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mass shootings are a pretty recent trend amongst crazy people. this shit didnt used to happen regularly

Look i'm no Republican shill, or Liberal shill, but guns are legal. Plain fact. Changing capacities, background checks, vendors, none of that will actually STOP mass shootings. Guns are legal, the cost of that is that once in a while some assholes with a lot of anger and no coping mechanisms will snap and shoot a mall or elementary school or throw a bomb in a dumpster. It's not the weapons that are the problem, it's the people. Mental health is the more serious and threatening issue. Not the guns.

Now tougher background checks might slow the movement of guns into the hands of criminals, but it will not be enough to completely stop it ever.

I'm really mostly in the middle on this issue. You can't just "make guns illegal in America" and expect that to go smoothly, you have a lot of ignorant gun owners who think they can take on the government if something like that ever happened. It's NOT a simple issue.

>Guns are pandoras box. Box is open. Can't close it.
>People be crazy, that's an easier problem to fix.

be a not retard and vote?

I think that's the main lesson.

>dont know what happen and dont give a shit
but I bet it was niggers or sandniggers like pretty much always



Why are eurocucks so insecure .
Please leave the chan.

do what they did in Australia
99% of gunowners are massive pussies who would gladly hand them over for destruction
1% that won't will bury them and keep them in circulation for criminals to buy.

FYI almost every mass shooter in american history was not a career criminal, but a civilian that bought their guns legally and decided to go nuts.

lets be honest. minorities are the problem.

>Australia has mass shooting
>enforces strict gun control
>No NWO agenda
>No mass shootings since


We can shitpost because we're not dead.

>2016 and still thinking that classifying yourself one way or the other on the political spectrum is pragmatic as opposed to thinking about and contemplating each individual issue as to gain more ground moving legislature
>believing that anything matters at all and the rothchilds arent about to stomp their boot on america


Kek xxDXDdDdexd . Good one. Please leave the chan now.

Guns are mostly illegal here in the UK. But I know an Albanian who will sell me a nice AK, "good price for you my friend".

show me
show me the money!

Ausfag here, never have i seen mass shootings on the news. NEVER.
>inb4 Port Arthur was before my time newfag

the mudslime in sydney was a massive falseflag staged by ASIO to justify cracking down on arabs. Seriously they could've shot him at anytime, but pollies influenced the commander not to intervene.

>do what they did in Australia
>99% of gunowners are massive pussies who would gladly hand them over for destruction
Yeah this is America. If a law to take away guns was passed you'd hear about rednecks and their militias getting slaughtered by the national guard for months. It'd basically start a civil war/genocide of very angry very unstable very ignorant people... actually starting to sound pretty good.

>FYI almost every mass shooter in american history was not a career criminal, but a civilian that bought their guns legally and decided to go nuts.

Thats my fucking point. Laws won't fix this problem, bringing back insane asylums however, might put a dent in it.

It's easier to take away the forks then to hire someone to keep jimmy away from the power socket

When is that boot coming down? Im ready for it, I hsve food and supplies for the next 5 years, might not help though. Im getting really nervous, thinking they might pull some bullshit to stop the debate since Hillary is so fucked in the head with her seizure meds

guns are bad because my dad was too gay to own one and teach me how to use it

>mass shooting
>4 deaths
You're contradicting yourself m8

No, it's easier to send the police to restrain Jimmy, throw him in a padded room, and give him anti-psychotic drugs for the rest of his life. Safer too. Can't hurt anyone in a padded room.

You try and take away his fork, he might manage to stab one of the nice police officers or soldiers tasked with retrieving the forks. And that would be bad.

Now replace Jimmy with mentally unstable people or gun owners or both, and replace fork with gun.

Because your reductionist argument isn't a good one and oversimplifies a highly controversial issue. Don't get me wrong, less guns is probably better, but it's literally not an option to take them away from these crazys who say they'll shoot anyone who tries.

i dunno, doesn't matter though! no need to stress though friend, we will band together and be victorious!!!

Mass shooting = >3

>according to some.

i agree, more guns is always the answer

MORE safe

Is this you OP?

all murilards shootings include "mass" as default

that was just normal day my old neighborhood, american fags

i have one agrument for ya.....

are those tats on the girl with the red wig photoshoped in? (i mean she is hiding behind a the wig and face mask already

Lets get this straight.

