Hey Cred Forums I think I found out why I'm so different from everyone I know personally

Hey Cred Forums I think I found out why I'm so different from everyone I know personally.
How can I tell if I'm a sociopath without outing myself?

Do you feel empathy?

And also, are you fearless?

Whenever something shitty happens to somebody else the first thing I do is laugh or chuckle. If I can help it I'll try not to and act like I'm sorry but I'll really lay it on there

You're thinking of psychopath.

The last time I found myself about to die I was climbing up a high mountain/hill it was more exhilarating than anything...

Watch Dexter

Well this is normal to some degree...what about, say, a close friend getting maimed in front of you? I mean, do you actually love anyone?

Would you mind telling me the difference?

You probably just have autism.
Not even trying to insult you, go to the doctor, see someone about being tested for autism or a spectrum disorder.

A lot of people who are autistic think they're sociopaths and make stupid fucking threads like this one on the Internet until they get diagnosed.

I think about killing my "friends" all the time. I have dreams about torturING my brother. There's no such thing as love the most you can get out of people is trust and respect

True my bad

Last part was a joke m8, but seriously get tested for autism or a spectrum disorder.
They're pretty common.

Maybe butI don't get all weird when people touch me so idk if that means anything. You seem to be a pretty bad troll though

Then regardless of what you have, please seek help.

First of all, sociopaths hurt people when they get bored. Do you do that?

>Thinks one of the few that takes him seriously is trolling

I mean, are you superficially charming? Are you able to fake actual emotions and manipulate people? Sociopaths tend to be more chaotic and live on the fringe.

Arent they the exact same thing?

Now I just get dreams of doing it.
I promised myself I'd kill myself before hurting anybody else again

I haven't hurt anyone that i would call a friend to their face

>Calls people friends
Yep, wouldn't say you're a sociopath
Maybe some degree of autism, but definitely not a sociopath.

I'd never admit it to them but I always do stupid little things for them buy them lunch offer to drive. They'd all swear on their lives I'm the nicest guy in reality I'm really not it just makes it easier for them to take my opinion on things

A sociopath doesn't care if they are one or not; they don't care about people, and they definitely don't care what others think of them, outside of the facade they have. By even questioning it, you're just a try hard faggot.

Not even trolling, you could be autistic, and from what you said it's more likely.

Sociopaths usually DO fit in. They're usually charming or successful to some degree, many sociopaths are surgeons or politicians, or rise quickly through the ranks in the military. Are you a compulsive liar? A lot of sociopaths lie constantly to others and themselves.

Theres a lot of similar traits between autistic people and sociopaths, such as shallow emotions and certain self-centered traits (on the autistics part) and narcissism (sociopath).

You probably, if anything, are autistic OP.

An edgy autist teenager doesn't understand puberty

Nobody gives a fuck about stuff that doesn't directly affect them. This is normal human behavior designed for you to protect your pack. People fake give a fuck, all the time.

Move on from you're unusual - in this world everything is misrepresented and false. Don't expect people to be honest, about anything, ever. When you figure out why you'll start arbitrarily lying to some and not to others.


Only that, sociopaths feelings are pretty much supressed, so, things that should affect them directly just brush off like it was nothing.

Commit yourself for evaluation. Professionals will diagnose you. HIPPA will save you from consequences at school or work.

Or just assume you are and proceed accordingly.

Yes they are.

A sociopath is a result of their environment and can hence be changed.

A psychopath is born that way.

I'm a sociopath and I seriously wouldn't have it any other way.

Make plenty of money and fuck dudes like there is no tomorrow.

It is fun to screw people over every once in a while, and make them look like the bad guys of the deal.

Curious, what kind of job do you work and does sociopathy aid it in any way.

Are there any disadvantages? Or would you even care.
Not trying to be rude, just ignorant on the subject.

Sociopaths are charming by manipulation, so, it comes in handy when dealing with people, just so you know.

Where can i get mine so i can talk shit like this entire website?


I know, but-








Fuck man, I do that to people that deserve it and I'm not even a sociopath (probably bpd though).
And yes it is very satisfying when it works.

sociopath here.

OP you do sound like you would fit in better with the autism spectrum.
however it also matters how old you are, because it also sounds like you might just be a teenager going through some angst.

Didn't mean to tag the second post.

And I do that to people who interfeere when I'm trying to have fun fucking up people.

How many of you guys diagnosed here?
Severe depression, ASPD and narcissism here.

yeah bro those people aint got a single agenda at all!

Please never willingly talk to somebody about mental health, even if you feel safe.

Please. They get big payouts for selling your insurance company drugs that make you stupid.

I was the CEO of a tech company in Australia that I recently sold to a US company.

