IQ test

IQ test

Let's see what you got Cred Forums

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I'm not doing your fucking homework for you, faggot.


Do your own god damn homework, you faggot.


Also: make your own homework you filthy sixth grader.

This is correct.

IQ tests dont have math problems you stupid nigger

11 or gtfo

You can't solve it, f(t) could be anything

f(t) can only be 11, you pleb. You're given a definite integral with a known value. Go study moar fine arts

the answer is not 11.

just checked

impossible to answer. next question.

Youre shit at maths. kys fam

f(t) could be: 20t + 1

You filthy casul

A.. are you serious?

Because right now I can name two functions off the top of my head that will equal 11 when integrated from zero to one.

f(t) = 22t
f(t) = 18t^2 + 12t

you know nothing about f(t). cannot answer.

If a function equals 11 from 0 to 1, then 4 times that function from 0 to 0.25 equals 11.


Absolutely 11. At least this one is actually basic calculus instead of ez pz order of operations

nice dubs

This is correct
I'm sorry but you are retarded

I can't solve a fucking algebra problem with symbols that I don't understand, nigga

seriously what the fuck is that at the start of the equation??

also there's no critical thinking in this problem, it's just spouting out math knowledge, therefore not an accurate test of IQ


iq tests r based on patterns and memorization

OP here, the answer is NOT 11

f(t) = 18t^2 + 12t integrated from 0-1 is certainly not 11, fam. Maybe you meant 10t for 2nd term.....


A.. are you serious?

If you integrate 22t wrt t then you get 22t^2
You complete asshole.

Concise and correct. Well done no-bullshit user.
Since you don't know what f is, even if you can't remember how integration works you can deduce the answer. Anything that requires integrating over a different range is unknowable. If there is an answer, it must be the exact same as the first example, otherwise it could be anything.

We have never done this in my school, I don't know what this means, but I have had my IQ tested before and I got a general IQ of 121. I have a good verbal IQ, but my problem solving skills is where I really shine.

Tfw you forget to divide by new exponent

I don't understand this shitty puzzle. What is the function OP?


understanding calculus has nothing to do with IQ. How you made it to calculus will always be a mystery to me.

69 LOL


Bo ho y u do this op my precious iq

i have some idiot mother fuckers in my circuits class which prereq is calc 3.
dont be surprised of anything.
im a senior btw i just put off the class because its disgusting electrical engineer shit

knowing calculus isn't an indicator of intelligence, it's an indicator of arbitrary and esoteric knowledge.

by OP's logic, only stem people are intelligent, so every author, artist, musician, composer and pretty much every non-science field wasn't smart.

you can replace that calculus problem with any arbitrary thing like what's the melting point of steel beams, knowing that or not knowing that won't make you any more or less intelligent.

>yfw everybody is either a troll or stupid.
>I think mostly trolls though.

Should be 15t^2. Mistype

1/2*22t^2 [t=0,1] = 1/2*22-0 = 11

no solution.


>knowing calculus isn't an indicator of intelligence, it's an indicator of arbitrary and esoteric knowledge.

I can smell your piss bottles from here, neckbeard.


t. psych major
also 1538 degrees c 1153 c if we're talking liquidus region and not mush zone. most likely ~1520 c for A36.

t = 4u, t/4 = u, dt = 4du
integral from 0 to 1 of f(t)dt = integral 0/4 to 1/4 of f(4u)*4du = 4*integral from 0 to 0.25 of f(4u)du = 11. So, integral from 0 to 0.25 of f(4t)dt is 11/4.

one person knows what's going on. too many trolls

IQ tests don't require a semester of calc



I'm not a neckbeard, I'm a musician, a classical one with quite a lot of education. I don't know calculus but I can identify every baroque dance by its time signature and style, figure out the structure and chord progressions of pieces by ear and can play very advanced things on the piano.

