Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:


well now you have to tell us what happened

Also good evening

Doing better today, not as sick and my throat isn't hurting today

Well. Today just went to shit.
That feel when the actions of cleaning burst your abcess. Fuck all the things.


goodness. that sounds horrible, I'm sorry rory.

goodnight shiro.

That's good!

What's the matter, Ama? Don't you remember all the fun we had~?


>Driving now, later!

I don't know, I can't enter my entire street and the cops won't talk
But hello
Nice pic Felix

Fuck bruh stay safe.
Its kinda fun but its an ass sore



Hey all.

I feel like we'll get along just fine~

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you who I was
I'm Amatsukaze, you can shorten it to Amatsu or Ama

>no u

you were the only one who had fun ;-;
>and alcohol spoke, not me!

what music do you think your waifu likes?

I think tharja would like keiji haino

Tell us the address. I'll check the news

did you hear anything or was it just suddenly cops?

a pleasure to meet you, ama. I imagine we'll get along just fine. I tend to get along with almost everyone I meet.

I like your choice in waifu. she seems very cute.

yeah I hate having to fix things, personally. my dad enjoys fixing computer stuff. he's a weirdo.

Normally happens every few days. Its in a place that is always moving.
No point, its not going to get infected.

Lewd Makoto is lewd

>It's fun to watch

Mmhm. Be safe senpai!

Ayy Galil-chan


I'm the type to listen to whatever if i like it



Her canon music preference is yandere boys.

I have no idea what artists simply because I think yandere is worst dere.

I enjoyed it, I just wish it hadn't happened today.
Smugga. ^^

why the heck are you doing this thread over and over again ????


Simply to piss you off. Stay mad nerd.


Hello night time smug

The same could be asked about ylyl threads, fb fap threads, cringe threads, etc

I'm perfectly safe mayne
>Trying to trick me into giving out my neighbors address
Nyet fucker
I went over to my house (at a friends right now) to get some beer and I couldn't get in the street because there's about 30 cop cars blocking the whole road.I asked some other neighbors and they said they heard gunshots and called 911, but that's all I could get.
Post more lewds

Im thinking something upbeat and happy.

>yuuko doesn't wish me goodnight
Why live tbh.

I hope we do, you seem like a person to talk to, at least from what I've seen

Why thank you, I haven't finished the anime yours is from, but I liked the way she spoke

>And since you've added Stocking on Discord, tell her I say hi for me


well that just sucks. have you gone to a doctor to get it taken care of? can it even be taken care of?

well there you go, all worth it in the end!

it's odd because I'm pretty bad at talking, but I do okay online I suppose.

ah, well that's good you're watching it. it's a really good one, I can't wait for next season.

sure, no problem, heh.

Goodnight missed love

Sorry, i'm kind of falling asleep

Good, that's important to me. Stay safe. ^^
Plus now I have 2TB of space, which means I can install MORE games.
>I have 100 installed.
>Help I have a crippling addiction

fucking virgin weeaboo fapping and claiming stupid anime girl as their waifu all day long is why I'm wondering about the existence of literally the most autistic thread of Cred Forums

Then go to sleep silly!

very nice desu ne. I have 3tb myself and will need more soon, ha.

I have over 200 installed I think.


Surgery is an option but it means a month lying face down.

I only have around 200 games anyway, so having over half installed is good for me.
>I never truly get bored ^^

An Eli! What's up?

>inb4 anal
What's up?

Alt shinoa is the day shinoa?

Hello midnight

As always.

You and I both
I pretty much lost my social skills sine isolating myself
But I guess that's not too bad

The main character is putting me off the show honestly. I just don't like him

Thank you, new friend~

A cute

>this time you want lewds

Yes, you are a cute

well shit, trouble with their marriage maybe lol

I only bring that out on special occasions ;)
Just this, Wow and smoking. Family is bringing me home some Joes Crab shack so thats kinda neat


Don't ever stop

so are these threads just for claiming waifus or are we supposed to pretend we're our waifus?

