





What is going on with that Ceiling?

Ok, you win. Wtf is that? Is it some kind of giant dick fucking endless pregnant girls in some sort of fractal way?

I have no clue user

Looks like wet insulation in a crawl space. Total shoop job.

Lost on OP's ... wtf is going on here. So many questions.


There's no wtf here... it's just plane crash scene, is all

Newfriends spotted.

what did he expect trying to fly a plane with no hands?



jesus fuck living like that would be a nightmare. why doesnt someone put it out of its misery?

"I am perfect and God made me so... Heeeeeeee...."

Fucking soft-hearted idiots, that's why.

Fucking kek

>the main girl is pregnant
>the main girl's girl is pregnant
>the main girl's girl's girl is pregnant....
>the giant dick has penetrated her and her baby
>and her baby's baby
>and her baby's baby's baby
>and her baby's baby's baby's baby....


"Lol u got this bro?"


Why did I laugh to this