Ask a guy who's stranded in Barstow CA anything

Ask a guy who's stranded in Barstow CA anything

Ha. Sucks to be u

there a nice place for eating over there.
Lola's kitchen or something like that. Awesome mexican food

also some cool inhabited miners towns

is there an epic story about how you ended up stranded there?

>stranded in Barstow
I could come pick you up in a hour or so, where did you need to go?

Lol, I went there yesterday, had to eat something & it was the first restaurant I saw

Driving to Vegas, car starts acting funny & Barstow was the next exit

What town you live at? It's in the middle of the desert

I live in RIdgecrest

Seriously I have nothing better to do today, if you need a ride to LA or Vegas , I'd do it for something to do.

Barstow is a shitfest

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.

How did you fuck up your life this badly...

Well, op I wish you the best

OP confirmed going to be raped and murderated

while they work on your car, just enjoy the sights and get some rest

Was the sky screeching and swooping with what appeared to be huge bats?

Be careful that's bat country

Thanks though, but cars at a mechanic, & I'm staying at a motel. Cheap af here.

OP if you're going to Vegas, you might as will have a guest

As your attorney I recommend you get the fuck out of there, with alacrity.

OK, Rodger

I was just offering OP a way out if he needed it, but OP has a car and a place too stay so it doesn't really matter

Trip 2s say you invite good faith user to your motel

Came here for this

Trips chekd

I've never seen so many tweakers & homeless people, I wonder why they don't just take the bus to LA or Vegas

No thanks, the play was to chill i Vegas or LA, not Barstow , that place has less to do then where I live ,and there's nothing to do here

That was very nice of you. Most people would never offer that, I guess

Drink and fuck OP

What it do?

Is Barstow the city with the giant thermometer or am I thinking of some place else?

I pass it every time I drive to vegas.

it would be a good night to do a rape. if youre leavin tomorrow

That's Baker

Is rape that common in Barstow? The fucks with all these rape jokes

idk. stranded in a esert town for one night only just seems like a good rape night. no joke. i don even know barstow

Was there earlier for NTC at Fort Irwin. Fucking hate that place.

I go to the McDonald's off the 15 in Barstow every time I drive to Vegas. I was thinking of going today - monday. I might pass you OP. I'll wave.

Are you wearing a hat?

The one near a Popeyes?

Your only choices there is Tweakers,Mexicans and tweaker Mexicans. I'm talking those dark as nigger boarder hopper mexicains also . You'd be competing with illegals for rape victims, so I wouldn't say that's the best place to commit a rape

Vegas would be a good place for rape IMHO

No the one before that one. near In N Out and "Outlets at Barstow"

>tweakers & homeless people
You must be thinking of Victorville that's were I'm at. Place is fucking depressimg and hot.

Shit man, I'm sorry to hear that. Barstow is the anus of planet Earth as far as I'm concerned. Get the fuck out asap.

so many lights. lots of cops. meh

So many dark corners & drunk sluts living it up cause "I'm in Vegas whoaaaa" though

The thing about Vegas is you don't have to rape there, it's super easy to get laid there

the thing about rape is that if it is consensual it defeats the purpose.