These threads fucking suck

It's a giant virgin cringe role playing fag fest

Mercy claimed
Go back to your trap threads then ;S

It is supposed to be the former.

Tho some users play the latter.

Basically it's a clusterfuck of anime faggotry.

Had to fix my hard drive today, it was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa-*dies*" luckily I had already backed it up. EXCEPT I LOST SOME OF MY STONEHEARTH SAVES. Its a day old save so I lost a lot of progress. I'm sad.
Mercy ^^

my my. I could think of worse ways to spend a month. do ho ho~

but yeah that sucks. bleh.

heh, I get bored all the time. I'm one of those types of people. I suck.

I don't know if I ever had social skills to begin with, honestly. I never had many friends growing up and got picked on a lot at school. and now I spend all my time online, heh. go figure.

subaru? yeah he is kind of unlikable after a while, but he improves again, trust me.

you're welcome! she said to say hi back~

eyepatch cute.

what is up


*wakes momentarily*

oh wait she also said to tell you that you're silly.


i haven't finished re:zero, does beatrice have another role besides being in the library?

Eyepatch fetishes are weird

unfortunately no, not in season one at least. she doesn't get out from it much. but hopefully she'll be back and do more in season two.

I can always find something to do, even if its really simple.
How goes it?

Take the compliment dammit! ;-;

I lost all mine in an abusive relationship. I can befriend others and all, but can't really form any meaningful things outside of the internet
Go figure

Really? I'll give it another shot this night then, since I've got nothing to do

Hi and that I'm silly, huh?
>Tell her that I won't dominate her

that's a really good trait to have.

gah...that really sucks. I'm sorry to hear that amatsu. I just recently had a pretty bad break up and I feel kind of similar. like it's hard to trust again...I dunno though. I've been getting close to someone again so that's nice. hopefully you can too.

good good, enjoy that.

>wow she won't like that, heh.

Oh you ';)

Whatcha smoking on? I honestly dislike Joe's crab shack

I will one day experience that. ONE DAY. What was once lost can always be found again right? Maybe this time there can be possible better progression

Chilling with the fam and stuff

being a huge weaboo partaking in these threads, watching cartoons, ya know, the usual

cute lolis need more roles in cartoons nowadays

claim before the other nigger does

>Rattle rattle
Blonde hair cute?
I don't have an eye patch fetish...

Ehh, I got over her, I think. And I got used to my new lifestyle, so it's not that bad anymore. Yeah, trusting is hard.. But hey, happy to hear that!

>Bullying her is too fun

The great smuggers

It's against my principles to accept compliments
How was your nap btw? I didn't ask?

Post the full version

>Mfw just realized I had an amazing cap session, despite the fact that the nice old lady next door is now dead

I'll never not be safedont worry bb
Felix is so cute and innocent but at the same time a little slut
>Thanks for the pic, it helped ;^)
Who knows mayne


*fap session

Thank you for sharing this information

>inb4 complaints of tiddies on trap cat

QOTT: what is your affordable dream car you want?

A black Cadillac Escalade. I'm a S.U.V. guy

Hello hano


I really wanted a Honda CR-V, but couldn't find one in my price range, so I got a Ford Escape. I like the small SUV type cars


some weed. it honestly isnt the best but i got a hard on for sea food so it kinda balances out. I'd eat shrimp and crab all fucking day

so what's up? you waiting for the cops to clear out so you can go back to your friend's?

a 2016 Chevy Camaro or a Ford Shelby Mustang

Good i suppose. I might go back to sleep. I'm still tired. That's fair though, because i'm deliberately staying up a long time to try and fix my sleep schedule.

fuking niggars and their suvs

C'mon now
Can I at least call you nice?

Lil' smug's best gift


You're welcome
Wew, I might have to save this pic
Nah I'm already back, she's out for another 15 or so minutes
Filthy Bong

agree and agree and agree.

also mercy is a top tier waifu pick, I approve.

blonde hair adorable. and drills too. if only she had an eyepatch.

well I'm glad you're moving forward. I hope I can too. it's hard though. that's life, meh.

