Tell me what you would do to her? She's almost 20 and has never had a bf besides middle school

Tell me what you would do to her? She's almost 20 and has never had a bf besides middle school.

She thinks she's going to be an artist one day but really a cum dumpster

pluck her eyebrow

I'd draw some proper eyebrows on her for a start.

Someone made this for me

This is art

>never had a bf besides middle school.
she has had many dicks

trust me. I have a phd in asian whores.

She's a natural cum dumpster

Feel free to cock tribute and or shop idc. But I really wanna hear what y'all do

>Tell me what you would do to her?
Teach her how to do her eyebrows properly

Like such a waste needs to be filled in every hole

Alright I get it she has terrible eyebrows lol

Could you post more without the cringy comments? Now THAT would be highly appreciated.



Another fake of her

Putting down my entire collection more comments pls




Her eyebrows are ruining it for me