Does Cred Forums solve?

Does Cred Forums solve?

If not, any questions for someone who does?



Shameless self bump

I can

Speed? Method? What cubes?

And how long have you been able to.

recently learned how to do it. Took me maybe 10 hours to get the hang of it

Same here, learnt about 9 weeks ago, you use the beginners method?

can solve CFOP method sub 33

I can, record 21 secs, fridrich method

Same, whats your pb? How long have you been solving? 4 look last layer? What cube do you use?

Cool, how long have you been solving?

1minute sometimes 50sec normal rubiks 3x3
method: i watched a tutorial on youtube 4-5years ago. there are 7 algorithms: 1st you start with one side and place a cross and then the corners...2nd: you check the 2nd or mid layer and place its corner peices. then you already done 2/3 of the cube. the last layer needs more steps. you start with positioning the corners NOT orienting...then you orient the corners....done with that you place the complete backside. and the LAST step is placing the mid pieces of the last layers. each of those steps has its own algorithm for two directions. thats a simple summary

been able to finish any 3x3 cube for almost 5 years

yes i do

sub 10 1LLL get on my level nigers

oh i am so slow because i use my whole hand/palm and not just twist with my index fingers like the professionals does

Ah, beginners method. Not too bad. I learn the same with oll before pll. Started 9 weeks ago. I learned cfop since. sub 30 average, 20 sec pb.

1 off for quads... now solve a 4x4 cube

cfop, record: 16,5s

I do, regularly. Have one next to me.

Nice, how long you been solving? What other cubes can you solve, any shape mods?

why is this nigger trying to rply to me im not op

Get a speed cube, 50 secs on a rubik's brand is damn good, if you started using finger tricks you could git gud fast.

somthing around 5 years

About 4 months but I've practiced a lot in that time

sure i think its good. i also rubbed the inside with vaseline

My stats.

Cool, I started a couple of months ago, 20 seconds pb, sub 30 average. CFOP, 4lll

Keep it up, You've improved quickly like me.

However good you think it is, trust me, it isn't good enough. You can get a good speedcube for cheap. The worst speedcube is better than the best rubik's brand.

you should try silicon oil

I use CFOP by the way

Impressive as fuck, what cubes and methods do you use?

Started solving like a year ago, rn I have a 3x3 a 4x4 a 5x5 a 2x2 and the megaminx. I used to have the mirror cube but I traded it for a speed cube and the mega minx. My time on the 3x3 is sub 25 and I've gotten the hang of the 5x5, can now solve in less than 6 mins. I use cfob for speed cubing.

2 look?

I have a dayan zanchi with silicon diff fluid, and CFOP. Leaning look ahead for f2l brings the times down the most, that and full pll. full oll still not done though

do not use vaseline, use silicone spray. Its so much better and if you keep the cube clean, you almost never need to respray.

>255733 ▶
> (You)
>2 look?
2 look oll and 1 look pll

Nice, I have the mirror cube. Used to love it but it's pretty easy now, gave one of mine away.

I'm learning 1 look pll atm. Should speed me up a lot since I can get sub 25 times with 2 look.

i used the vaseline on my rubiks 5 years ago when i just started learning the cuube got destroyed a year later...raped it with vaserline and yes it wasnt clean at all and got slower from time to time

By the way 18.12 is not what i'd call my average now, it's just that because of the slower times at the beginning of recording. My ao100 yesterday was about 16.00

Look ahead is the most important, but do it after you've done full pll.

i use the beginners method, yes.

I think i still can, but unfortunately my cube is shit, so i'd need to buy a new one soon. Btw I'm able to solve one around 1 minutes

I do well in cross and f2l so i think my look ahead is pretty good. I'm about 2 thirds of the way to full pll.

full pll may or may not knock you below sub 20.

You should have literally no pauses in turning in f2l, constant turning. If you do I'm surprised you're not faster

I'm not quite there yet, but don't forget I'm new as fuck. When I find a pair I can get it in it's slot very quickly, but there are pauses.

These things are easy. Honestly I don't know why people think it's such an achievement to solve a Rubik's cube.

I'll post the solution. Sides will be numbered 1-6 for simplicity, 1 is top and 6 is bottom. 2-5 go clockwise around the sides. Of course you can rotate the whole cube so 1 is bottom and 6 is top but I'm keeping it simple for newbies, you can progress to rotation later.

Within each side I will label the squares A-I. A is top left, B is top middle, etc. to I on bottom right.

Colours will be labelled as follows:

Red - R
Blue - B
White - W
Yellow - Y
Orange - O
Green - G

SIDE 1 (top):
A: R
B: R
C: R
D: R
E: R
F: R
G: R
H: R
I: R

A: Y
B: Y
C: Y
D: Y
E: Y
F: Y
G: Y
H: Y
I: Y

A: B
B: B
C: B
D: B
E: B
F: B
G: B
H: B
I: B


A: W
B: W
C: W
D: W
E: W
F: W
G: W
H: W
I: W

A: G
B: G
C: G
D: G
E: G
F: G
G: G
H: G
I: G

SIDE 6 (bottom):
A: O
B: O
C: O
D: O
E: O
F: O
G: O
H: O
I: O

Just follow this simple guide and you'll be fine.


Learning cfop, doing sub 50 with beginner method atm. Have a white Zhanchi and a black Aolong v2. Like the feel of the aolong better but the standard colors are way too bright


I use pretty much the same method; wanna try OLL, but haven't found the time to pick up a cube for a while.

My PB is ~31 sec. AVG 53 sec.

I've got 2 traditional Rubik's 3x3, a Da'Yan Zanchi 3x3, some no name brand void cube, 2 Rubik's 2x2, a Rubik's 5x5, some no name brand pyramid, a Rubik's globe 3x3, and some no name brand 3x3 sleeve.

I have both, i'm colourblind and can't solve on the aolong very quickly, because orange and yellow look far too similar. I use a gans air as my main, with yellow springs.

That's not what you want. The idea is to slow down, and while you're putting a pair in, look for the next and track them so you can do the next pair immediately. When you want to start, first make sure you can do any f2l pair without looking at the pair you're inserting, by looking away when you insert them.

I do, just not consistently. There are times I do f2l so quickly I don't even notice i've finished it. I can do basically any pair without a rotation, but I do 90' rotations for comfortable insertions sometimes, to avoid b moves.