>I prefer to be the one getting bullied, personally~



I had that struggle a month ago. I just did a half assed job and go to sleep at 1:00 and wake up when I need to for school.
I'm not sure, that might be considered a compliment
>That's cute in a kind of creepy way. Still cute though

It took me quite some time, I'm just happy it's over now
Just give it time, you'll be alright in the end

>That's why you thanked your bully a few days ago~?

It is a compliment~
>I've go the less creepy version too

yeah. time cures everything, but the waiting is rough.

>must be, how about that?~

two im going to drink TWO cokes


>They're both cute
If it's a compliment, you know the answer :|
You need to slow down Karen

I had something typed out but i think i accidentally deleted it

I forgot what it was too, i should probably sleep

felix being a lewd kitty tonight, very nice.

that's good
86ish foxbody or Grand National of the same year

How are you?

Oooh boy. Shrimp. I love me some butter shrimp

Lil ship is the best gift

I'm good, just took a shot of fireball and I'm playing LoL. You?

It's never easy, but we must move past that. Otherwise it'll only get more painful if you stay stuck in the past

>Ho ho ho, we'll get along splendidly~

>Blue suits her
Aliceu pls

Ready to meet my fists of terror, lil' smugger?
I'll beat you down!

oh ok thats good then, any plans for tonight?

ill fucking say. im also really big into sushi and fish. it's all soooo good

agreed. I'm past the break up at this point, it's getting out of the depression left over that's proving difficult. losing my job didn't help. just need life to give me a little break for a bit and I should be okay.

>I'm liking you already, so I think so too~

Sorry for late replies, I was fiddling with my old hard drive to recover some data
Yeah, I can make a lot of things fun.
We're building a WALL
>With their blood
Did the oldster do the suicide? Or...
Allah Abkar.

That is pure shit offroad though.
GTHO Phase 4. Hands down.

This isn't even animu thread though

oh really? how lewd.

what's your point?

>Rory-sama btw


gardy, hello.

>marking it as animu
it fucks up my archive for one :^)

>J'le sais, mais j'ai y'ienke un photo avec du blue
Amuku please ;w;

I didn't mark it as anything though. no idea who did, I'm the only one of us I see around here right now, other than you now.

Heyo! Finally done with work, and I'm gonna play some league with some other /waifu/ fgts.


have fun, and good luck! was work a bitch today, or did it go okay?


I see 3-4 other people here who would probably do it

well you'd know better than me. as far as I know all the people I know of who also lurk the other thread are in bed right now. except maybe that guy with all the tripcodes, but I haven't seen him in a bit.

If u kno what I mean huehuehue.
>I don't wanna lewd Eru ^^
How goes it?

It is. You and your friends you haven't talked to in awhile?

I'm at aunt's house. My butt just got slapped by a child multiple times for some reason

See right above

You must love the sea


Britain is better than your country.

I don't think it's possible for a 13 hour work day not to be a bitch :c

I just took a shot of fireball and I have pizza. Life is good! You?

>My butt just got slapped by a child multiple times for some reason
Kinky lol. Why are you over there?

you probably do want to though. don't you lie to your friend betty now.

goodness. that is horrible. at least you're home now. good grief though.

Well I mean people here who don't go there would do it too. And at that, there's still at least 1 other who is here, they just lurk hard though.
>that guy with all the tripcodes

That's pretty bad.. I didn't have it as bad as you did
All I can do is wish you for the best, which are probably empty words, but still.

>Oh my~ We better move this to Discord~

>C'est quoi ce dialect de sauvage? :^)

Dude, that child wants a piece of you :^)

the heaven guy, duh. 3edgy5u. you commented on his name.

Haven't talked to a lot of them yet but the most important. One even remembered my birthday I didn't expect that.


These goblins are seriously a pain the ass, every once in a while a few of their little shits come into our town to get beaten to death.
>A goblin raiding party!
>Goblin raiding party proceeds to get rekt by 4 soldiers with sledgehammers.
Life is good here too!~
>I've got pizza and sprite and vidya.
>I am relaxed.
Eru is pure and cute!

no, they aren't empty if you mean them, and I feel that you do. thank you.

