Hey Druggies of Cred Forums
Would you say that this is a good amount for an eighth I paid 20 for? Or did my dealer fuck me over
Hey Druggies of Cred Forums
gross quality m8. kill your dealer
Show next to a ruler for scale reference. Definitely bad quality though.
Eh all depends if I took a hit I could tell you if it was worth 20 bucks
gross quality m8. kill your dealer
for $20 who cares but yeah bruh that's piss quality. I'd have to smoke the entire thing to get high
that's not an 8th
gross quality m8. kill your dealer
An eighth is 3.5 grams and usually goes for about 25-40$ depending on state and connections. This is not an eighth, it is maybe 1-2 grams. This is really low quality and looks like the scraps from the bottom of a large bag. Find a new dealer if you can.
gross quality m8. kill your dealer!
looks oddly like europe
You got fucked homes, looks like fried parsley mang. I wouldn't sell that shit to my enemies dog.
He sold you his shit trim for $20?
Juste exactly how retardrd are you?
looked like kale baked with sesame oil at 400C
you bought a dub street value, congrats
Doesn't look like a full 1/8th. And yeah, looks like crap. But for $20, if it smokes better than it looks it /might/ be worth it... if you think brick weed regs are worth it... Find a new dealer mate.
He fucked you over. Thats a g. No where near an 8th. Even at 20$, youve been over priced for what you got. Find a new dealer.
>Been smoking for years, can eyeball that shit
Might is a delicate word. Because some people dont know the difference with bud. They just think "weed!", but OP got ripped regardless. Even if it is decent.
bushy stalky shite
Rly thats not good.
Kek. Can't see any tricones or broken hairs either. It may as well be bumper reggie.
I've gotten better fives than that bro
Bro buy hasch u save money and get high af trust me like black afghan
That shit looks like burnt broccoli.
That's 5 euros
thats a rip off
Just got this dispensary shit, $100 a quarter but hey, I live in Missouri. It's called lavender.
gross quality m8. kill your dealer!
that shit looks like fuckking grass like actual fuckking grass instead of weed mixed with some fuckking broccoli
100$ per 1/4 for that is kind of overpriced,
I could probably get that quality weed for $60 a quarter.
But I live in southern California. We have delivery clinics here.
That's fucking wank quality mate, rape your dealers dog.
WA fag reporting in. Just picked up this Pure Afghan from a recreational store. 33.6%THCA is the highest I've seen at a rec shop
if hes getting shit tier weed you think he access to hash? not in this country.
think about that for a second...one third of the weight of that is supposedly thc. thats impossible. like literally impossible. its a shame they are allowed to lie to customers like that.
I can sometimes get hash. I live in the UK, so it's all shit skunk unfortunately.
Reminders that stoners are the worst and most retarded group of people on this planet.
KYS that's the smallest 20 bag I've ever seen
>looks shite as well
>no buds
>piss poor all round you've been raped
Don't think it's exaggerated. The industry is regulated in Washington
hows your butt feel? because that was a decent fucking
When u take out all twigs there really isnt a lot left, u got scammed big time
That's funny, it's 60 an eighth everywhere in Bama