You're ok with
>killing law abiding gun owners by making guns illegal and demanding them and killing them when they resists

But you're not ok with
>people using guns to kill people

So you don't really give a fuck about saving lives do you? You just want to get rid of guns because you're afraid of them? That's no way to be, have you ever even shot a gun? They're not all that scary.

wish i knew

techfags can look at the properties and tell if it's been fucked with

MUH GUNS, seriously though america you cant keep telling yourself to give out more guns because good people will fight back against the shooter, give me at least 3 examples of a mass shooter being stopped by a civillian with a gun, if you look at at the uk we only had our first shooting in years like a month ago (happened near me too yay). we banned guns completely when we had our first mass shooting in 1996 the only guns you can get now are double barreled shotguns (for clay pigeon shooting, pigeon shooting and for crazed farmers to scream at you with) and still then you need alot of background checks for them to be sure you will only use it accordingly

sorry i forgot to mention the shooting only targeted 1 person and he survived

Go watch some LiveLeak videos and see how the gun ban thing is working in Brazil, a country with similar population of the US

i've shot pistols and shotguns in Australia, but that was at a range where you hire them and have an instructor.

I DO NOT want mass shootings every 2nd day. Australia's tight gun laws prevent joe blow getting his hands on a gun. Only richfags have own guns here, and they have a vested interest in staying the fuck alive.

Yeah and she decided it wasn't a good idea to appear in Charlotte today for some reason, go figure.

nah, im a tech fag. but metadata gets wiped by Cred Forums. All you are left with is zooming in /and/or judgement.

>give me at least 3 examples of a mass shooter being stopped by a civillian with a gun
That would be counterintuitive, if the mass shooting was stopped it wouldn't be a mass shooting. It would just be guy with gun tops guy who was intending to shoot people with a gun. Ideally 1 casualty or possibly 1 fatality, therefore not a mass shooting... Do you even think about what you write before you write it? Do you have any sort of filter between your head and your keyboard?

i still think it's fucked that ur pigs don't have guns. I mean fuck! The IRA and shit.
>inb4 pom swat claims

that's sounds like a fat load of horseshit my mane....... people have been exposed by posting without disabling location.


Nice way to dodge the question fuggut

we dont need them lmao, police here only have tazers due to a riot that happened like 4 years ago. the IRA arent really a problem here in england now that shit was back in the 70s

Yes i get it, Australia had an easy go of it. But it's in the fucking Bill of Rights here in America.

>Step 1 of changing that law is getting 2/3 of the Senate to agree on it. The Senate. Not the House. THAT will not happen.

>Step 2 is calling for all guns to be turned in, which wont happen. 80% of people will NOT give up their guns willingly.

>Step 3 is collect the guns of those in noncompliance. Probably less than 1/2 of gun owners (someone find the real number) have registered and traceable guns since there's no national registry requirement. So you don't even know 1/2 of them exist.

>Step 4 is convincing those holdouts to hand them over willingly, those same people who say "Over my dead body will obama take my guns". The same people creating militias just to protest the "intent" to change gun laws.

So it's pretty fucking hard to make this a reality in America.


sorry! attempted shooting or at least some faggot with tec-9s and a trench coat walking in ready to kill his childhood bullys

brazil is a very corrupt country im pretty sure its 3rd world too and has an extremly high crime rate, we on the other hand dont.

That is a pretty good point, i wonder why police in England dont need guns while America's are trying to go full military.

Not to mention the national guard would have to be mobilized on US soil to confiscate the guns and most army guess are the exact people who say "over my dead body you take my guns". It wont happen

We are right next to Mexico which is very similar to Brazil, the guns will come flowing in just like the drugs

>not a high crime rate
Nigger have you ever looked at Chicago? A picture of the place could mug you

3D printed guns are coming soon. Then there will be no stopping an armed society.

Took all of 3 seconds with google. The media doesn't give a shit about the shootings that DON'T happen, because we don't watch those and talk about those 24/7. If the media would stop covering them they'd probably stop happening. It's like the same thing we've been saying since Columbine but you can't stop the media from doing what makes them money because "It's what the people want." and we're too stupid to realize that giving these people attention is exactly why it's still happening.


im a britfag i wouldnt know

>3d printed guns

They're already here just google it, people have made 3D printed uppers and lowers out of polymer that function ok

i get you but you cant rely on good guys with guns all the time, police response times still have a limit to how quick they can get there

Mfw 2/3 of all gun deaths are suicides

One contributing factor is that since the late '70's, a lot of Americans have been raised by media rather than parents, and were exposed to like a kerblillion acts of simulated violence gun or otherwise. While the vast majority of them are able to differentiate and are fine, there remains a subset of them aren't--there is a lot of people who are straight fucked in the head in America, and those are the ones that people are and have bought guns for piece of mind against. Police are reactive not proactive.

