Rekruten.

Win win würd ich sagen.

Klar isses net grad super professionell das auf /b zu machen. Aber sorry, jeder der hier rumeiert hat eh nen sparren ab.

Ich meine ich poste hier auch manchmal so shit (net gerade meine pers Ausrüstung, eher zeug was ich so treibe) und das is mir lieber als die Affen in der 6 mann stube die

"I'm german soldier heil " schreiben und kichern.

"In den Abgrund gezogen"


Lass dir mal Eier wachsen du Fotze.

south african is just another word for Queens pawn or Queens little worker or Queens miner

Warum beantwortest Du hier in einem öffentlichem Forum ohne jegliche Kontrolle fragen über Deine Dienstwaffe?
Zitat:Ask a German "Bundeswehr Soldat" with an g28 dmr anything.

Maybe thats true. But we can own whatever weapons we want so we aren't as cucked as the britfags

Good question tho, i think the Kampfschwimmer (translatet something like combat diver) are pretty tough but never had to do with them since im in Afghanistan.

Here in Afghanistan its the "KSK" i thing. Its a pretty well expierienced and well trained Elite in generell germans bests

Ich hatte schon Eier, als Du noch in welchen geschwommen bist...

Not op, but propably still better than living in US, where turmp is a valid candidate lol.

And you don't have to agree with the government to be a soldier.

>we can own whatever weapons we want

talking so much bs, that is why your government took away all your weapons? and sold it to the niggers? same what is happening in murica...

Warum nicht?

Wofür brauch ein Forum Kontrolle?

Jaja blabla whatever, das Bild ist nicht mal von OP gemaht worden da es schon 2015 gemacht wurde was eine Rückwärtssuche offenbart.

Und selbst wenn - was ist schlimm daran? Das ist nur ein Bild.

Wie kann man soviel Angst vor einem Bild haben


Trump > Merkel

You fucking cuck

I own an AR-15. A saiga 12 guage shotgun. A full auto uzi and multiple pistols. Faggot. Go look up our gun laws


Not really. While I don't agree with what she did back in 2015, merkel is a good politician.

She dun goofed with this refugee bullshit and can't drop it now or she would completely lose her face, but she is clever and good for germany with the rest she does.

Trump on the other hand... Lol.

Jawohl wie gesagt es handelt sich nicht um meine Ausrüstung.
Jediglich um eine vergleichbare Ausrüstung.

how do you do drilling,
as in battle training for which adversary?
russian tanks from ostland?,what are you taught about current russian tech & equipment?
practice as fallschirmjaeger?

thats very good, maybe you should go shoot out all your bullets in johannesburg , i will watch the news of your monkey extermination

is that one of those shitty things that melt in your hands when you fire for too long?

"Clever and good for Germany"

Kek, tell that the countless rape victims, tell it to the grandma that got her face smashed in with an axe in Würzburg 2 months ago, tell that to the countless mugging victims.

You are the definition of a cuck.

Merkel deserves the death sentence

Alle degenerierten verteidigenden Kommentare hier lassen ja nur einen Schluss zu: Keiner von Euch ist zum Soldatenberuf geeignet. Es fehlt Euch an der notwendigen Ernsthaftigkeit. Somit seid ihr eine Gefahr für Euch, eure Einheit und das Ansehen der Bundesrepublik. Leute wie ihr machen im Feld auch Fotos davon, wie sie stilisiert einen Schädel vögeln...

Und selbst wenn, so what?

Dass man als Deutscher immer dieses kranke Gefühl hat etwas melden zu müssen, oder dass die Regierung alles kontrollieren muss - in diesem Land weiß keiner was Freiheit ist.

No then I would be caught. Monkey extermination is easier in the rural areas. Put my suppressor on my ar and go camp in the bush. The kill count would be legendary

Nice try russian spy.

Also russia is not important anymore.

halts maul du kanake


>recoil hard to maintain


Ich sage ja: Nicht geeignet...


Hier enthaupten Karstjäger der SS einen Partisanen.

Jeder von denen raucht kleine Pussys wie dich in der Pfeife.

DU bist nicht für den Beruf geeignet.

Die Bundeswehr sollte erstmal gegen Holland verteidigen können bevor Pack wie du hier die Schnauze aufreißt.

>Bundeswehr Soldat
>Why not a MSG90 A2? It's a far superior weapons platform.

whats it like knowing youll never invade france again, unless its for jihad?