>do ho ho. maybe we should. who should I be adding?~


oh, yeah that guy. his name triggers me sometimes because i used that name for a little while and it caused a meme to happen



Not only do I claim my waifu, but I also claim this entire thread as property of the Empire.

she looks pretty thicc, too. pretty nice, not gonna lie.

well look at you, mister all over the place. how come it took four or five days for me to see you here anyway?


Karen lewds.

I got a little caesar's $5 pizza and I'm slowly regretting it lol

idk i lurk mostly. that and well i just got a new car this week so i was doing that
>just realized its a friday night and we're all sitting here doing nothing
i wish people lived closer to me so i could take them out

You are all hereby subjects of her majesty queen elizabeth II

but you could have said hi if you noticed me here in that time, silly. sheesh.

that would be nice. getting a bite to eat or something. just realized I haven't eaten all day, heh.

Yeah, people who went trough things like should stick together in time of need, shouldn't they?

>That would be Amatsu#1489~


Eru is pretty thicc, very cute. She's kind and she likes to help her friends, even if as a gun, she isn't very reliable. Its why I love her. ^^
I've heard nothing good about Little Caesar's. I went and got pizza from a local place and its REALLY good.

i probably have been driving a lot then coming home to play games(and do other questionable things)
you should probably eat then! for real though if you or anyone else were close i'd wanna go out and actually do stuff, not just sit here.

>what is grammar?

>La dernier fois qu'y ons fait ca, y on disparut dans la foret. Maintenant on a des ptit village de merde come le Cheticamp :|
Those glasses are fucking adorable

but seriously im actually a mountain kinda of guy. I fucking love the mountains, especially in winter

Such images are prohibited.

it's why I wandered back to my old group who are over on eight chon, and then wandered my way over here. internet people are easier for me to handle, and I need the human contact. you're right.

wait wait, as a gun?

yeah, that would be pretty fun. but I don't think you live anywhere near me

Does your waifu have an opening? Post your waifu's opening song!


Karen lewds.

I was hungry when I got it, now that I have it not so much

Eru is the L85A1. The L85A1 was really unreliable and high maintenance. Gif Related.

but wait...she's a gun, and a girl?

It's not Karen, but have some lewd kissing and hand holding.

>pire que des sauvages :^)
I know right? I love them so much!

So this the "other thread" I hear so much about
It's crazy how anonymous contact can mean so much sometime

Like how Galil works.
Upotte is a strange, but good anime.

If you continue, it will be considered treason and you will be beheaded

This image is treason. You will be judged. If found guilty, you will be subject to capital punishment.

>tfw not a gun

Come on now, Shino x Alice is pretty cute.

nobody lives near me but at the same time they all day
central oregon is nice but it sux

Ill take that risk. Karen lewds.

>rip my clean fryers

it's just a continuous circle jerk on a board for it on the other site. it's made up mostly of people from the anime circle jerk threads on Cred Forums from about 4 years ago. I was in those.

it really is. but hey, no point in complaining about it, just gotta enjoy it as much as you can.

huh. might have to check this out sometime.

well oregon is close to arizona at least. maybe someday.

Oh bb it is ;)
Idk. Something about wanting the family there because a little family get together

Oh my! But she is loli and is my little cousin. Das not right

Aw. Poor akame :(

Fucking goblins. Reminds me of the rebels in Rome total war. Kek got any archers?

I love anything really but I've never been on a mountain. And what is snow?

I can fetch you a mega link if you want.
Gun girls are top tier. ^^
Not yet, mostly because we're dirty sand people and we don't have a wood worker.
>Nor a blacksmith, required to make the saw for a woodworker.

I might ask for one another time, right now I have enough on my backlog, heh.

all posts from here on out are hereby legally obligated to contain flags of the union.

anyone breaking this rule will be considered an treason.

It's pretty gross lol

That sounds fun, I haven't been to one in a while


>C'est vraie, j'hais l'histoire des Acadiens
I want Alice glasses :(


>image cap

Fucking lol