Just dropped 200 mircograms of lsd in my dorm room

just dropped 200 mircograms of lsd in my dorm room

good idea?

anyway, drug thread

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youtube.com/results?search_query=binaural beats

Man, used to like fucking with hallucinogenics and shit, but since I developed depersonalization/derealization I just don't see how anyone could want to alter their normal reality anymore.

so much this.

How long you had it?

The nature of what we see isn't real anyways. Everything is already an illusion because the brain processes every bit of sensory information and all you get is the editorial. I will say the derealization was disconcerting at first but in the end I realized it didn't even matter. The idea that "normal" reality exists is nothing more than a comforting lie.

As for OP? Put this on:
Enjoy your trip, maybe download electric sheep and have a look, it is pretty neat.

It's been about 3 years now.
Ups and downs all the way.
How do you cope with it?
I've found myself abusing Xanax more often than I should.

Right, but wouldn't you rather feel like things are real instead of not? I take it you still have it then.

About the same. I cope pretty okay with it now. After learning to ignore it and not being scared of it, it has very gradually worn off and I'm about 80% normal now.

Never used medication for it, in the end, all it truly is, is just anxiety and you can't mask that shit, you have to just go left when it says go right and you start to feel better

No one deals with it. We all escape in some way, drugs, books, entertainment, sex. Very few people don't develop an "addiction" (which is a highly overrated word and truly can be "cured"). To increase the amount you tolerate can be genetic, but I believe it's mostly through training. Start proactively recognize thoughts and emotions, and once you realize you are going through a pattern (getting drugs when u get tired), seek to challenge the emotion/thought and remember and truly believe you will make it. It's a mental game, and the more you win, the stronger you get. Regardless of upbringing.

how can you be sure it's really lsd?

i wish i could find lsd/acid in 330

It's cardboard

Is that how you beat it?

Not anymore, dosed again a while back and came out more "sober" than when I went in. At this point it was a unique perspective or you could say a bit of a funk I was in for a while. In the end that surreal or dreamlike quality is something to be appreciated and the seeming certainties of being grounded is also beautiful too. What I got out out of it is obviously these substances are something to be respected and used responsibly in the right mindsets and places.

Do you drink coffee?
I used to get a lot of that anxiety on a daily basis. There wasn't a day when I wouldn't experience an anxiety attack. They were very existential in nature and started happening after I had taken lsd a few times.

One time while browsing /r9k/ I learned that caffeine is linked with anxiety. I quit immediately to see if anything would change. It was a rough month. I had constant headaches, and couldn't sleep very well. Eventually I felt normal-ish.

Best of all I no longer felt anxious.
Give it a try, user.

I do agree coffee is a bad mix, friend had a pretty rough trip as a result of its tendency to trigger anxiety. Also you can become physiologically addicted to the stuff. Drink water, it is nice stuff.

Ah well, personally I'm still mostly numb with only jealousy, anger, anxiousness and annoyance as any very clear emotions, but the feeling of being in a dream has gone. I just have the visual disturbances, auto pilot, blurriness and not being able to feel my whole body completely left. 99% of the disturbing feelings are gone. Also social retardedness is still there but much better. What would you recommend I do next? Feels like there's a thin barrier now left in front of me and I need one last push.

Not not coffee, but a lot of fizzy drinks like coke and shit that are high in it. How long would you say I should quit caffeine for before I start feeling less anxious?

But...Fish..fuck in it...

youtube.com/results?search_query=binaural beats


Yes. It's how I cope with everything. I remind myself that even though the task at hand is hard, there will always be "light in the tunnel". This way of thinking makes adulthood easier, and life in general becomes more manageable. Once you see a task as a challenge for opportunity, and remember that no matter what happens, everything will be okay you can truly go where you want to in life.

I had the same thing for a while and ironically dissociatives cured it. At least after my first few experiences. I binged hard for a couple of months after that and I feel that it's come back (not any worse, maybe about the same) and my brain is mush.