Is the ''German dream'' still alive and well over there?

False flag

Sehe ich ähnlich-
Bundeswehr kann man im Prinzip zu machen, von der Leyen bitte, nimmt das wirklich jemand ernst?
Amerika Geld zahlen und die machen lassen. Das war's.

Definitiv nicht geeignet... Und ich habe über ein Jahrzehnt gedient. Kann also nicht alles falsch gemacht haben...

you are just a little faggot that like to camp...
get some C4 or dynamite - strap if to your chest , raid the ANC HQ and kill everyone in the building, run back down and wait for police.. you can even add a few Molotov cocktails to make things interesting .. best to go out with a bang, remember to shout Allah Akbar before you run out of bullets and go in for the big bang

pls shoot merkel

Lol you are retarded.

As if no German ever did something bad.

Hey, I'm no refugee fan, but what you are doing undermines intelligent people not liking refugees.

Hell, the closest thing we had to a terrorist attack was done by a german in munich.

The problems refugees bring (economic damage, reputation damage etc) is way worse than some rapes and some wounded grannies. Not that I don't feel for them.

But we will have to pay loads for those thousands of refugees.

US on the other hand, if they vote trump will have way bigger problems. This man can't act responsibly for a country.


Wollte auch erst zum Bund weil ich dachte dass da Patrioten wie ich hingehen, bis ich dann mal mit welchen gesprochen habe und die mir von den Zuständen dort erzählt haben.

Aber wenn Deutschland mich braucht bin ich da, hab eh eine bessere Ausbildung an der Waffe als die meisten BW-Spackos, und die Gesinnung stimmt auch.

Guys the sad thing is ur not even wrong and that makes me fell very bad for my homecountry and i try to forgett about it on the other side oft the world.

Well the problem is that the body count would be less than camping. Imma be a fag and camp

schön flüchtlinge abknallen, wa?

Hab von einem gehört der war im nahen Osten, sind überfallen worden außerhalb vom Lager, haben zurückgeschossen - dann haben die ersten angefangen zu kotzen.
Irgendwann kamen die US Flugzeuge und haben außenrum aufgeräumt. dann ging'S zurück ins lager (mit 4 m Betonwänden außenrum).
Bundeswehr - alles klar.

Du bestimmst nicht wer geeignet ist, du Knecht.

Die Bundeswehr würde an einem richtigen Krieg zerbrechen, das liegt an der Ausrüstung aber auch am Menschenmaterial.

Die Nation ist das Volk und das gilt es um jeden Preis zu schützen. Wenn man dafür ein paar Dörfer niederbrennen muss dann wird das gemacht und kein "innerer Führungs" Amischwachsinn ausgepackt.

1. SS Division würde mit euch doch den Boden aufwischen - deswegen ist die Wehrmacht und SS bei euch ja auch nicht "traditionswürdig" ;-)

>done by a german in munich
brainwashed(dead) idiot detected

you are just thinking small.. you can plant explosives on each floor, with traps... killing them as they come closer to you.. you can camp on the roof and kill thousands from there... plus maybe even take out the SWAT helicopter..

Willen Sie wehren fur das Viertes Reich?

Fine, go to the relatives of the vitims and tell them how it was necessary that their daughter was raped because we needed to harbour subhuman níggers in our holy Germany.

If my sister got touched by one of them - you will read about me in the news the next day

Am besten richtig mit der Hitlersäge draufhalten an der Grenze!

>Trump is a valid candidate lol
>Implying this is bad.

40% of "Germans" under 5 are Muslims. The government is literally replacing Germans, how can one justify working for such people?

I know you don't have to agree with your government to be a soldier but if you don't why would you?



Gut, dass du hier mit nem offz laberst.

Soldat ist nichmehr als Berufung gewünscht. Es soll ein Beruf sein. Warum? Weil Berufungen zu schwachsinnigen Ergebnissen führen wohingegen Leute die einen Beruf ausführen viel professioneller arbeiten.

Es gibt einen Grund warum viele Nationen einen Haufen Aufgaben privaten Sicherheitsfirmen übertragen. Häufig besser ausgebildet, effizientere Führungs- und Durchführungsstruktur.

I guess. Hmm explosives could be usefull. I think a bombing spree may be in order.