If were actually interested in saving lives instead of banning guns maybe we should work on the whole mental health issue first

Put the fear of god in em!

>police response times still have a limit to how quick they can get there
In a city it's typically 4-5 minutes on a BAD day. County it's gonna be 10-20 depending on severity of the situation.

If it's confirmed shots fired/mass shooting theres gonna be 20+ personnel on scene in 20 minutes Ready to go.

This isn't mind cops, you can't be at the scene of a crime before the crime happens.

When that crazy white boy who whispered to himself in class every day for 4 years comes down my street with a trench coat and a weapon i'd much rather have my own piece of mind anyway.

it wouldn't have a gun, cause his disfunctional family would never qualify to own a fuckin gun!

Really doesnt excuse police forces buying APCS because they can. If you read through the statements, put out by the police, they refere to the civilian populace as an enemy. This is pretty sidetracked from the gawdawfule shitpost the op dropped, but still

There are metal ones, you just need a DMLS machine

Way to put up an argument at all, it's almost like you can't come up with any fully fleshed out solution to this problem, how odd. It feels like you're talking about something you have no serious understanding of. It's like listening to my Grandma explain how to use the internet to me.

Do you think people shouldn't have the right to anhero?

>trusting blueprints on the internet for shooting deadly projectiles
Im good really
Also how expensive is a metal 3d printer?

You are not a very smart person, are you?

only if they pay lots of money for it

>it wouldn't have a gun, cause his disfunctional family would never qualify to own a fuckin gun!
So you want gun owners to take a mandatory "test" to see how sane they are, or to get a background check to decide if they have a history of mental illness. Great, we already do the 2nd part if you buy from a gun store and not from a private seller, but what are you gonna do about every family of 5 living out in the styx that already owns a bunch of guns, so while paw and maw are out in the fields workin', junior goes and takes paws shotgun.

It doesn't fix the problem. It doesn't do anything, guns are out there, they exist, they're easy to get, and making them harder to get legitimately won't stop people from getting them in other ways just as easily.

You can make a shotgun out of $20 of materials from home depot pretty easily. My friend built one and took it to a no questions asked gun buyback and got $150 for it

No, just its a fact that suicide is a split second decision. Putting a gate on a bridge to prevent jumpers from doing just that drastically reduces suicide numbers from that bridge. If you ginna kill yourself, your gonna find a way to do it, i would rather not have people who otherwise wouldnt figure into others opinion of my gun habbits

>background check to decide if they have a documented history of mental illness
fixd for ya

make 'merica grate once and for all again.

Yeah absolutely. All that hardware is coming from the federal government, as well as the funding, and the ideology behind the step up in militarization and extreme command prescence. Of course those departments aren't going to turn down millions of barrys money. Sidetracked sure but whatevs.

Thats a zip gun, made from 20 dollers of not plastic, much less plastic from a 3d printer

>i read a story on the internet and now i pretend it was a friend and not a stranger living 2000 miles away


Kek. Like through a super expensive health care plan? Or like a gold plated AK?

>gold plated ak
Fashinable suicide

A lot of people plan that shit out for a long time, but yeah it sucks that the 'gun grabbers' use that to bolster their stats. But I'm guessing a lot of them are anti-euthanasia and pro life and all of that as well so it works out nice for them.

i dont know, but there will be lots of paperwork and a 5 year wait at least too

They already. Do that. For gun stores.

Expanding them to gun shows and private sellers is a possibility, and I agree with it, but it's not going to happen either because the gun owners don't want any legislation for fear of escalating to "No guns allowed anymore"

kill em all, let god sort it out

Pretty sure assisted anhero for depression is already legal in Europe somewhere.

Yeah i guess so. Strange that some people are so hell bent on making you be alive

yes i know, was just clarifying the bgc doesn't include stuff like calling you mom/friend to see if you have any mental issues.