Go take like 300mg of dxm and see how you feel throughout the next few days.

What does anxiety feel like, honestly 21 years on this earth, been smoking weed since 16 and doing psychedelics since 18 and I've never felt anxiety in my life. Or maybe I just don't know how to recognize anxiety

What do you mean? As in you don't know what the disorder is?

I am very hopeful, very positive thinking and know in the end I'll get through it. I just don't really understand HOW to progress further, what actions to take. In my stage would it be best to just stay healthy, avoid all the caffeine, drugs etc, stay positive and get on with life? Or is there anything else that must be addressed

Tested my hr throughout a meth binge. Here's the results...

I can totally relate to the feeling of a barrier in the way. As if you have taken a step back from the controls and you are an observer of yourself at times. And that is a whole thing, like yeah it will be difficult but take steps to regain control. This could be exercise, some hobby, volunteer work, etc. These changes are bidirectional, yeah? Mental changes can result in physical changes and physical changes can result in mental changes. Physically take control of your life, your mind will be your own in time.

Yeah, there is a reason why the fuck in water and not coffee. If it is good enough to fuck in, it is good enough to drink.

When depressed pop some molly and get to that cloud 9 feeling, thats how i cope with it

Thinking positive on your future is key man. Seeking, and always seeking solutions would be my tip. My mentality on issues that are stuck is just that I have come across a BIGGER issue, and that I need to seek out solutions until I get it right. A great idea is to have the courage to ask for help, especially by other real people. Refer to your life motto, "whatever I do, as long as I do it by heart, I will always be okay". Failure doesn't exist, it's only a step in the right direction you LEARNED something from. If you don't believe failure is learning then you need to realize that fast.

fuck this shit mates. I promised i will never visit Cred Forums again but I am here and regret it. ehhh

OP, you do realise that what you're doing right now is not real?

You're in a mental asylum, wake up, nothing is real, WAKE UP!


How can I get somd lsd/acid/shrooms? in my area ive been looking for some for quite some time.

>What do you mean? As in you don't know what the disorder is?

Well, first of all did the use of drugs make you get the disorder? And yeah how is it a bad thing. The concept of you being a person is just an illusion anyway

Imagine feeling something is terribly wrong without having concious control over it. Imagine forgetting you phone at a place you went drinking last night, and now it's lost. That feeling projected towards your anxiety, like people or public speaking. You really really feel like it's "wrong", and you want to flee that situation asap.

But nothing is wrong and it's all in your head?

Yeah that's never happened for me

So I guess healthy body healthy mind?

Yeah I did reach out for help once but it didn't seem to do much. Not many doctors or shrinks no much about this disorder

this shit is retarded kid

look around deeper ;-)

google brf tek, but only if you want to RESEARCH the process of growing mycelium/mushrooms.

Yeah, it was drugs. Dabbled in a lot of hallucinogenics and smoked a fuck ton of weed.

And it's something that's hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it. It's really the most abstract feeling I've ever felt. It's basically the opposite of clarity, awareness and the associated feelings of being human.

It would be fine if the concept of me being an illusion was something to my knowledge rather than something I'm experiencing. You feel completely drained all the time, emotionally numb, when I got this I didn't smile or laugh for 2 years. You can't feel your body, communicate properly and are constantly tormented by the idea that you're about to go insane. Not to mention the total confusion.

At the worst of this disorder I couldn't even speak to my own mother, except for blunt simple phrases like 'yes' 'no' 'i dunno'. You also feel like you have no will or agency, like something is in compelte control of your actions, like a machine. It's a nasty feeling.