Steht so auch im Gesetz. Die Grenzen sind zu schützen - zur Not mit Waffengewalt.
Interessiert unseren Linken/Grünen/Feministen Hippie Verein aber nicht.

Du meinst illegale Einwanderer/Kriminelle/Wirtschaftsmigranten?

Klar - auf lange Sicht ist die Lösung: entweder ihr geht oder ihr sterbt.

Europa muss die Botschaft senden: Wenn ihr in Afrika bleibt sterbt ihr vielleicht - wenn ihr nach Europa kommt sterbt ihr auf jeden Fall.

Jedes Land in dem Nigger und Moslems einen größeren Bevölkerungsanteil oder gar die Mehrheit stellen ist die Hölle auf Erden.

Jap, hab zwei Kumpels da, beide Fahnenjunker, und was die mir erzählen über die Kampfkraft und Moral, ohweia.

>Ask a German "Bundeswehr Soldat" with an g28 dmr anything.

Is that the one that overheats?

>Merkel only keeps us disarmed and imports close to a million muslims a year while imprisoning Germans who oppose it but she isn't bad like Trump

Google the helium method.

Wunderbar! Ich bin ein Polnischer aber ich denke das Hitler war richtig and ich mochte auch wehren fur das Neues Reich

Why are you and your country a bunch of cucks?

Follow up question: Does your wife describe what Ahmed's dick taste like via SMS on your lunch breaks?

So that sounds like you wouldn't do the same to a german rapist.

Interested in sending me the adress?

Jesus mate, I would kill both a german and a refugee if they would rape a relative.

No need for racism in justice o.O

Nope not the g36 (witch is full auto)

>An ethnic German doing something bad justifies importing millions of low IQ, illiterate, fighting age males who worship a pedophelic warlord.

And you're worried about Trump...

Any gays in scotland that can break my ass in good?

Do you not realize that Muslims rape, rob and murder at a much higher rate than Germans?

Kek, racism is a communist buzzword, invented by the Jew Leo Trotzki.

Recognizing that races are different is the same as recoginizing that the sexes are different.

A country full of niggers and muslims will ALWAYS be a third world hell hole or at least not comparable to a white society.

Why do you want to give this up?

Are you mad?

I'm not saying it was right to allow them all in.

But what trump will do will completely fuck the US. Germany is so strong it can easily cope with a million refugees. We wont like it, but it we achieved greater shit after the war and look where it brought us. We're one of the most successful nations on this fucking planet. And that after we lost fucking 2 worldwars.

A million sandniggers? No problem, in 20 years they will be wearing lederhosen and fucking sing "Einst ging ich am Ufer der Donau entlang".

If trump gets president you guys are in for a ride.

You perfectly demonstrate the mentality that is killing western civilization.

This is now a EU firearm thread.

Wer kommt am 15.10. in die Pfalz zum Rangeday der Waffenlobby(no cringe intended :3)

>pic related, urrent status plus an ASM 1847 Walker and an Erma EG71

oh, ich habe eine Frage.

Wann du hast deine anwendung zu die Bundeswehr gemacht, haben Sie gefragt: "War Hitler richtig?" oder "Mochten Sie einen Neues und Herrlichste Reich sehen in die nächste funf jahre? Zehn jahre?"

Back up that claim with a source.

I'm 100% this is bullshit. Also maybe we should fuck more, so it's our own fault.

Not merkels. We are impotent as a nation if we can't keep our numbers.

>But what trump will do will completely fuck the US.

Why? Get specific here.

>Germany is so strong it can easily cope with a million refugees

No, its not easy, the tension was never higher in my lifetime, but I am thankful since the refugee influx revived the Völkisch movement.

>We're one of the most successful nations on this fucking planet.

How do you measure success? We are dying out, we are not allowed to haven uclear arms or a miltiary bigger than a certain number, we have to maintain monuments of russian rapists in our capital.

>A million sandniggers? No problem, in 20 years they will be wearing lederhosen and fucking sing "Einst ging ich am Ufer der Donau entlang".

Being this bluepilled, kek

40% of under 5 year olds are non-German, your children will ive in hell.

Bist du der deutschen Sprache mächtig?


racism is when you think that the other races are not as god as people or generalize them as stupid
same goes for sexism you idiot
just recognizing that they are a little different is plain common sense.
and blacks can be good people if raised correctly same goes for sandniggers
islam is just medieval shit

Gibt es in der Bundeswehr viele Rassisten? In welcher Form tritt dort Rassismus auf?

