Lol he knows he's gonna get BTFO

Lol he knows he's gonna get BTFO

> It's going to be very unfair

he'll be fine as long as they don't ask anything about public administration

Haha you're a brainless media retard follower that gobbles up whatever they want you to.
Free thinkers are dangerous.

Hmm neoliberal shill or neomussolini

Either way rich people are gonna tell us what to do

Those are HIS words, but that was a nice try, Skippy. Why don't you hit reset and try again? He wants a debate with no moderators because he thinks the debate is going to be very unfair. His words.

Not just that but corrupt rich people, in both cases

He knows that Hillary is going to kick his ass so embarrassingly in the debates that he's already trying to get in front of it.
> cant handle the pressure of a debate moderator
> thinks he can handle the pressure of being president of the United States

So who thinks Trump is going to win the debate?

He's going to get annihilated, but his supporters won't care because they're stupid people.

He won't have to. Hillary will have another surprise case of "pneumonia" and leave in an ambulance after 5 minutes.

His life has needed some fucking moderators since he inherited his fortune.

I agree. even if Hillary wins it won't matter. It probably won't affect the undecided voters. And everybody else has already decided. It's certainly not going to make Trump voters change their minds

I agree, but the supporters of Hillary are just the same. I fucking hate this election.

Ding ding ding. Me too

What do you think will happen to the first debate? "Normal" progression? Hillary is late? No show??
Bombing? This election cycle has been such a crazy shit show, that I wouldn't be surprised about anything.

how do you figure he will be annihilated? Both of you faggots? How? Show me your math u fucktard, libtard.


I don't know man, but I'll be watching

some googles will vote for her and her cunt husband. So skypes might. otherwise the whole nation will vote trump. go crawl under a rock and die.

Well thank you for your assumptions first of all, but I'm not liberal. I'm socially liberal but very fiscally conservative. And even though I think Hillary is going to absolutely kill him in the debates, I'm not going to vote for her. Or him. And I think the reason that she's going to win the debate is pretty obvious. I'll be the first to say I believe she's failed at most of what she's done, however she has been in the trenches for what? 50 years? 40 years? She was married to a president. She was ta senator, she was Secretary of State. She knows a LOT about the issues. He speaks in generalities and knows nothing about the issues. She will definitely win the debate. Don't get your panties all twisted up.

LMFAO poor shills on suicide watch.

>Free thinkers
>implying you're not slaves to herd mentality


You mean the Trump shills or the Hillary shills? They both have shills; you have to be clear.

i think hillarys aide is going to rise from the audience and announce that the baby is actually trumps. meanwhile over hillary's earpiece she will be forced to listen to her daughter being taken.
then in a huge twist, hillary will start coughing and suddenly trump will fall down having a heart attack


Yeah dipshit - because he wants to ask some tough questions and doesn't want the moderators helping Hillary out by cutting him off, moving things along early, etc.

He's going to fucking wreck her shit and doesn't want anyone protecting her.

Jesus how can you post this and be so fucking -- hah. only kidding. I don't give a shit.

hill shills shes a mess ad they are on grasping at straws

Again, dumbass

> cant handle the pressure of a debate moderator
> thinks he can handle the pressure of being president of the United States

When you become a man, you realize life ain't fair and you have to deal with it. The problem with Trump is that he never became a man

He doesn't want to answer questions like:
>"Why did you call that women fat?"
>"Why did you say that to that person?"
Etc etc.

While Hillary gets to answer:
>"What would you do to counter IS before the situation in Syria gets even worse?"
>"How would you re-structure parts of the economy to lower the overall debt?"
Etc etc.

Everyone claiming the debates not to be completely biased are morons.

Hey fucktard. The reason he is calling for no moderators is because hillary called for a Lincoln style beaten against obama. He knows she wouldn't be able to do it in her condition and he is much better unscripted than she ever could hope to be. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up

Trump dug his own grave.

His foreign policies are incoherent and he's been dodging questions that require substance for months.

He's worried that someone might actually hold him to an answer that isnt rambling rhetoric.

This guy knows what up.