In a way yes, it is more of a technique to get control over aspects of your existence. Small things add up, even cleaning your room or doing a handful of pushups every day. Friends help (genuine, good friends), reading some fiction might provide you with some needed contrast and something to do. Begin. Control wont be returned to you quickly if you don't take steps to ensure it will happen. Assert your existence, exert reality. (the feeling of it, rather)

If you promised that you wouldn't visit Cred Forums, figure out what caused you to visit. Which circumstances made you want to visit this place, and what can you do to alter your mindset when it comes the next time? Because addiction is never the past, it's what will happen the next time you encounter a situation where you'll be tempted. Either avoid it completely, or better, train yourself to respond differently the next time. Spend some time thinking of the situations where you would be, and prepare mentally by visualizing and redirecting the desire next time. No shame in cracking, just prepare mentally and learn from the relapse.

lol some people just shouldn't take drugs


Unfortunately most people find out afterwards ^^


Thing is though, is this is more of a self sustaining defence mechanism than it is a disorder. You could have one bad trip and then you've got it.

Also this, you can't know what you don't know.
We can't see forward clearly so in the end looking into the past clearly is the only way to guide our course into the future. And you can warn other people all you want but in the end human nature is to experience since language is an insufficient means to convey the sublime and sometimes worryful revelations encountered. This is why humanity is fated to repeat past mistakes, advancing cyclically into the future. Two steps forward, one step back. We will get there.

Then I think I'm gonna be alright, I can do that. Did you suddenly come out of it walking down the street one day or did you gradually slip out or what? How did it fade for you?

>It would be fine if the concept of me being an illusion was something to my knowledge rather than something I'm experiencing. You feel completely drained all the time, emotionally numb, when I got this I didn't smile or laugh for 2 years. You can't feel your body, communicate properly and are constantly tormented by the idea that you're about to go insane. Not to mention the total confusion.
>At the worst of this disorder I couldn't even speak to my own mother, except for blunt simple phrases like 'yes' 'no' 'i dunno'. You also feel like you have no will or agency, like something is in compelte control of your actions, like a machine. It's a nasty feeling.

Pretty much prooves psychedelic drugs kan do serious harm I guess.
So, living in that dissociative state, there must be some kind of awareness still there right. Otherwise you wouldn't even know you were alive. In my book, the awareness that lies beyond feelings and thoughts is your true self. That awareness is always there (except when asleep/unconcious/ded).
Long story short, maybe meditating on that awareness can lead to serious insights

Is 'being stuck in a bad trip' a real thing? I figured it was a myth or some bullshit anti-drug lobbyists are spreading

Regarding anxiety and hallucinogens, probably ten years ago now, I hammered mushrooms in Amsterdam, literally every weekend for a good month, the last time was an insane dose, assuming I had built up a resistance I took more of a stronger strain, and well fuck.

It was the most insane trip I had ever had (taken LSD many times, including microdots in the 90s that were ridiculously strong, and mushrooms a load of times at pretty high doses), but that last time, man I had never experienced anything like that.

Everyone said afterwards I was sat staring at a wall for about three hours, I remember seeing the universe i cigarette smoke, and at the center of everything was a pure beautiful light. I felt safe and in no way scared knowing that that was the light at the end of the tunnel we all go to when we die.

Strangely it was the most epic, visually stunning and enlightening trip of my life, yet the weeks and months after I had truly overpowering anxiety attacks, to the point I have not touched hallucinogens since!Anxiety sucks, I wish I could go back to the innocence of my younger days, where we would drop acid and walk the streets and fields for hours on end, adult life sucks!

Yeah, there's an aware, but it feels more like a game with actual consequences or a simulation of sort. You have your basic needs there, like you will feel hunger, sleepiness, etc, but the satification and joy of these things are sapped from you to a high extent, and you become overly sensitive to things. For example if I miss a night of sleep, I feel mental. Like I'm going to go completely insane or reality is going to collapse. As for knowing you're alive, you really don't when it's at its worst. With the robotic motions, not being able to feel my entire body, you feel like a floating, invisible consciousness moving around with no will. That's when delusions can set in and you start to think you're dead or dreaming. Meditation is apparently the best curer of this disorder funnily enough.