Yes I'm mad, its cause of people like you my country is being flooded with these barbarians.

Most of these "refugees" are illiterate in their own language yet you expect them to learn German (a very difficult language) and be proficient in it? Part of the reason Germans have been a successful people is due to high IQ which is mostly genetic, most of these "refugees" have an IQ in the low 80's.

If you think they are going to assimilate and resemble Germans in 20 years you will soon find you are absolutely wrong.

Who cares? Put them in prison and you're good.

Hell mate, people with an IQ under 120 are way more likely to rob, rape and murder than mote intelligent people.

Should we trow them out? Shoot em too?

Hell, I would love if stupid people wouldn't have the right to vote, but they have it.

>Needing a source to verify the islamic invasion.

Have you not fucking been outside?

Racism is discrimination based on race.

Acknowledging differences isn't racism. There are tons of facts that show the races are different.

But if I would adopt a sandnigger kid I could make it into a good human.

Racism would be saying that isn't possible.

Plz explain

while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[22][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]

Plz explain more

Explain why niggers never invented anything, explain why every black country is a hellhole without blaming the evil white man.

Look up your history books, while we had cholera, the black death and the thirty years war going on in Europe - where were the non-white blue helmet soldiers handing out food to Europeans?

There were none, because niggers never achievend and never will achieve such thing on their own.

>After they kill, rape and steal we will just throw them in jail whats the problem!?

You are a great example of why democracy is a terrible system, idiots like you can vote.

Ja das gibt es gerade in beim denn unteren mannschaften und im fwd gibt es viele Fanatiker (meine Meinung), in meiner umgebung aber eher weniger oder wenn Flucht man hier ordentlich über die Leute die hier im Afghanistan rumrennen (wobei das nochmachl was anderes ist)

I am not saying it isnt possible, but I want Germany to be 95% ethnic German (with european mixes) and the rest may be the best people from foreign countries outside of Europe.

Now we got 40% of under 5 year olds in Germany that are not German.

Why cant you see the danger?

Good thing I'm in the top 5% earners, prolly top 5% int and my job provides the the most important need (health) a country has.


"Sie müssen einer ficken, backen und heiraten. Sie sind alle Männer. Ein ist ein Juden, ein ist ein schwarzer aus Afrika und der dritte ist Adolf Hitler. Wie auswählen Sie?"

well, if you are interested.. they make dynamite at AEL in Modderfontein.. not hard to get past security

The Bundeswehr consists of good-for-nothings who drink all day and retards. Prove me wrong.

Hell m8, after I shot your mother I will maybe go to prison for 15 years, so what?
Where is the fucking problem ?!

Kek, doesnt help you when I shoot you in the head lolol

But, Hell, mate, thats okay because I will maybe go to prison right?

Bundeswehr Application IQ Test

the book "guns, germs and steel" explains this

saying niggers never invented anything is a total lie

is it that hard to believe that evil white men screwed up most of this world and every one in it?

Satan has spoken.


But telling people to shoot refugees or to behave like nazis doesn't help.

You guys have to go the more moderate approach, go into politics, throw out all those nazis of the afd.

I would vote AFD if there weren't a ton of stupid nazis in there.

The way to fix this is to cut all social help to refugees who refuse to learn german or getting a job, throw out the people who don't have a right for asylum etc.

Is it that hard to believe that evil jews screwed up most of this world and everyone in it?

Given your argumentation skills that is very hard to believe.

Nonetheless you failed to defend the stupidity of your post.

I would bake Hitler, marry the Jew and fuck the nigger. Am I bunedeswehr material?

ok jews and white people, i agree with that

lel they are behind in time muslims did invent a lot of shit back in the day but then it went stale because of their medieval religion which never got reformed like like ours
Blacks lived in a way different environment where they never needed to invent shit while we had to improve to survive
so naturally they arent as smart as whites
but this can be thrown out f the window for blacks that live in previously white countries they are evolving faster and there is a lot of blacks who aren't criminal
but some of them are still stuck in ghettos which will always be a thing the whites that are raised there are mostly just as stupid as them
in conclusion it's the system that is fucked but capitalism is the best thing we have rn we all knowhow communsism went

Well, no difference if you're a sandnigger or a german, i would fuck your shit up.

vote alfa

No, I AM a national socialist.

