Tell me fags why there are 79% horder and 21% ally ? Horde gets female leader and all the fags go horde ?
Tell me fags why there are 79% horder and 21% ally ? Horde gets female leader and all the fags go horde ?
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Horde is literally always better, lol. /thread
Nightelves are gay.
Thats true. I boosted horde and i wait less then 5 sec to go in RDF with my ally i wat more then 25 mins hahaha.
This game is shit vanilla was the best stop playing.
Because people can't be the bad guy irl and get away with it so they root for the bad guy in video games because they can get away with it.
go to bed
you know that ALOT of fat bitches play wow right? and fat bitches are notorious for being femenists...
literally check the realm pop before you play you soiled fool.
I never see Horde on Stormrage
It's not you fucking retard. It's way too early in the morning for you to be this stupid, go back to bed.
horde since 2007 op suck my dick
most ally are literally cancer, it's a lot friendlier on horde tbh
Alliance is for whiteknights and 12 year olds. The npcs say faggy shit. Also all the alliance races fucking suck. Human, short human, tiny human, human werewolf, gay purple elf, blue alien
Cant believe all the faking retards that replied. That shows how retarded wow players are...
>posts the chart of one single server
Are you retarded?
Pic related is the correct one
Alliance is superior btw, coming from an hordler
Im conflicted about the horde warchief. Sylvanus is technically an elf and all elves are gay, but she's also technically undead who're culturally sociopathic, which is nice. Really though picking a faction because thier leader is a "girl" is pretty retarded
> gay blue weabo space goat
anyone here not give a fuck about the faction and just want to watch their own characters story unfold.
Pic semi related.
I like this post, i like you. Keep caring about your toon and shit
Can't be Orc or goblin. Nightelves are bitches.
Better at roleplaying perhaps, lmfao.
"Loktar O'gar, for the horde!".. cringe
>fat dudes playing midget girls and calling themselves cute
Sounds like gnomes.
I like you to user.
hurr hurr back in my day was better
No. No it wasn't. Stop saying this nonsense. I've played since Vanilla too and Legion is better.
legion might be better than Vanilla just because Vanilla was so unrefined and rough around the edges, but BC was truly the golden age of WoW
I'm not saying Legion is bad, but vanilla was a better MMO by far. TBC was solid too, I'm not sure which I liked better.
Legion is still struggling with a few of the bad choices they made during Cata/MoP/WoD, but it's a step in the right direction.
The horde was always the cool team.
Alliance is for pussies and larpers.
Horde have way better racials for PvE
That has been claimed since WoW launched in 2004, it wasn't true then and it isn't true now.
But I am a Larper and play Horde since Classic
anyone who plays a human female/blood elf female is literarly a kissless virgin who never goes outside.
>Min maxing so hard you restrict yourself to a cookie cutter playstyle.
why even play an mmo...
Mostly because racials were modified until they didnĀ“t even matter to minmaxers anymore.
>playing retail
what the hell is wrong with you?
you sound like a casual.
Thats okay with me, In 5 more years I'll become a wizard.
You sound like a pretentious overbearing mouthbreather.
I bet youre that guy who makes everyone feel shitty when you sperglord comment mid raid fight just to be noticed inbetween your GM dick sucking contests with your fellow officers.
you're retarded:
best tank race- tauren
best caster race- orc troll
best healer race- troll
best melee dps- orc troll
bersek and blood fury are too good to pass. its like +another trinket effect
only decent race of ally is worgen for pve.
>implying horde is bad
>implying alliance is good
Go away kid adults are speaking
Nah you're a shit cunt. The benefits of racials are so insignificant it makes no difference what race you play.
yes they can,
I'll have you know I once didnt tip my pizza delivery boy.
I've also robbed multiple banks and gotten away with it.
I'm commander shepherd with the alliance navy.
100% of people who claim to not care about faction are alliance players
Fucking Stormrage is over 20:1 Alliance to Horde
rate my mog
To be fair, a tauren is going to be a better tank (in example) but by the same token an or or a humie also works perfectly fine for the same role if the player isn't retarded. A racial doesn't make or break a toon it just helps
>LFR tryhard detected
I play both.
Ok, i tought i was talking to a retard but you're actually le trolling xDDDD cuz u cant be that stupid, cya
Wow, filthy casual AND mad
I haven't played in about 6 years. Hunters are still hated and If I remember correctly, now have no melee. Like hell I'm going back.
>so much purple on you'd think my name was grimmace. / 10
if you get the reference youre a pretty cool guy.
Hi Wreck, how is Ravencrest?
Hunter now has a 100% melee spec
Git gud nubbie
Hunters have a melee spec now and not the most hated but if you think melee hunter is a good thing you are literally the cancer of WoW
its pretty sweet right now.
Horde cities are poorly designed, ugly shitholes.
Anyway, who still plays this game.
Not played in years.. Nirron (Warlock in Alterac Deviants) here by the way. I don't think we really knew eachother but obviously I remember your name..
Been horde since vanilla so go fap to some traps you faggot.
I've played for so many years now all the names blur a bit, but more than likely.
I haven't played in about 8 years, doing the math. And my melee was a backup to the pet and gun back when I played. I only mentioned melee because I'm so out of the loop I heard it was being taken away from hunters.
I don't play but I was told
>alliance was full of children and fags
>horde was full of adults
So to avoid the gaming children you roll with horde
Fucking faggot you can't /thread your own post braindead turdnugget
>melee attacks to regen mana.
Those were the days user.
Yeah. I've considered going back, but the levels are appearently way higher now, asides from a lot of game changes. The cap is 100 or something right?
Yeah I blame all those payed services for that.. You stop caring about names of characters because they can change it easy..
I remember I had a Paladin called Saturnbeat
I met an arms warrior in AV from another server with the exact fucking name. we bro'd it up for months in bg's.
Looked him up a few weeks back, he has gear still on from lich king and probably hasn't played since, Genuinely kind of hurts to think about it.
Aw that's really sad. I miss a lot of players from Vanilla simple because I forgot their names but I remember the way their characters looked :(
Dont really care, I only play at Arena Tournament since cataclysm showed his ass on retail.
>89-4a24-a0fe-0(...).jpg (306 KB, 854x1280)
fuuuckinhg pepe go KYS
How the fuck was vanilla a better MMO? As you started WOW, vanilla as a whole was 100% new to you. BC same. With each expansion, the percentage of new content to the game added gets smaller of course. Would you please list things, features and aspects of the game ITSELF (not the community) that made Vanilla WOW better than Legion?
Only point I can think of is there was no Flying but since you like BC this does not seem to be a problem to you.