Hey Cred Forums !

Hey Cred Forums !
It's my birthday and I have nobody left in my life.
So I raise my drink to you, you glorious bastards.

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Heh. Some things never change...

Have a wonderful fucking birthday, user!

Happy birthday bro!

Let us all get pissed in honor of OP! And happy friggin birthday!

Thanks, Cred Forumsros.
Off to Wonderland now.
Have a nice one.

Happy birthday! Things will get better user!


Hepi buthdej m8 !

Happy Birthday OP

Happy birthday faggot. Cheers.

Truly alone. Kek.

Happy birthday faggot. And what if you are alone, be happy, enjoy yourself.

Happy Birthday OP

Happy birthday

happy birthday op

Here OP. Have my trips. Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday to you user!! ;)

lol happy b

Where you at user?

Happy Cred Forumsirthday

Happy Birthday sir!

>glorious bastards

nay, chap, for we are INGLOURIOUS BASTARDS here

pic related, Brad Pitt in Inglourious Bastards. LITERALLY me

thats the movie called fury, not inglorious basterds. dumb fuck

hi new friend

Happy birthday you magnificent outcast .

I always found it interesting how humans feel the need to mark days and commemorate them. Hmmmm


my birthday is in 3 weeks, gonna kill myself cant wait

happy birthday you big bastard

These creatures believe the stories they tell themselves because, unlike our birthday boy, tthey're not strong enough to see the world as it is.