I could've started a thread asking you about any of the facts of my trade and said "IQ test," but that doesn't make much sense, does it? That's because I know very specific things pertaining to my degree of study, and so do you. Me not knowing calculus doesn't make me any less intelligent. Likewise, you not knowing the difference between second and third species counterpoint doesn't make you any less intelligent.

thats not iq but knowlege you fucking idiot

the function could literally be any function. we can't know just from input, especially since it's a fucking definite integral.

triggered fatass

Are you retarded? I have an economics and management class in Oxford University and the few well adjusted human beings who aren't either autistic, beta orbiter cucks or SJW, feminist cunts are doing economics, physics or one of the several history subjects.

I'm not triggered, I enjoyed writing that.
I'm 6'3 175lb for that matter.

just make up a random f(t) and see for yourself


Compared to an original function y=f(x), a second function y=f(4x) represents a dilation in the x-direction.

Each point (x,y) on the original graph is now at (x/4,y). So the value x=1 on the original graph corresponds to the x=1/4 on the second graph (Ie: the limits on the integrals represent corresponding points on the function)

Essentially the graph is compressed into a quarter of its original width. The area under the graph would also be compressed - to a quarter of its original size.

Therefore if given:
∫ f(t) dt = 11, for 0

there is not enough information given. You could make any number of valid f(t)s that satisfy the first equation that yield different answers on the second.

just like you enjoy taking cock and wasting time by studying worthless shit


Well done, user. A true demonstration of how integrals actually operate instead of attempting to regurgitate memorized steps. My soul can go in peace now

f(t) = 11t
f(4t) = 44t
44(0.25) - 44(0) = 11

I think the answer is 11

Here is the answer

This is me
Hold the fuck up, I'm an idiot.
These guys are right
Fuck, I'm doing a degree where I do calculus every day and I fucked this up. What have you done to my thinkmeat, Cred Forums?


Yes you can, because we know that integral 0 to 1 of f(t)dt = 11, we know that f is integrable on [0,1]. If we use the u substitution t = 4u on the interval [0,0.25], then the graph of f(4u) is just the graph of f(t), except squeezed tighter. Applying the riemann sum definition of integration, we see that if we choose the partitions of [0,0.25] to be scaled down versions of the partitions of [0,1], then each of the columns in the area approximations of f(4u) will have exactly the same height as the columns in the area approximations for f(t), but the width of each column in the area approximation for f(4u) will be exactly 1/4 of the width of the corresponding column in the area approximation for f(t). So, the area of each column will shrink to a fourth of its original size, proving that the area under the curve for f(4u) on [0,0.25] is one fourth of the area under the curve for f(t) on [0,1].

you fucked up the u subsitution

Well if you don't know any calculus yet, it's not just one formula. Also explains why this is a shit IQ test, it just tests if you've been taught integration, differentiation, and that thing where you swap out the du that I can't remember the name of right now.

You didn't actually integrate though. End of the first line, you go straight from the integral of f() to f(). That's wrong.

the simplest way for you dense motherfuckers to understand that the answer is 11/4 is to integrate the simplest f(x)=11 there is, which is


so basically just draw a horizontal line. The integral is equal to the area beneath the function. Therefore, if you integrate from 0 to 1 you get a rectangle with dimensions 11 x 1,

Then integrate the same function from 0 to 0.25 and you will get another rectangle but with different size (11 x 0.25)

you're right i just spent a while toying with wolfram

An integral wouldn't be a constant, user. It's 11.

f(t) = 11t
du=-4/t^2 dt
Integral f(4u)du = Intergral f(t)(-4/t^2)dt
Integrate with limits
Answer is infinity

Iq test are soposed to factor age and education, you don't just toss out a problem. Also


wrong faggot

Answer is 9

you fucked up the differentiation step, d(t/4) = (1/4)dt, not (-4/(t^2))dt.

Really sad I had to scroll this far to find the right answer.