>yet the weeks and months after I had truly overpowering anxiety attacks, to the point I have not touched hallucinogens
Same here but not hallicunogens but shit loads amphetamine and alcohol. Those 2/3 weeks were constant anxiety and the worst time in my life

Yeah, it's a thing. But it's rarer than they probably say. There's the depersonalization which is like being stuck in a trip, and another disorder where you continuously trip for random periods of time. I remember watching a documentary about these guys, they both did the same dosage, but the other guy never came out of his trip. Years later he's still walking around on his own babbling nonsense and hiding behind his hands. But that's a rare case.

I've had a persisting trip before for about 2 years, wasn't a bad one though luckily.

I think it was gradual for me, but the realization was instantaneous. Like how as a child you are growing but don't realize it till you check your height. Maybe it is the plasticity of the brain, something clicked, all became right with the world. As if I didn't learn my lesson I dosed again later but came back to reality just fine.

Attached is a helpful diagram.

I belive that it is a great idea LSD is a great way to expand your mind and view things from a different perspective.

Yeah I think that's how mine is going. I don't realise anything has changed until a significant amount of gradual progress has been made. So it does kinda feel like a stand still now. Because before everything was so cartoony, weird and the feelings, etc and now that's all gone, I think it's harder to see change because reality is so close

If you mean a psychosis; yeah, it's real.
Most psychosis are temporary, but they can take hours, days or weeks. There's medication for a psychosis which can turn you back into an almost normal person again... Other than that, just wait until your body restores itself.

95% of the normal "bad trip" stuff is solved by:


I was an amphetamine addict, aged 16-19, snorting speed paste, then just taking a load of dexamphetamine on top of that, I had a psychotic episode, tried to kill myself several times...developed a deep rooted paranoia that has never left me, fifteen years on, all these things I feel contributed to my anxiety issues, yet I would not go back and unlive any of my experiences!

Man i cant find a good dealer and idk how to safely buy off the dark web

LSD and shrooms are psycho-mimetic!

They recreate a psychotic state!

The moar you know!

Just do your homework you retarded idiot.

It is, but I cannot recommend it to anyone with underlying mental problems or a family history of mental disorder.

Agree completely, set and setting is crucial for coming out of an experience with a positive perspective

It's just a lack of contrast, remember what it felt like at its peak and realize what you are feeling now is nowhere near what you felt. Basically on the knifes edge, make those changes, you will be better before you know it.

I'm right there with ya

Yeah, bro, you're right. I'm 100% this will end for me. It's a shame about this, because I really really did like hallucinogenics and I really liked weed. I woulda smoked that for the rest of my life. But once I come out of this, I'm not gonna try anything again even though I would be tempted to smoke some weed but I won't. Not worth it

Had a bad trip once on nothing but 2gs cubensis. Don't remember much of it, but the next day my friend told me I was laying down on his floor covered in piss, screaming, and spitting straight up into the air onto my own face.

I randomly met a guy online who lived nearby and sold me some acid 3 times. then he stopped answering. Friends told me not to take it but i really enjoyed them. They felt challenging.
Alcohol simply dumbs down the mind, same goes for tobacco. Weed has few effects for me unless i take in a lot of it
but for LSD it was very much better. I didnt know when it would start working, i didnt know how much my personality would be affected, i didnt know how much visuals i'd have. It was just me, my room, my own head and the lucid dreams. It felt great to be able to choose to be crazy for an afternoon.

Now, 3 months after the last message from the guy, im close to ordering it online but im somewhat scared. I already found a seller in my country and i only need to order the coins but im hesitating and i dont know why.

Was it nBome

its an illusion that has a psychological function which has come about through evolution for a good reason.

Ive taken alot of acid, I know it was acid because I tested it with a test kit and I can confirm if you spend long enough chasing the rabbit you can easily get lost down the rabbit hole and its not all fun and games.

