General thread thread. Do whatever you want

General thread thread. Do whatever you want

waffles are better than pancakes


depends whats on them in my opinion

anybody got some rekt? wanna see some gore in this bich

I will tell you about my sexual fantasy. I want to be watched by strangers while my gf and I are fucking. Not online, that's hardly exciting. I want to fuck my girl i public and I want others to stand by and watch. Just watch, no touching, except themselves ofc. So there ya go Cred Forums. I wanted to type that out. Thanks for the opportunity OP.

Her. I want to do her.

What image says "fun" to you?

Kleenex is the only industry built on sickness, sadness and shame


Im not ashamed of wanking and running out of socks?



Funeral homes

I have no idea sorry





Cred Forums



Send dick picks and other horrible things to kik All_Men_Are_Rapists

Good point speaking of which

I don't have any saved but I have some blades and a camera? But that is a lot of effort

Fuck that's good.


Nothing like a good old fag bash

wouldn't you just be justifying them, really you want to flood it with beta male feminists or female rapist stories




>watch this movie
>fight your brother

Well do that if you want



Who feels shame when they die? Dipshit..





that's actually pretty disturbing, imagine your tiny fragile meltable body being plunged backward into a boiling hot liquid and you flesh bubbling up and dissolving so that it can be drank.

and the worst part is, that marshmallow accepts his fate, he fucking loves the fact that he lived and died all for a hot beverage


i dont get it, so he was fucking the guy in the red in the ass? then he got beat up by the guy in red? i dont get it

brothas be on the down-low

im not surprised at all. mot black guys either smoke crack or suck dick. in one scenario its both

Doesn't matter the race, there a scumbags everywhere.

For sure I have to wonder why none of the pussies in the first video didn't go off on that piece of shit's ass. I get the second video - its an old guy and the clerk. But there are enough people in the first video they should have stood up to that cock sucker.


Anyone wanna draw my bottom half?







could have told the dude in red that he had a gun, raped him, then dude in red realizes what happened and loses his shit.

Well done. I actually look like this in person.

knew it

so sorry, life must rough

Life does very much lots rough, user. Thank for your pitys.

Lsd trip right now, what up Cred Forums ?

this is absolutely hilarious, we should make this our new 9gag meme.


I've already had many contributions. I'm shocked at how many people attempted to draw me.



You must have forgotten about the pharmaceutical industry.





I give you an A-



Ew fucking thigh gap

truly amazing. looking forward to reading about you in the news.