The answer is 11/4

Let y = 4t

Then f(4t) = f(y), and dt = 1/4 dy

So you are integrating 1/4 f(y) dy from y=0 to y=1, which is just 1/4 of the original integral.

not needed, he is right

But no
That's wrong

you cant change f(t) to f(4t) without a u substitution

sorry... the integral would be 11 t

the function would be f(x) = 11

and the integral would be = 11 t evaluated from 0 to 1


oh yeah good point
answer is 11/4

check theorem bliss

here is the answer kiddos

dl.dropboxusercontent (.) c (0) m/u/42089158/Cred Forums shit results.mp4

terrible iq test thats a knowledge test i got one for you what do i have in my poket solve for p

*stupid variable change: u=4t

* this variable change is acceptable because it is a C1 variable change = u(t) = 4t is derivable and its derivative is continuous on [0,1]

* (noone bothered mentioning that essential argument fecking retards here)

* thus: du=4dt

* so dt = 1/4 du

* 0≤t≤0.25 thus 0≤u=4t≤1

* second integral is int_0^1 f(u).dt/4

* this is 1/4 * int_0^1 f(u)du by linearity of the integral operator

* (noone mentioned that essential argument fecking retards here)

* feckin second integral = 1/4 of the first

all of you are niggas not even caring justifying their calculations


That isn't an IQ type problem, that is calculus. IQ problems are designed to test the capacity of your ability to solve problems, not to see if you have made it to calc1 in school yet.

Now finish your match homework and go to sleep. You need proper rest or you won't make it through the eighth grade.

I can earn $30/hr giving music lessons to chinks without even a degree. What can you do?

$30/hr times 0 hours, is 0 dollars.

I've given lessons kek

Why should we do OP`s homework? If you cant solve this 9th Grade Math you have to learn, not sitting in front of your PC.

I can do that too


manufacture anything i want
have any technical hobby i want as well as your silly art hobbies
have money
looks like i win fam

Was it nice contributing nothing while trying to assert yourself on the internet to strangers?

If you had some intelligence you would perhaps not have done that, insecuro-mon ;)

My only slight insecurity is that I have a 3 inch penis. I was merely saying that I go to a decent university and don't study stem and the majority of people that are well-adjusted human beings don't study stem either; Just because you were too stupid to make it into a Russell group university.

I instinctively knew it was 11/4, but couldn't prove it. I still don't quite remember my understanding from learning about these in high-school. What are they called again?

>Russel group
Lol you brought into the russel group meme
Good goy.

Oh shit. Why does the fact my IQ is 121 bother you? I am only insecure about my small penis; nothing else. Why does me having a 121 IQ bothers you, user?

Also, don't even think of insulting my weight. I am completely secure about that, and, in doing so, you will only make yourself look like a fool who can't deal with his own insecurities :^).

I'm not doing your homework for you fgt.


That wasn't me.

and this technique fucking requires hypothesis to be proven
none of any
motherfucking faggots
in here

didn't even

yall brainlets niggas

Did three

By the way, still not contributing, lel

>be 47
>took calc I, II, III, Diff Eq
>never once needed to integrate or derive anything, ever, in past 25 year software engineering career.
>not once

Things are assumed. When we're going up against "there is no answer hurr durr", do we really need to explicitly say u=4t is integrable.

some folks are born, silver spoon in hand lord.

its all numerical analysis now.
i guess its good to understand what your program is doing.

But two of the answers were? Yeah you didnt loose face buddy.

Agree, the shortest code is generally written by the best mathematicians. Especially when dealing with something that isnt already predefined.

yes we do
so random dumbass interested in maths will read your fecking sketch thinkin this is proof
whereas this is just a feckin sketch
and he will go back home happy
when he did not even learn the proper reasons why his calculation was right
one day he will do stuf like u = abs(t-1) and he will struggle, not even knowing what's happening

The answer is 11/4 or 2.75. Consider the case where f(t) is 11. So you have integral from 0 to 1 of 11dt. That would integrate to 11x from 0 to 1 which is just 11. Now with that 4 there, it wouldn't do anything at all to that equation. You would still have the integral from 0 to 0.25 of 11dt but this time your answer is 11t from 0 to 0.25 which is 0.25 * 11.