"to fathom hell or sour angelic take a pinch of psychedelic"

so many people just want to soar angelic but when you fathom hell its an experience that stays with you forever. still, I wouldnt change what I went through, I peeked under the curtain of everyday reality and saw something amazing and im mostly ok today even though for along time I thought I was totally broken.

also, random experiences: my second trip was the best out of the three. I took it at around 11:30. around 13:00 it started working and i found a new porn-imageboard at the same time. I spent about 1.5 hours browsing through it and fapping. After i was done i considered to play videogames but i felt like they wouldnt entertain me. Instead i went to take a shower.
In the shower i repeatedly swapped through temperatures and daydreamed myself into different places. These daydreams felt very real and the heightened senses allowed me to enjoy the high temperatures a lot.
it's a shame the trip was that short.

Anyway, how often would you people recommend to take it if one wanted to avoid permanent psychosis?

This is terrible advice..

You had depersonalization too?

free addictions 101

I smoked pot once... Now i fap to trap threads....

You don't get the experience you want, you get the experience you need. Perhaps you can heed the lesson and let go of things like weed and the like. Your story sounds similar to one that my friend told me: he was glad to be sober. I would say this, don't regret what you experienced, you could be very well be kicking a habit that has been holding you back thanks to a hard lesson. Move forward with this new perspective, make these small changes and keep the momentum going. Maybe someday you can revisit these old friends but not right now.

There hasn't been enough research on it to give a definitive answer.

I do acid at most once a month, but that's mostly to avoid tolerance. During winters I skip mostly (it's dark 20 hrs a day here). I also skip weed the week after I drop acid

me and a couple mates are about shrooms soon, anyone have any personal experiences to share? Also any tips to do when on it???


well I never called it that or received an actual diagnosis but what I experienced is exactly like the kind of thing described by other people in this thread. its really hard to put into words but to use a metaphor I felt like a piece of driftwood floating in an endless ocean, sometimes it would be still but I was always aware of the raging torrents beneath the surface, I felt like I could have a major nervous breakdown that I would never recover from at any minute but it never quite came. then some shit happened in my life that changed things completely and I havent done drugs for well over a year now.

for awhile tripping felt more real than the non-tripping reality I was used to before I got into acid. I always felt like I was on the cusp of some major breakthrough or enlightenment but I only ever came back with fragments distorted by memory and the attempt to recollect them.

Don't get me wrong. I've learned so much and developed so dramatically as a person. Have a completely new perspective on life, new goals, new ambitions, new desires, a positive mind frame, etc. That's what good has come out of it. The bad outweighs it right now though. I feel like I've missed a lot of experiences. I sat in the hospital with my gf as she squeezed out my son, and I was physically there, but because of this problem, I really feel like I missed it. I have zero love towards him and I'm not myself at all. So a lot of shit has come of it.

Shorter trip, less visuals

Op is kill

Speed and CSGO, i fucking kill this Terrosrist and i fucking kill that terrorist and i fucking noscope this ct and i knife these two

Back in my late-teens and very early 29's, I was dropping acid pretry regularly. Ive never had a bad trip, but ended up getting royally fucked since my last use. I ended up hearing voices a couple of weeks after that, and had my first panic attack a few days later. My diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia, been recovering from my last acid trip 6 years ago. I still hear a lot of voices, but I take minimal doses of my medication and just cope with the condition. It's surprisingly easy, since I'm very aware of zen meditation and being aware of thoughts and letting them go. Most of the voices pass just like that.

It's not all bad though; LSD and mushrooms made me a totally different person. I thank them for that. I'd probably be like half of Cred Forums's usual users but I've chilled out a lot and now see God in everyone and have learned to love this creation I'm blessed to experience.

The voices are just annoying. The delusions I went through for three years(starting when I turned 21) were pure Hell. I lost all of my friends, but I'm working on rebuilding my relationships. It's a relatively slow process of coming back from Hell. My biggest complaint is that I can't smoke weed without having a mini psychotic episode and being affected for several weeks anymore. It takes time to recover.... ._.

I got fukker'd on acid way back and now cope with voices.

Have you guys heard about those crazy bastards doing thumbprints

I used to drop every six months, and do the same with mushrooms. So, lsd first, then three months later mushrooms, then back to acid after that. That kept me out of trouble, especially since lsd was mentally jarring to me.