White people hate thread

White people hate thread


Go ahead Jamal.
Surprising that you can read tho. You must be the king of apes.


Piss off, nigger. No one cares about your shit existence you deficient pile of shit.

Is there a gif or a webm of the amazing atheist slapping his back with a belt while chanting "sorry im white, sorry im male, sorry im white sorry im male"

as a korean, i can support this thread. however i'd be breaking asian code of ethics to actually show i give a shit about any of the rest of you enough to comment on.

so, gl with all that.

as a white guy, I'm interested in this thread.




what is that, a crackpipe?

goddamn whitey won't do drugs with me



Could have guessed

never seen a better representation of america

It's a shower head you filthy white devil. You just proved her point


It looks like a sink spray nozzle but I think they are meaning it to be a shower head
Which is silly because black people are the ones who are stereotyped as smelly


It's a spray for when you use the toilet. Toilet paper is disgusting.





because niggers are known for being so concerned with their personal hygiene

>mfw googles try to insult the aryan race

Must be a European thing


only when it's not theirs

Fuck googles

damit iowa get your shit together






That is kind of how history works. Erasing and redrawing borders. The ones with the guns and power have the say, so fuck them illegals!

white people are stupid

>Hey, our country pursued stupid policies which destroyed other countries, so lets destroy our country!

Two wrongs don't make a right.

i hate nigger

notice how they don't react and pass it well, not like all those fucking nigs


White people are superior. You can't prove me wrong.

>white people hate thread
>in the Cred Forumsastion of nigger hate



There's nothing wrong with dating your cousin. I'm not even white.

googles fucking stink and I hate them more than skittles.

university of iowa is one inbred college.

t. proud student of iowa state


Its a bedit idiots

Cred Forums turned into reddit confirmed. fucking normies

>calls other people idiots

It's bidet, you fucking spastic.

So because somewhere in the world they could give a fuck less about their own children, we are suppose to feel guilty and not buy things for our children that make them happy