>"loose face"
>angry that I have a decent education and an above average IQ

Clearly I am in a conversation with incredibly intelligent individuals.

what's the point of your argument? There are a lot of math-intensive jobs for programmers out there.

Not that I believe your story, of course.

you IQ is probably on the lower side compared to people that are in this thread. personally im >130.

If someone's learning calculus from Cred Forums, they have bigger problems.

Of course. Everyone is above average, after all.

high IQ

wow, well I'm > 300 faggot

because everyone is in this thread rite?

Judging by the posts so far, this thread is heavily selecting for complete morons.

>"you IQ"
>"lower side compared to people that are in this thread"
>"personally im >130"
>Implying that your IQ is above 130 whilst showing us that you have a low IQ, both through your spelling, grammar and you lack of understanding when it comes to mathematical signs

i used the mathematical sign correctly.
that nitpick on the r though.
truly amazing
high iq means that i dont make mistakes right?

thats because you samefag half these retarded posts

I think you are retarded, clearly you your IQ is x

let u = 4t
when t = 1, u =0.25
when t=0, u=0
therefore, integrating f(u) from 0 to 0.25 is the same as integrating f(t) from 0 to 1, meaning f(4t) = 11

>I think
but you dont have a brain how could you possibly

Pick out which posts are mine and you get a non-prize.

you forgot the du = 4dt step

Second integral is f(4t)

So you get 4(11 x 0.25)

So you get 11.

How do you do these a again?

Find the integral with respect to the lower bound and upper bound?

He's trying though, that's the most impressive part. Keep it up, you'll get there!

11 = f(t)
11 = f(4t)

this one
yeah you solve the integral then plug in the higher minus the lower solution.
only this is theoretical

As an engineering student with over 2 years of experience in calculus you don't know how I'm having the biggest chuckles in my life with all these autistic Googles kekz

Function is four times bigger.
Range is four times smaller.
Answer = the same.
It's 11.

You still need to sub out the dt. It's not some magic incantation, it has meaning. dt = du/4

Why can't these googles learn how to google?

It's called sexual intercourse. Understandable why you're not familiar with it.

Because guaranteed replies.

let u = 4t. du = 1/4dt. t value of 0.25 = 1 for u

So you have integral 0 to 1 of 1/4f(u)du = 1/4 * integral 0 to 1 of f(u)du

if integral 0 to 1 of f(t)dt was equal to 11 for ANY t, then integral 0 to 1 of f(u)du is also 11. So your answer is 1/4 * 11 = 11/4

you're a inert faggot
coz 400% more and then 400% less is
x(1+400%)(1 - 400%)=x times (1^2 - 4^2)
so answer is -15 x 11 = 165
(rember to add 1 to 5 when multiplying by 11)

Stupid retarded niggers.
Question asked in f(4t) not f(t).
Got i thought someone would have answered that.
Now go back to mcdonald's,i would like some fries.


You're absolutely retarded not seeing its 11.
This has nothing to do with IQ and more the level of math you've graduated from btw.

This is true but your du = 1/4dt is technically wrong. It should be based off this:

u = 4t

du/dt = 4

du = 4dt

dt = 1/4du

The rest of your answer is good though.

OP is a retard faggot that is tallying answers from another retard.

My career has been very math intensive in the defense industry (mostly GIS and avionics control). Just not CALCULUS. Discrete math yes. Vectors yes. Basic geometry and trigonometry yes. Calculus NO. Unless you're plan to do analog electronics as a career, it's all a waste. You'll never use it.

>silly art hobbies
you think you can learn to play, analyse and understand something like this in a year? It's not a hobby for me, it's a passion and a profession with very high standards.

I'll be honest, I haven't got a fucking a clue about this.

They never have taught me this in high school.

and you're probably garbage compared to some 14 year old chink girl.
you're definitely not good enough
get a real job.

its not something normally taught in HS.

I bet you play the skin flute as well.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

this is your answer

I'm at university studying Data Science.

Yet I know jack shit about what OP posted.