There are so many of us, out there in the Kegelclub, Schützenverein, in the rural city councils, this is our country.

Get used to it, blood must flow for change.

Our main goal is to preserve the substance of the German people, our biological existence.

Everything else comes second place.

I was raised in the US and Brazil, my father is an engineer, my mother an architect, I will be a lawyer soon.
I have seen the world, and that is what made me a national socialist.

You need to get used to the idea that the comfy years are over, very soon we have to fight for our very existence.

Explain the stupidity (btw of which post, I did dozens in this thread).

The thing is, people can't understand arguments or explanations if they are simple in the head. I could be fucking albert einstein and you wouldn't understand.

in brazil huh?

do you have german relatives in south america?

have they been there since the end of WW2?

ihr kriegt eh nix geschissen weil die hälfte von euch V-Männer sind

So tell me, what have niggers invented yet?

And why is China doing so well? They were colonized as well.

IQ is racial for the most part.

There are good muslims and blacks that I respect, NO DOUBT about it.

BUT, I want to remain a majority white Europe, and I mean like 95% majority.

Each people only hase one home, and this is ours.

Yeah, but she is still dead right?

Dont want to waste my vote on a under 5% party even though they might be the right choice.

But since I'm basically a richfag (compared to the normal german) I prolly keep voting CSU.



Man muss nur seine Botschaft oft genug wiederholen, immer und immer wieder, die V-Männer, so sollte es sie denn geben, machen entweder mit oder fliegen raus, es ist eine sitlle Revolution, jeder weiß was getan werden muss, aber damit halten wir uns zurück bis wir die Macht haben, und dagegen kann man nichts tun, es gibt keine Absprachen, keine umstürzlerischen Pläne, wir warten einfach bis die Zeit reif ist.

Übrigens, man weiß manchmal gar nicht wer wen infiltriert, bei unserem Verfassungsschutz x)

That is a problem you have with the justice system.

I trust in it, all my relatives are laywers or judges, so I might have a different way of thinking.

My father has way more cases involving eastern european immigrants than sandniggers.

wrong attitude it's never a wasted vote people like you ruin the system you keep voting for the large parties if all people like you would actually vote for the right choice you could make a change an actual change

Good point you've made dozens of stupid posts in this thread alone. I was referring specifically to the one about importing criminals not being a problem cause the government can just throw them in jail.

Please don't ask me to elaborate on why that is stupid, its painfully obvious.

What are you trying to justify here?

Why is it so hard for you to say: Yes! I want a German Germany, a country that exists solely for the German people, that is our home, unsre Heimat, and where we live as we see fit, where we have a military as big as we want, and laws are only made to suit or people and interests.

guten humor hast du dass muss ich dir lassen

Hate socialism, so you dun goofed.

Nationalists on the other side I COULD understand, though most of them don't understand that you have to go with the flow of time to keep your country strong.

Judt staying Aryan bullshit won't help.

Du sollst deine Schnauze halten, Saujud x)
thats just a sample of african americans, you can easily google it yourself actually, dumbass

and i wouldnt say china is doing very well at all, maybe hong kong but that is different. you should google the empty cities and buildings they keep building, its gonna collapse one day. theyre set for their own housing crisis. what do you think mr. china expert?

bunch of closet Nazi's circle jerking each other when we all know Every german Kitchen has a fucking Oven

Problem is very easy to solve
>Did the Holocaust happen?

National Socialism is not socialism like we know it fromt he DDR or other shitholes.

No, private property is not touched, and exists, the socialist element is the unity of the people, united through race and ideology, and love for each other.

It is some kind of charity socialism that empowers everyone, nobody gets expropriated.

You realize that the aryan thing is not the blond hair/blue eyes meme as it is portrayed in our media, do you?

Your reading comprehension must be really bad. I never said "It's not a problem".

I said I don't care. It's not an important problem.

Only simple people think the biggest danger those refugees pose to us are some rapes and murders.

In fact economic stress and money is a way bigger problem. That will do way bigger harm to the country than some dead people.

You guys are emotional (hence those "your mother killed" answers, you try to make me emotional) I'm rational.

