Roll. Roll now Cred Forums. One of these "ladies" is going to fuck you tonight. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Least favorite Emma but still better than most
Wait...I'm retarded...I got Chloe
rolling for 6, 8 and 0...would take 7 as well if I have to.
OK, I take the lesbian. At least I can cure her then
Ill take myself a celeb waifu
Who are 1, 3, 9, dubs, trips?
Rolling for sweet boi butt
Anything but trips or eight
pepperoni pepperoni give me the rollerroni
Saturday night will be spent with...
best celeb roll i've seen gg
Thank you lord of the rolls! I got my tay tay
man, you got screwed outta this game man... sorry
1, 4, 8, 0.
In that order.
All else is shit.
Please be miley, please be miley, please be miley
Can I has a reroll for my waifu pls?
If I don't get my waifu, I know some shit.
I don't want them unless they're idols
please 4. I'll wear a reverse strap on for her.
holy fuck emma is perfect
Cummies. Can't wait for them. Also roll
Did you put Emma stone on there twice...
Terrible pics and I only recognize like three of them
Better than OP's. Half OP's girls are ugly or gross.
Underage ban in the making
i hope emma watson gets me!
not bad. wished it was Watson though.
Literally anyone but the cretin that is Chloe
Nigger steals my waifu? I should split your fucking throat.
Better prepare your boipussies
Rolling for Lexi to suck my cum out.
OOooooo shiiiiiiiIIIiItiiIiIiIiT
So if I get a 0, I'll have to masturbate?
You would have, but now you just get to fuck Chloe. Fuck that's hot.
C'mon #4
I'll turn you straight baby.
Brb let me call her and ask if she's in