Should I be concerned?

Perfect. Others have been technically right but said so in very obtuse ways. This is the most correct solution A+ faggot.

I did this in high school. Maybe it's because I'm not an amerifat.

yes lol it's calc 1, maybe 2.

thats why im so insecure about how awful i am at piano that im shitposting on a math discussion thread?



Fuck no, I'm not good at that shit..hell I barely passed high school algebra with a 65

That step is integral to finding the correct solution.

>normal == USA
How eaglecentric of you

But that could evaluate to true based on the assignment of normal.

My course did involve a great detail of maths but never calculus. Calc 1 and 2 was never on my college curriculum.

Where can I go to teach myself this? My uni tends to give me complicated maths and expects me to know it.


Khan Academy and get some HW problems from Stewerts 7th
Studiously calc 1 should take a few weeks at most.

oh my god

could you prove that u : t I--> 4 t is derivable for us please?

function is shrinked by factor 4
it looks 4 times smaller

so answer is 11/4


Thanks I'll start to watch his videos on calculus.

if its really flying past your head i can teach you some very basic shit over skype

Piano is just an example cus that's what i do kek, it can be any other art/social science. And who said it's a fucking math discussion thread?

>social science
stop making it so easy to make fun of you

You realise you're making fun of yourself right? The STEM-only mentality is pretty close-minded and indicative of naive, young undergrads who really are unaware of the world around them.

tell that to all the poor non stem fags i left back home who are still doing what theyve been doing since they were born.
which is exactly the same situation youre in.

You realise I goto college for this shit too and live in a huge metropolitan city.

There's an enormous difference between stupid amateur shit and what I'm doing.

>There's an enormous difference between stupid amateur shit and what I'm doing.
yeah it's people who are intelligent and just do it as a hobby and idiots like you that devote their whole life to a dead and useless profession.

because pianists have an effect on the world

actually I take this back

pianists have a negligible effect on the world. It's when they band together (assuming there's enough of them, e.g. feminists, jews, niggers, etc.) that they actually become a problem and think that they matter

If everyone thought like you, there'd be no movies, no movie soundtracks, no plays, concerts, shows, books etc. The notion that you're doing some self-righteous God's work by doing stem is pretty ridiculous.
If you think it's useless and dead, then that's really your loss not mine. It's very indicative of your lack of culture and overall intelligence.

>then that's really your loss not mine.
is it tho
i'll be enjoying my money and family while you're homeless in the streets trying to get mcdonalds to accept your application because you went to devry for music.

kek. I won't say my school on here, but I'll say that it's in the top 40 of public universities in north america.

>If everyone thought like you, there'd be no movies, no movie soundtracks, no plays, concerts, shows, books etc.

If by books you mean novels, etc. then I would be fine with that. I don't read em. I don't watch TV or movies either. I don't listen to music.

Regardless, I didn't say everyone should stop playing music and participating in the arts. I play guitar. I just don't live my life thinking I should only play guitar. Those who do are idiots.

cool dude is the list from huffington post?
be sure to put that on your resume to mcdonalds

I put an ad out on craigslist once and got like 50 replies immediately for piano lessons, you'd really be surprised how in demand even the lowest level of artists are in big cities.
Sure, that's perfectly respectable. If I didn't have a calling for music I'd definitely go into stem, I love CS, learned a bit of Java before, built my own computer, dual boot linux etc. I really like computers.

I have such a burning desire to play music that it's what consumes the majority of my thoughts every day, and has consumed them for a decade. It'd be a crime to my own existence to not pursue my passion.

>I put an ad out on craigslist once and got like 50 replies immediately for piano lessons, you'd really be surprised how in demand even the lowest level of artists are in big cities.
you're killing me user.

Care to explain? I was top of my class in high school and could've gone to any college, but this is what I chose to do. I don't get why you chose to belittle me for any other reason than to make yourself feel better.

you're literally in this thread shitposting because you're so insecure about the fact that you're down a path to no where.
im starting to genuinely feel bad for you.