And since the beginning of time, the rational way was always the better way.

we live in a society where it's important that the races mix if we become too elitist we will go extinct its all logicaltheres three types of persons highly educated make the top 25% and do important jobs that require high qualifications as goes for middle class and lower class who make 35% and 40%
we need "lower" qualified people they are the base of our society

Those are 16 "inventions", "invented" by the use of white technology, society and universities, and for example peanut butter wasnt even inveted by that nigger

china is just for production, usa, canada, australia and UK is consumption.. same goes for other countries who get robbed of their minerals for the 1% to gain.. or where people are being sold into human slavery for others profit, just for money, something that holds no value... the tipping point will be when ordinary people take law and order in their own hand, because the governments of the world has become too corrupt and walk hand in hand with the blackmarket and the bankers

>united through race and ideology, and love for each other.
>not a Nazi

Yeah, because those Amazon tribes that live isolated from the rest of the world have all gone extinct.

Maybe right.

But the same goes for vegetarians, and I still eat meat.

I vote where I think my vote will make the biggest difference. Voting alfa will change nothing. Voting csu will at least keep a party ahead that I mostly agree with. And who says alfa would be the perfect choice. I bet they arent.

>not too big

No we dont need that.

Thats where we differ and why you are an enemy that needs to be dealt with.

I am on the wealthy side as well, but everything I own, I would give up for the unity of the people, including my life.

And if I am willing to give up my own life, dont think yours means anything.

Thats what you dont get, not everything is about money and wealth, this is destructive and will ruin society.

Its about being Volk, if you are rich or poor, old or young, man or woman, you need to realize that being a people is more than just you being an individual.

Your fate is linked to the fate of your people, one way or another

did you read when i said a sampling of just african americans dumbass?

and what the fuck is that supposed to mean? thats gotta be one of the dumbest things ive ever heard, like african americans had any other alternative to use? it doesnt even matter how they invented it, they fucking did it, as opposed to your lazy ass. what have you done whitey?

I said that I am a National Socialist, what is your point, Rassenschänder?

Its not like niggers invented Jazz, or do you think they could made saxophones, trumpets and whatnot by themselves when they werent able to even contruct simple shoes?

if youre to stupid to google this shit yourself, and it is literally that easy, then there is no point in trying to convince your racist ass.

You are changing the topic faster than it makes sense.

I dont give a fuck about germans. Most are stupid and ugly anyway. I give a fuck about people that share my interests, my brains, my culture and my life. If they have migrant roots or not I don't give a fuck.

I like germany, I like the culture. But the people? Hell I don't give a shit if I'm sitting at the oktoberfest with a chick from Ukrainia or from buxdehude, as long as they speak my language and I can make jokes about schwaben and they will understand it.

>base of our society

yea, in a jewish nigger world

jews just like nigger cock so much,. they will die with aids to get it

i already close the page, look it up yourself.
i know it was a nigger that invented the gas mask.
something more useful than an instrument


fucking airsoft gun



Lets oversee your closed mind for a second and pretend your points were legit:

How would you achieve this?

Remember, 40% of our under 5 year olds are muslims that dont identify as Germans, dont have the hundreds of years of history living in this country, dont you see that if this continues there wont be an Oktoberfest, or Swabians to rant about anymore?

They will be gone. Forever. Because of people like you.

How pathetic to post nigger dicks as a white man


The founders of the nazi party were socialists. It was a party for workers. Workers shouldn't be exploited, there shouldn't be super rich people etc.

I hate socialism and any form of forced charity.

And that aspect of socialism is retarded. I don't want to be on the same level as a fucking repairman. I studied hard and work hard to earn more money, to be able to live more luxuriously.

If you think nazis are only about race etc, you should join Nationalists or find a new term you are describing yourself (I bet there is already, just don't know the english word)


13jähriger detektiert

Boah, bist du ein hartes Opfer...


wtf, ich liebe den Islam jetzt!

Again, it was not forced.

Thats what you dont get.

You wouldnt get any freebies from the state if you were unemployed because of your actions, unlike today.

Do you think workers hould be exploited?

>schwarzenlieber detektiert

islamischer lieben unserer tochtern totten
islam uber alles

Fuck more.

Teach kids about history and culture.

Don't accept minority communities.

Force people to work, even if it's just cleaning streets, instead of getting charity money.

No muslim lessons or whatever in school.

And as said, prolly sit with a multiculti group of intelligent, sucessfull people at the Oktoberfest, because only people like me will have the cash to pay for a beer.