As a result I had to fire all the employees, I felt bad doing it not because I felt bad for them but because I thought it would be annoying if any of them would try to smear my name or I might see any of them in the future.

That's how you know you are a Sociopath.

The only disadvantages are that people you get close to understand that you live by a different set of rules. And for example people that know you close enough know that you don't live by the same moral compass they do. So you can unknowingly burn a lot of bridges moving up in the world.

But if you are a true sociopath you don't really care.

I don't really mess with random, people only freinds (wow that sounds harsh when I write it out).

Honestly, I usually do it when someone I'm close to crosses me or betrays me in some way and this is like a weird sort of psudeo-punishment.
And I'm not mad at them, I just want to let them know to not betray me again.
I never forget anything either, and It's kind of semi-manipulative, but there's this thing I do if they try to throw me under the bus, or throw something in my face, where I will bring up everything they've done or point out they're faults as a freind. I'm aware of it though, and am trying to stop doing this and acting like this though.

It's difficult as someone who feels a lot of empathy to imagine being able to do make such a hard, or would be hard to me, decision like that.
This is really insightful though, thanks.

Another question if you don't mind, do you, or are you able to have close relationships with people for very long?
And also another user said that sociopathy is environmental. Have you always been this way or was there a defining moment where you began to notice that you could do these things without huge concern for others.


Why stop? I feel we are very alike you and I, not Op btw, he's just and autist.
It's helpful to always have atleast a bit of dirt on everyone, are you also usually just pretty chill and laid back? I only screw with people when I get bored.

Alright OP
To answer your question, no. You're an edgy teenage faggot.
However, just to clear some things up, and to please your retarded ego who just wants to hear dozens of anons say "yes", here it is.
How was your childhood, user? Nice? Stable? Did your parents punch and slap you for criticizing their drinking habits? Did they ever get along? Try to kill themselves?
What? You're having a smooth childhood? What a lucky bastard.
ASPD of course spawns from some childhood trauma or ongoing trauma during that time. But then, why isn't every abused child a sociopath? Some people are genetically predisposed to it, not all. Does your family have a history of mental illness? Mine does, schizophrenia, alzheimer's, MDD, bipolar, NPD, primary psychopathy, you name it.
I don't know about you, OP, but after the 5th thread where some edgy little fairy just wants to project his edge onto everyone gets actual replies, it gets fucking annoying.
Fuck off, if you want to know if you have ASPD, get clinically diagnosed and don't bring your bullshit to Cred Forums.

We all have been telling him he might be autist, we aren't giving him support or anything.

Talking directly to OP.
But it also goes to all the fags in this thread who spew shit like "sociopath here hurr durr'" who know they're lying to other anons and themselves

No I'm not really very chill, at least in the inside. I'm known for being chill and nice to others actually, and it's just usually only people that I'm close to that I act this way towards.

It's not a boredom thing for me, more so a defence mechanism and to feel control over the other person, as well as enforce their loyalty, or at least "subservience" (in a way) to me.

I sound like a complete retard wannabe dominaneering type writing that, and I'm not domineering at all to most people. I'm generally a passive person.

>implying alzheimers is a mental illness and not a degenerative neurological disease

That being said, I start problems or arguments with my freinds and partners when things have been going to good for too long or get stagnant and boring.

I don't want to, really. It just kind of happens.

>implying that primary psychopathy and others aren't neurological complications above all else
If you want, I could spend 10 minutes being precise with each one instead of generalizing it quickly to get the message across

You do realise how easier this makes the things for us and you want to get rid of it? Wew, now that's where we think different.

Please, go ahead and rekt his ass.

You know user, people who know me would say I am very kind and loving person. But those people are being manipulated by me.

As a Sociopath, you find yourself always manipulating situations so you are in control. Often when I am talking to anyone I am feeding them either what they want to hear or what I want them to hear to ensure that they are pushing my agenda. It's strange but it's who I am.

Usually once your friend circle gets big enough it is hard to manage all the "manipulation" amoungst friends. And sociopaths find themselves getting caught out in their own lies. After all that is what a sociopath is.

I've had great relationships with lots people, but whenever I am very close to someone they often can see that I am a sociopath and the manipulation that comes with it is apparent.

This affects the relationship in different ways depending on how that person can accept the reality of who I am, and when I am lying.

I think my father was a big part of who I am, and though I would not call him a sociopath or psychopath I certainly think a lot of the 'sociopathic' tendencies I have now are because of him.

To be clear, it's not that I don't feel what other people are feeling. I often do feel the concern that others have, but as a sociopath it doesn't affect my decision making. I purely, as bad as it sounds, don't care. All I care about is me, and my family.

In summary- I don't think people in this world can ever meet the top echelons of success in the traditional world without being either sociopaths or psychopaths.