Yeah, its called sweden

yeah but this is USA, we do things differently here. assisted suicide by bureaucracy!! usa usa!

>Post yfw america will no longer exist in the next century

What a stupid argument. People killed in mass shootings have no choice about there deaths.
Idiots who decide to go against the law and shoot it out with police instead of giving up there weapons are making the choice.

kek. That post makes racist false statements about blacks and hispanics causing 98 % of muggings in NYC and then claims that black people saying that police racism caused these statistics to look this way is "insulting, ignorant and simply not true." Tfw you try to be racist and edgy and get triggered by someone saying you're wrong.

It's not remotely hard to get a fun in Australia. A licence is like $200.
But you can only easily own shotguns and hunting rifles.

I bet OP believes in that myth of 300 or so mass shootings each year.

I also bet that OP is a Ledditor and frequents /r/GunsAreCool.

Newsflash OP. Mass shootings are events similar to Columbine, Aurora, Pulse Club and Sandy Hook, those are incredibly rare.

A bunch of criminals shooting at each other in the fucking Ghetto is not a mass shooting, it only became a "mass shooting" after those Ledditors (which are very anti-gun) decided to change the definition to inflate the "mass shooting" rates, to the point where they even added shit like BB gun shootings where 4 or more people were injured.

Gun ownership does NOT correlate with homicide rates. Gun control DOESN'T WORK, unless you get rid of certain socio-economic problems.

>Pic related

yeah fuck the abrahams lincolnz

I think you're trying to explain something, but you're not. At all.

Thats irrelevant because you're suggesting creating a law that would not be supported by - honestly a majority of Americans. So you'd have some % of the population literally taking up arms against the government out of outrage. Not worth letting the police get shot at just to pass some outrageous and basically impossible to enforce law.

The government doesn't know who has guns, or how many guns they do have. For all you know all of your neighbors could have guns and you're the only one without any, there's no mandatory registry so even knowing who to ask to turn over guns would be impossible.

So back up a little bit in your pipe dream. Holy shit liberals can be such fucking retards sometimes, almost as bad as the religious right who think that government should do what the bible says because god.

>2016 and still believing infographics on /pol claiming that the Rothchillds are coming to assrape you and your family.

They wont
>cause ive got a shotgun


Learn to read then.

The difference between the gun culture in Switzerland and America is basically that guns are "violent dangerous killing machines" in America, while in Switzerland they're tools, and competitive sporting equipment. It's clearly the culture that's the problem, and the media plays a HUGE fucking role in that. I love America, but the people in this country can be so stupid sometimes it really annoys me. Like if you could rebuild America but require a minimum IQ, or minimum education level. No one allowed without a college degree. Suddenly the country is that much better.

fine, then in that case...
>2016 and still believing infographics on /pol claiming that the Rothchillds are coming to try and assrape you and your family if you dont have a gun.

It's not irrelevant. I'd bet there are plenty of laws that aren't supported by the majority.
And the rest of it just shows how stupid the US laws are. Here in Australia you need a licence to buy a gun and all guns need to be registered to the owner.

Obviously that would take some work in the US but it wouldn't be that hard to give people a year to get a licence and register their weapons. After that year anyone unlicenced or found with unregistered weapons would get big fines or jail time.

Lern too right under-edd-you-cat-ted ni-ger

I'm not American ie I have a much better education.

> Also niggers

>Obviously that would take some work in the US but it wouldn't be that hard to give people a year to get a licence and register their weapons.

You're right. Writing the law and pushing it through and passing it wouldn't be hard at all. But you clearly don't understand how controversial this issue is because YOU DON'T LIVE HERE.

I don't own any guns, and I think background checks could be better, and maybe a registry wouldn't be an awful thing, but I also think guns are not dangerous, people are.

You don't live here. It's easy for you to say "Why can't America just do what we did, it worked for us?" Because you do not understand it. And you won't understand it unless you lived here and talked to the people on the other side of the issue who are dug in and loud and who strongly believe in protecting their right to own guns. You do not get it. You have no place in this conversation, i'm sorry, but it's not your issue so you shouldn't worry about it.

>American cultural issue. Non-American opinions do not apply.

