Hey niggers, what is this?, it hurts like a motherfucker

hey niggers, what is this?, it hurts like a motherfucker.

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Mouth ulcer

Canker. Wash mouth with warm salt water, brush teeth/use mouthwash.

some sorta sore. just rinse with salt water for awhile and get better shit head


It's an ulcer

Wash food out of your mouth you savage

show us a wider image of this horse

canker sore. rinse yoru mouth with warm salt water twice a day until it goes away.

its a stress thing but can also just be in your genes. not contagious. baiscally an ulcer in your mouth

floss your fucking teeth.

U will die nigga, that shit disappears in two weeks

Mouth ulcer.

Lance with needle, wash mouth out with saline

you probably got the gayids user,

It's early oral cancer

Canker sore. Small cuts become them. They are miserable and I believe you just have to ride them out

Mouth ulcer.

If you get them often you should see a doctor, especially if you feel like shit and complain of joint pains.

It's just a mouth ulcer ya fuckin dolt. Stick some Dettol on that motherfucker, it'll make your eyes water at first but it'll get rid in no time

Canker sore. Get some of this shit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debacterol

It hurts like a bitch for maybe two seconds, then it's all good.

cut it out once. never again. just wait it out. it'll take a week or two.

Brush your fucking teeth. If you keep your mouth clean you will not get those sores. Your mouth looks fucking nasty bro. Brush your fucking teeth. Stargot.


These guys are right. I sometimes get these as well. Go buy some alum from your local supermarket and put it on the sore. It will hurt, but the thing will go away much faster than doing nothing or using mouthwash.

Its a mouth ulcer you, use Adcortyl Paste

Aphthous stomatitis
i have the same crap. hurts like hell.
non transmittable.

Screw these pussies.

Get some oral hygiene, start by flossing your fucking teeth as well as brushing them you dirty fuck. If the sting gets annoying, put some bonjela on it.

It appears to be autism. Theres nothing the doctors can do

This. They suck and there's nothing you can do but just salt water them and hope they go away fast. Looks like a pimple but you can't pop it. Resist the urge to dig at it. Just ups the recovery time.

nothing to do with hygiene

Nothing bad.. except the pain.
in a few days.. maybe a week, its gone.
Had it a few times. stress-induced

Can confirm just cut out a 1" cube around the affected area. That's what the doctors will do.
From experience.


harmless, it just hurts a for a week or so...
use alcohol/ listerine before eating something so it doesn't hurt

also, it usually has nothing to do with hygiene

It's never lupus

Ulcer, but I'd floss more, you'll get gum disease with that much plaque


be happy it isn't as big as the shits i get

Someone used your toothbrush OP, change it.

It looks like a faggot, what of it OP?

what the fuck is that nasty shit in between your teeth?

You should really suck my thick cock.

It's a Mouth Ulcer - I actually have one right now. Clean it using Hydrogen Peroxide with a cotton swab a few times a day and it should pass in a day or so

Probably just a mucocele

House M.D here, that's lupus

like others have said, definitely a canker sore.

they hurt, and it sucks. some people are predisposed towards getting them more often, and they can crop up more often when you're very stressed. it is NOT contagious, NOT herpes, and NOT the same as a cold sore.

all you can really do is wait for it to go away, and avoid spicy and acidic foods in the meantime as those will really fucking hurt.

U sucked ur dads dick 2 much just fucking look ur teeths are more yellow than the whole korea

canker sore, use alum powder

you just need to desiccate it, in other words get it really dry, will speed the healing process up a lot

Don't use salt, mouthwash, toothbrush, lemon juice, etc, use a (safe) desiccant like alum powder

Apply baking soda directly, and hold for minutes. Then spit, donĀ“t swallow. Repeat 4 times per day.

It's a canker sore. For instant relief, use a Q-tip with clove oil, and roll it over the sore. It's going to hurt immensely, but it will go completely numb after about 10-20 seconds. Using clove oil to much can cause necrosis. So limit use to 1 - 2 times max a day. Use Ibuprofen for long term pain relief.

If you need immediate medium-term relief, you can take an uncoated aspirin pill and put it directly on the sore for about 10-15 seconds. It will sting for a second or two at first, but then you'll be good to go for an hour or so.

Don't do this too often though, as it can burn the edges and cause more problems if you do it too much.