NOTE: I'm a few glasses through a bottle of wine so any spelling mistakes, I apologise for in advance.


Not exactly, a psychopath will have a lot of trouble controlling violent impulses, their symptoms are more compulsive whereas sociopaths are just very detached and oftentimes manipulative

>Circle gets big enough
That's why I frequent small communities.
Instead of lying it's better to just avoid saying certain stuff, that way they can't say you are a liar.
And if they see you're a sociopath without you saying it, it's because you're a very shitty one at that.
It is accurate though, user.

It's the opposite actually
And can we stop saying shit like "sociopath"
It's an outdated term, hollywood uses it for fear mongering
People with ASPD are extremely impulsive individuals, they're much more violent and make rash decisions. They're also much more emotional.
Primary psychopaths don't make emotional decisions, they rely solely on rationale and what makes sense, thank god. They're extremely manipulative and charming, they know what to say.
That's not to say individuals with ASPD cannot be charming or primary psychopaths are cool headed all the time, but it's the overwhelming majority.
By the way, "sociopaths" are usually present in dysfunctional communities, ghettos and developing countries due to the harsh living conditions, nothing to look up to.

I get what you mean by avoiding topics. Recently I've started doing that A LOT.

Previous to "recently" I was heavily followed in Australian media and it was so hard to not answer questions daily.

Most of us are talking by first hand experience with ASPD, and I can say, I'm nothing like that. And you sir, are a moron.

Yeah, but remember, if you want to be selective, you must think fast.

No, I'm studying to become a forsensic psychologist and you're relying on "personal experience", you cannot call me a moron without invoking infinite kek
Do your research or get formal education, fuckwit.

I'm pretty good on my feet. Though eventually the entire Australian press broke me down.

Say, there's a car, you've been driving it a long time, you know how it drives, how it handles, alright?
Now imagine a guy that comes out of nowhere and he says how the car must feel the moment you drive it and how it handles, without even driving.
I hope you understand my point. You get what I mean?
I heard australians banter game is pretty good.

In addition, I was clinically diagnosed with conduct (look it up) when I was 15, something that pushed me to pursue abnormal psychology in the first place
>first hand experience
oh fuck off
you've found a quiz online titled "are you a sociopath?" and took it
Lay off on the edge you absolute tard


I posted earlier, diagnosed with severe depression, ASPD and narcissism, I stopped taking happy pills though.

not the guy who replied but
>Diagnosed with narcissism
It's called NPD lol

We do think very differently from what I take from the the things that you've written, I don't and never have thought of myself as a sociopath, I just find the small similarities in our behaviour fascinating.
We are different though, especially in the sense that I do care about others, a lot. The manipulation, It's just something that do even though it hurts the people I care about and I'm upset with the fact that these people are hurt, even though it's me doing it, and doing it very easily. I also know that the only thing stopping me is myself. Even then, I do stop for a while when I know I've gone too far, but then it starts up again once they've gotten comfortable. This makes me wonder if stopping the manipulation is just another form of manipulation.

I agree with the last part.
I honestly beleive that without people who can make the harsh decisions, society as a whole wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today.
Maybe sociopathy is a necessary evolution in order for humans to proceed as a whole. The small group thing you've mentioned is relatable too, to my own actions.
Thanks for answering my questions tonight user, you've answered a lot of questions that I had about people like yourself.


Alright mate, a doc like you diagnosed me anyway, so, yeah sure.

If you were a pyschopath you wouldn't even ask yourself this lame ass question in the first place. So no, you're not a beautiful and unique snowflake, you're juste another fag.

>forensic psychologist
Question, how old are you? I want an honest answer.

You can take a test online. I found out I'm not autistic that way. Just a huge fucking asshole. Thank God!

sums up this thread pretty well

18, stuck in home and bored of life in general. I also haven't had any sleep so I'll blame the fact that it's 3:54 am over here for my retarded posts.

I don't know how long ago you were diagnosed, but a psychiatrist would refuse to diagnose you with anything other than CD if you're under the age of 21
Try again

The depression just a year ago, the other stuff, about 4 or 5 months ago, it was the psychologist diagnose, my psychiatrist wanted to give me new pills, that was about the time when I stopped going and dropped the pills.

You're lying and not even doing so well
You cannot be diagnosed with ASPD under the age of 21 due to brain development in teenagers (discourages empathy and encourages risk taking behavior, too similar to ASPD, causes mix-ups)
fucking kek
get out of here

Not op but I really only have 1 irl friend and some online friends, I usually prefer to be alone. I'm not autistic, I have no social life, my ego is swells up whenever I talk to people and I act cold whenever I'm uncomfortable. Am I autistic idk but it's not like I care what people think about me.

Oh boy my plans have been foiled again, damn you doc, I'll never forget this one!

You steal my sunshine.