Sounds like National Socialism


is OP still here? if yes, how did you end up as the designated marksman? did you choose. if not your rifle, what rifle would you want to use (any rifle in the world possible)
which countries armed forces are the best to work with?

Nazis were about equalizing people. Uniforms for every kid (Hj). Groups every one had to be part in. WE ARE ALL ONE RACE. Hell, I have more in common with an intelligent jew than with a stupid german.

I want my future kid to do what it wants. If it wants to wear skater shoes it shall do that, if it wants to wear Bugatti shoes it can do that.

I dont want to be forced that my kid wears lederhosen. Or to be forced to be in a group with some fucking retarded german kids.

Not necessarily exploited, but if the market says they get paid shitty, well poop, that's life, should have studied more. Forcing companies to pay more money because the government said so is retarded.

It does not.

IF it sounds like anything probably nationalism.
Fucking socialism has nothing to do with that.
Fucking nazis.

bist du stolz drauf bauer auf dem schachbrett der globalen politik zu sein?

are you muslim?

Die Sache schien mir so ungeheuerlich, die Bezichtigung
so maßlos zu sein, daß ich, gequält von der Furcht, Unrecht
zu tun, wieder ängstlich und unsicher wurde.

Freilich daran, daß es sich hier nicht um Deutsche einer
besonderen Konfession handelte, sondern um ein Volk für
sich, konnte auch ich nicht mehr gut zweifeln; denn seit ich
mich mit dieser Frage zu beschäftigen begonnen hatte, auf
den Juden erst einmal aufmerksam wurde, erschien mir
Wien in einem anderen Lichte als vorher. Wo immer ich
ging, sah ich nun Juden, und je mehr ich sah, um so schär-
fer sonderten sie sich für das Auge von den anderen Men-
schen ab. Besonders die innere Stadt und die Bezirke
nördlich des Donaukanals wimmelten von einem Volke,
das schon äußerlich eine Ähnlichkeit mit dem deutschen nicht
mehr besaß.

Aber wenn ich daran noch gezweifelt hätte, so wurde das
Schwanken endgültig behoben durch die Stellungnahme
eines Teiles der Juden selber.

>fucking nazis

How do you make even a Cent if you are not able to consider new evidence?

No, most organizations were voluntary to join.

You already sound like a Jew, I really believe that you have a lot in common with "intelligent" jews.

Thats why the enemy of the people are not only the reds but the reactionaries as well, people like you.

Wann fangt ihr endlich an den Abschaum, den unsere dämliche Regierung reingelassen hat, wieder in ihr Dreckloch zu verfrachten?



kek schlechter Köder ist schlechter Köder

Von der Erfahrung des täglichen Lebens angeregt, be-
gann ich nunmehr, den Quellen der marxistischen Lehre
selber nachzuspüren. Ihr Wirken war mir im einzelnen klar
geworden, der Erfolg davon zeigte sich mir täglich vor dem
aufmerksamen Blick, die Folgen vermochte ich bei einiger
Phantasie mir auszumalen. Die Frage war nur noch, ob
den Begründern das Ergebnis ihrer Schöpfung, schon in
seiner letzten Form gesehen, vorschwebte, oder ob sie selber
das Opfer eines Irrtums wurden.

Beides war nach meinem Empfinden möglich.

Im einen Falle war es Pflicht eines jeden denkenden
Menschen, sich in die Front der unseligen Bewegung zu
drängen, um so vielleicht doch das Äußerste zu verhin-
dern, im anderen aber mußten die einstigen Urheber
dieser Völkerkrankheit wahre Teufel gewesen sein; denn
nur in dem Gehirne eines Ungeheuers - nicht eines
Menschen - konnte dann der Plan zu einer Organisation
sinnvolle Gestalt annehmen, deren Tätigkeit als Schluß-
ergebnis zum Zusammenbruch der menschlichen Kultur und
damit zur Verödung der Welt führen muß.

white bois

der einzige abschaum um den sich die bundeswehr kümmern sollte ist der, der der Meinung ist dass Menschen schlecht sind weil sie keinen bock haben in ihrer heimat zu verrecken und deshalb in ein land flüchten das and dem bürgerkrieg im eigenen Land teils schuld ist
wie wäre es mit einem blick über den tellerrand?oder für den anfang rtl und bild ausschalten und ein buch lesen


gez. Judensau



Kek. Where?