I gave you a chance to actually fix that god awful argument of yours, with terrible fucking grammer no less. But you didnt. Now im just disappinted

I would say lower socio-economically labeled persons. When you say "niggers" you basically mean poor uneducated black people who commit crimes and act like thugs. I assure you there are educated, respectable, hard working black people, but there's a huge image problem in that community right now and I think it breeds a lot of the racism and hate on both sides...

I do get, the majority of American have a "culture" that makes inbred hick who cry about "muh guns ".
So what? Things obviously need to change. And as I said there are countless other laws a lot of people don't agree with. They just have to learn to live with it.

This actually. Growing up in merica, you kinda are tokd that guns are the sole reason we exist as a country. Plus, look at all of americas old west movies, its kinda ingrained that you can make a living with a gun and a can do attitude

See, saying stuff like that outs you as not understanding


And as I said there are countless other laws a lot of people don't agree with.
>Like guns being legal. You don't agree with it.
They just have to learn to live with it.
>So learn to live with it.

Seriously you're being a hypocrite, the law is against you so YOU are the one who has to live with it. Are you really blind to this? Can you not see how you're being hypocritical?

>Laws are not passed because they are "right" or "smart" or "safe" or "well intentioned". Laws are passed because they are supported. And any law against gun rights will be unsupported.

>And as I said there are countless other laws a lot of people don't agree with.
>>Like guns being legal. You don't agree with it.
>They just have to learn to live with it.
>>So learn to live with it.
exactly. this fucking australian doesnt have a clue

>making it seem like it's easy to get a fully automatic weapon
The "Ausnahmebewilligung" literally translates to "Exception Approval". You would have to have an extraordinary case for why you want to have a fully automatic weapon and it has to be approved by the canton you're living in. The only chance you'd ever have to get an automatic weapon is if you have connections with people in high political ranks. I for one have never heard of a case of someone having a fully automatic weapon ever.

Also, people shooting on ranges are strongly urged to leave the ammunition at the ranges to be kept there safely, because the requirements for having a "save place" to store ammunition are pretty high. If anything happens you as the owner are liable for everything. This is why no one aside from active soldiers are keeping any ammunition at home and even they only have a single 20 magazine secured in a locked container that is only allowed to be opened in a war situation.

You are not allowed to ever fire or pull out a gun in public and pointing your gun at someone let alone firing it under any circumstances even if the other person is threatening you with a gun himself, it's a crime. Even cops aren't allowed to shoot anyone before a gun has been pointed at them. Exception to the "open carry" rule are soldiers who are on or on the way back to the shooting ranges.

>The only chance you'd ever have to get an automatic weapon is if you have connections with people in high political ranks. I for one have never heard of a case of someone having a fully automatic weapon ever.
Same in America. You have to have "dealer" tax stamps or a class 3 license to own significant weapons like that. Basically you need money, and very strict background checks. There's a reason no mass shooting has ever been caused by a fully automatic weapon in America.
>You are not allowed to ever fire or pull out a gun in public and pointing your gun at someone let alone firing it under any circumstances even if the other person is threatening you with a gun himself, it's a crime.
Same in America.

Sure, I have never seen a black swan but it doesn't prove that black swans do not exist.

That being said, we can't look at all the people of the world and expect them to have exactly the same behavior. We have tons of guns in Switzerland, a lot of soldiers who are getting drunk in uniform and yet almost 0 accidents/shootings. Therefore, saying "guns create mass shooting" is just plain wrong or it have a very low influence on the matter. Problem is more on your relation to the guns and the violence in your society.

Don't take me wrong, I love the USA but some areas in your country look like straight out a zombie apolcalypse movie.

>The "Ausnahmebewilligung" literally translates to "Exception Approval". You would have to have an extraordinary case for why you want to have a fully automatic weapon and it has to be approved by the canton you're living in. The only chance you'd ever have to get an automatic weapon is if you have connections with people in high political ranks. I for one have never heard of a case of someone having a fully automatic weapon ever.

Not every Canton is some anti-gun shit like the French speaking ones. In my Canton I can just apply for one of those permits and get it without any problem. You have never heard of someone having one because you probably don't know jack shit about our gun culture.

>Also, people shooting on ranges are strongly urged to leave the ammunition at the ranges to be kept there safely, because the requirements for having a "save place" to store ammunition are pretty high. If anything happens you as the owner are liable for everything. This is why no one aside from active soldiers are keeping any ammunition at home and even they only have a single 20 magazine secured in a locked container that is only allowed to be opened in a war situation.

