Trips decides the fate of Steve the Cat

Trips decides the fate of Steve the Cat


timestamp or gtfo fagget


let him out, cunt

i'll pay the ransom

I wish I could get my hands on you You're a fucking cunt

dont hurt him!

I will rape you, stop torturing your cat you fucking newfag.

Search Google with this image...

Its only a cat, calm down peta

die faggot

Devil trips winrar

Kill him


Seached google, fake.

shit on his bound face



Time stamp faggot

freedom and good care

El oh well

People in this thread..

give him a fancy and expensive hat and take a pic of him with the hat on


his a good kitty! release him!

boil it

Kill Steve. Then eat him

release him

Drown him

sharpie in the pooper

Improper time stamp

Let him go and make him clam your balls

Cut his throat


Kill him

shit on his face!! Look at him, he wants it.

end his miserable life

Bring him in your car and drive around town. Let him see the world.

leave him


send her 2 my gf (alive without a bomb nor poo)

let the dog in

ahh Fuck

let him be and be a nice and feeding father to him

Nice MS paint job of covering up the old timestamp, faggot

Kill yourself

Lube the plastic wrap and shove him up your ass

Space program

ITT: People who can't reverse image search

In the original thread, the owner of the cat said the cat actually really liked it when you wrap him tightly in things like saran wrap and blankets. In fact, the cat will sometimes 'ask' him to wrap him up by bringing him a blanket or something. So it's all cool.

also, buncha got damned newfags

set the lil shit on fire!

you retards need a fucking google image search? I'm relatively new here (about 2 years) and I know this is old shit.

Put on top of a shelf and leave it there

yet another OP fag,
i miss the days when Cred Forums was like the deep dark, without actually having to visit the ark web, and still see original fucked up shit.
now theres almost only fake threads(like this), booring porn/tranny/cuck threads, gore/rekt thats already been shared a thousand fucking times, etc,..


unwrap him and re-wrap it into a nice blanket on a couch

it's bait I seen this so long ago mate

webm of force feeding it shredded cheese

Eat him, after fucking him


Sell him to a good family fucker!

now let's see how long it takes for newfags to catch on.

This too

Shove him up your anus in one solid, alive, piece!

Damit, Steve deserves a second chance! Call Hillary

Let's pull Steve's tail off and fuck him with it


a while

soon he will become a beautiful catterfly