How do i get a drug addict girlfriend? I will provide a place to live and drugs all they need to do is have sex with me...

How do i get a drug addict girlfriend? I will provide a place to live and drugs all they need to do is have sex with me, not cheat, or share needles.


Maybe join narcotics user

>Drug addict
>not cheat

Pick one op

I feel like thats a lot to ask of a drug addict. Not much experience wit them i assume?

Go to skid row or a homeless shelter


Lol you fucking moron.

All drug addict girls cheat


Are there hot people at homeless shelters?

You have no place or drugs otherwise you would not need to ask this question.

Get yourself a drug addiction

All drug addict girls cheat. plus they look 35 at 25 because of all the drugs you fucking idiot.

If they cheat no more free drugs or free place to live


This or fake one



Are you fucking 12?

Sometimes. Probably disease ridden though.

Look at the question you just asked and really think about what the answer to that is going to be.

24 and lonely with a lot of money and free time

You can't count on her not to cheat. I dated a coke addict once. In retrospect I am pretty sure she was fucking guys for coke at parties.

It does't sound like you really want a drug addict. It sounds like you're looking for a 1950s housewife, but one who doesn't cook and clean.

You take normal girlfriend, slowly addict her to some drug(star with food) after a while you present here real drug(say that "maybe that could help you when you feel bad after dinner)... And you have drug addict girlfriend.

Also if normal drug addict don't see you attractive, you need to have face and character of beta-gama potato.
Seriously, drug addict sometimes see shit and try to fuck trees, so you know, you have some problems...

You want to bring her up in environment where you are basically her dealer and she pays in sex. Now she is used to paying for drugs with sex. Hows that guna work out if you are a day late with her hit? She won't hesitate to find a dealer and suck a dick to get some.

A drug dealer who gives drugs in exchange for sex is not a boyfriend and doesn't require or encourage loyalty.

OP seriously. You do not want that kind of shit in your place. Hit the gym get /fit/ and go to bars/clubs like any normal dude

A drug addict chick will turn on you fast if she gets pissed or paranoid, and take you for all you got. Bad idea user, I was dating a meth head once, dont do it man.

I've never been to a homeless shelter. Also ive seen hot chicks working at mcdonalds and Tile stores

>have drugs
>do them
>hit on girls and offer them drugs

tl;dr you're an idiot in more ways than one

Ask a bunch of girls if they like drugs
Or go to a music festival lots of addicts there

OP have you checked yourself for autism? Because every response i've read in this thread points to some sort of learning disability

I'm not good with people

I had one, trust me you dont want one.

They spend all their time looking for drugs and you see them like once every two weeks. You get a reply on your texts three days after you sent.

And when they get caught and go to jail they become less responsive.

Most of them are sick so they have fever. Fever=hot

I more want a girlfriend but without having to do any boyfriend things

lol you're retarded, you don't want that shit, if you've been addicted to drugs yourself then you don't want another stealing lying cheating shitty person living with you, not even mentioning the fact taht they all suck dick for dope and have hep c. u dont want none of that shit

Then you definitely will not be good with a drug addict in your house. Get yourself a mail order bride if you are that desperate.

Fucking this. You'll either end up being robbed or stabbed, probably both if you're lucky I guess. It's not worth the trouble

It can take practice just put yourself out there. it gets easier and easier. I didn't lose my V till I was 21

No I'm clean


Move to an impoverished country like Mexico or Detroit


>How do i get a drug addict girlfriend?
deal drugs


Well I am on Cred Forums

Then just paint face on your hand, best gf ever!

was at a homeless shelter for a couple months and the answer is there's a few hot chicks but they'll fuck anything for some drugs

checked, also Cred Forums is hella normie i expect that shit from /r9k/

Get yourself an Asian Woman

I'm desperate for an acoholic girl, all these normies can put up with my drinking for about two to three weeks before realizing I have a problem and bailing. Plus, I'm fucking sick of drinking the Mike's they can't finish. I know women can't drink as much as men on the whole, but if I could find one that could kill even a quarter of a fifth in a night id be happy.



Party a lot. Get close to the girls who are still there at the end of the party when things get messy and weird and all the people who aren't completely focused on drugs have left. Tell the cutest one you have more drugs at home and if she goes along and fucks you you have your target. You'll need to have drugs for this to work, but if you party a lot you'll meet plenty of dealers.

you in college user?

Visit Thailand or Cambodia, find girl in one of their ghettos, help her emigrate into the US. Marry her in exchange for green card

so go where everyone else who isn't good with people goes
>the bar

or Philippines

This is true.

Yes but Im a graduate student who works full time. I see where you're going with this, but I do not have the time or social connections to go out to house parties and find the heaviest drinking sluts.

I go to the bar every night

Do you live in Seattle? Look up my shithead daughter.

What's your zip code?

Someone else will offer them free drugs and they'll cheat. They don't give a fuck, they just want drugs.

Im 23 and still a virgin. Thinking if i can put off the smexing until im 30 then i can claim legit wizard status.

Oh well then never mind.

kys tbh fam

damn are you mad she likes sex or something,

u will prob get robbed after awhile when see tell her mates that u some betaugly


Die in a fire

D0nt h8 m3h 1337 st8s m8.


u mad bruh?

I use to feel this way just go to concerts dont listen to dumbasses that say bars.

Literally just ask every girl to dance at ateast one will say yes.

If your uncomfortable dancing just ask them which set is next, if they answer with one word or sentence they aren't interested. If they smile and giggle just ask another question and see if they talk back to you.

It really isn't that hard. If your awkward most girls will just think you are nervous.

kys tbh fam

If you're this desperate for a steady girl and you have lots of money just get a mail order bride, those marriages are statistically more likely to last anyway.

Sadly i live in Chicago

>How do i get a drug addict girlfriend?

Strip clubs

Look at all these pussy excuses, if you have time to drink heavily or have a girl then you have time for parties, you're just too much of a bitch to find one.

Honestly OP im not a big fan of Naruto anymore so i don't watch it as often as i used to but im still sorta into it you know? The same way with bleach and one piece but i think one piece is cooler in a way. Something about pirates just gets me all riled up. By the way have you seen tokyo ghoul? I thought it was alright overrated though. Sword Art Online was good but then it got to filler-ish you know what i mean? Anyways what do you think?

Northside of Chicago

Craigslist buddy always craigslist

>tfw no drugfu

check 'em

Chekt and rekt

Any drug addict who is attractive will already be fucking drug dealers, who have more money than you do (and also drugs).

You are making a BIG mistake!
Please post here in another 6 months if you actually do this shit! You'll have some hilarious stories. At least they'll be hilarious to us, I'm sure you'll be crying like a baby!

Serious question: Is that shit even real? How does that work? Do I just google "Mail order brides"? How do I know they won't just rape my credit card and disappear?

go to a website like thai cupid or Philippine cupid


v See this post v


>newfag detected

Drinking heavily, oddly enough, can be done alongside pretty much anything else. It doesn't take time on its own.

My girlfriend is addicted to painkillers, but I'm addicted to heroin so I don't mind. We both support each other.

Study, hard work, workout everyday, socialize a lot, what would yo do all these things for?

Yes, just google "mail order bride" of your preferred ethnicity and get going.

Why would they do that, the only reason they can stay in your country instead of the shit-hole they left if because they're married to you, in addition they're dependent on you for income and likely from a culture that disproportionately favors the male socially, all of this together means that they're actually more likely to stay in a marriage with you so long as you set up the guidelines of what your marriage will be first.