What a bunch of bullshit. The ammo shit is only at the OFFICIAL ranges and they don't let you take it home because IT'S SUBSIDIZED.
Stop with this bullshit that only active soldiers are keeping ammo at home, they don't even allow you to take the Taschenmunition anymore.

Ammo is widely available and they even do bulk discounts at gun shops here in Switzerland and they even send that shit by mail to my house.

Go read the fucking law.

>its the areas with niggers
In all honesty i 100% agree with you

I absolutely agree friend. It's hard being one of the few sane people in this country. I love it here, don't get me wrong. But the people drive me insane.

>30% of Americans have criminal records
>30% of Americans have bachelors degrees.

And even some of those with bachelors degrees are none too smart.

My prediction is that we start off today with Democrats gloating over the gun issue and end the day with republicans gloating when the "Hispanic guy", who is clearly middle eastern in the photos, ends up being a mudslime. People only care about how this will effect the election.

Don't over do it, will ya? Regarding the self defense you're partially wrong. Sure, killing someone who was threatening you is a crime BUT, what you forgot to mention, is that it's a "justified crime". Big difference. You won't be punished for a justified crime.

Regarding the Police, they can definitely shoot someone without a gun being pointed at them. Actually, they have the right to shoot someone running away if the person is considered "dangerous" (and by dangerous it doesn't mean "has a gun", just that potentially this person may harm other people latter).

>Yeah this is America. If a law to take away guns was passed you'd hear about rednecks and their militias getting slaughtered by the national guard for months.
Except not, you fucking idiot. What enlisted is going to kill people within their own community? You forget that servicemen aren't robots that do whatever. Regardless, there's FAR more people with guns than there are military personnel

Google "Use of Force Continuum" it may help you sort out some of your confusion. At least if you're an American. Not sure how they do it over the pond.

No shit dickbag, I was being hyperbolic. I'm implying that the police/servicemen will be ordered to get the guns, the gun owners will be like "no come take them" and the police/servicemen will get shot/shot at until they have to shoot back. And there's your genocide. Of course this wont happen, but do you see a different outcome if a government authority figure shows up outside some rednecks house demanding he hand over his gun "because obama wants your guns". Can you fucking imagine that shitstorm?

I'm a Swiss who actually knows the swiss law and was responding to a Swiss. You're confused.

Gotcha. In America officers are trained under the Use of Force Continuum. Basically a list of criteria for escalating the force necessary to subdue a criminal.

Verbal - Compliance
Verbal and Positioning - Noncompliance but unthreatening
Light physical - Noncompliance and threatening
Defensive physical - Threatening and intending to cause harm
Lethal - Seriously harmful/dangerous behavior

A cop can shoot someone in America for holding a gun and refusing to put it down, they don't have to aim it, it doesn't have to be loaded, they don't have to intend to shoot anyone, they just have to be capable of it.

You are clueless, clueless.

To all the people citing Australia as an example of it working, check out this link.

It is by a government funded independent news source and suggests there was no change in the trend of gun homicides before and after the gun law changes.

The final outcome is that it cannot be decided whether it was the gun laws that caused the fall or if it was just a continuation of a trend that had started before they were implemented.

Here in austria we have also great gun laws, i might say better than in california, but then i dont know shit about commiefornia.
I just know that if i buy any kind of bolt action i only need id to proove i am ober 18, same for shotguns.

I can even fet a .50 bmg but ammo ist pricey like 40 euros for 5 shots.

20 rounds .223 cost about 9 euro

We sort of have the same thing in Switzerland. Basically, you should be verbal ("Stop" "I have a gun") before getting physical. That being said, you always have to analyze the case. For exemple, if a dogowner orders his dog to attack you, you can shoot the dog, same if someone is running at you with a knife : you're not expected to be verbal if it's pointless/an emergency. It also depends on who and how you are. If you own a black belt in karate and are absolutely not shocked/frightened, you can't break a drunk man face for touching your shoulder.

There is one thing I would ask to an American : don't you think that a lot of your police shootings are related to the fact that your police officers are alone in their car? In Switzerland, they are never alone, which means that they don't have to fear to be pinned to the ground by an assailant because their partner can intervene. In the USA, the policemen are on their own, if someone steal their gun nobody is going to save them. This could lead them to be more prone to use their gun/feel threatened.