I'm gonna fight a big black guy on Monday, and advice? I'm not sure if he's swole or fat

I'm gonna fight a big black guy on Monday, and advice? I'm not sure if he's swole or fat

story ?

bring a gun, because he will.

first punch usually wins.

*fight some big black men

You didn't think this was intended to be fair, yes?

I spit on his girlfriend and came really close to pimp slapping her

I'm bring like 4 black guys with me

dude lol. he's definitely bringing friends, knives, and possibly guns. you're fucked if you show up. like months in the hospital at minimum fucked

Bring heat

Niggers are shitty fighters, though they have a hard punch (hence they're common in boxing but rare in MMA and absent in strongman). They can't wrestle worth a shit. Their skulls are also very hard, so don't punch that. And watch out, niggers can't comprehend honour or fairness, so he'll probably have some chimps nearby to gang up on you. Don't go alone.

God damn right you are

I'm bring at least 4 blacks with me and wearing my steal toed tims

Bring your mom. While he's trying to fuck her you can get in a sucker punch.

Are you also a nigger? If not, niggers' allegiance is only to their own kind, so don't be surprised if they don't back you up.

If you survive, please post events that unfold.


I'll try to get a video of it and I will

Where do you live OP? I'm free to curb stomp some monkey skulls Monday

No I'm part white and Mexican but these are the guys I grew up with there savage niggers

College station Texas


Your fucked, if you don't have a gun