As in if you don't join the NSDAP you will get sawed as a judge or your company might get fucked or your kid will get bad grades if it doesn't join the HJ.

Lol beeing this oblivious.

Also most jews are pretty chill, I have some buddies in the IDF and their girls are hot too.

And the Israelis are not such pussies like the germans nowadays, you might like it there.


einer der wenigen guten hier. probs an dich

Haha, i love this stuff.

It's like watching beastiality. Just hot.

Who earns more than you, lives a better life and does more for his country than you (and propably has deeper german roots than you,)

I enjoy beeing a subhuman then :D

Did you suck your mandatory mile of shitskin sandnigger dick today, german?

Funny how my granddad only went to the HJ meetings when they had Horses or gliding planes there because he wanted to ride or fly but otherwise didnt give a fuck and never had any negative consequencens, but I am sure thats a lie, right?

You realize that currently students and pupils are brought to "Demos gegen Rechts" by their teachers, right? How ist that better? Where is your outrage?

Oh right, there is none, because jewlovers like you love their double standards as well

lieber 'judensau' mit offenen augen und offenem herzen als nationalist mit einem weltbild so eingeschränkt wie dein denkvermögen

Do you enjoy bullets in your brains as well?

JUDENSAU, du dummer Hurensohn ich habe schon mehr von der Welt gesehen als du, habe Freunde auf fast jedem Kontinent, das ermöglicht mir ja das Wirken des Juden weltweit zu erkennen.

Überall ist es die gleiche Scheiße, Rassenmischung wird beworben, die Familie wird zerstört, und gute goys wie du lecken dem Jud dabei das Arschloch, aber deine Zeit kommt auch noch, Judas

What is a g28 and why don't you have an ar-10 or ar-15?

A g28 is basically a piston driven AR-10 you fucking moron

>believes what his grandfather told him is true


Also I'm sure all those reports of people getting negative consequences are bullshit, just because your grandfather allegedly had none.

Beeing this closeminded.

I think it should be forbidden that teachers do that. Teachers are not allowed to express their political opinion or at least that's what it was when I went to school, not that long ago.

There is no outcry by me because it doesn't hurt me. When a teacher brings my kid to some demonstration I will fuck his career up.

You forgot I'm the guy in the military ;)

The answer is obvious.

> believes what "holocaust surivers" tell on TV is true


Holocaust debunked using your logic - thanks!

You cant fuck his career up because he is allowed to do that.

>There is no outcry by me because it doesn't hurt me

Why should I care if the windows of some jews get smashed in then? x)

g28 fav gun m8

You mean the cuck.

I bet I would outshoot you in any competition

what are the chances of using that baby to free your fatherland from war immigrants and kikes.?

You don't have to care?

No need to defend the jews, they themselves and the justice system would do that.

I ignore your first line, because you sound like an UFO-conspiracist.

Then why don't they call it an ar-10 dipshit. If you are going to copy an ar-, then call it an ar. Duhhhhh

But this is no fsir competition.

On the ladder of life I sit on a tower with OPs DMR and you sit down on this street with your luger from 1943.

Now shut up and spill your stupid nazi hate elsewhere.

Because it's not from the same company.

Beeing this retarded and calling an iphone galaxy because it's basically the same thing.

>I ignore your first line, because you sound like an UFO-conspiracist.

Haha, nice intellectual dishonesty there.

So: Every pro german/nazis testimony is obviously wrong

Every pro jewish/holohoax statement must be true




Because its an improved Version, the patent of the AR timed out anyway, and Stoner used a lot of stuff on the AR that he copied from other Weapons, so no need to get salty here.

Kek, I own 2 AR 15 that outshoot any of your crappy BW shit and one .338 Lapua Magnum bolt action gun you little cuck.

But what I had in mind was something like a three gun competition shooting where you can prove your superior Cuckwehr skills



Like your mothers, sisters and grandmas?




Are you mad I can buy that myself once it's introduced to the American market and can kill niggers with it in self defense

Yes he is, most Germans think guns should not be used in self defense, kek

Ok cuz u know so much germans ? or who give u this information hmm ?


>what is democracy?
>the majority legistaltes
>Germany does not have gun laws that allow the possession of guns for defense purposes

So the German people have spoken, Faggot