age>27 fags, what are you doing on Cred Forums?
Age>27 fags, what are you doing on Cred Forums?
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Groovy Moondoggy. Annette and I are grabbing a board hitting the surf and latter we'll kanoodle under the stars. Don't bring my scene down man. by bringing up my age
Wife's napping. Gf's at work. I'm bored af.
Also, I'm vaping (trying to quit smoking. It actually works)
I'm copulating with your mother young man. Haha.
im just looking for qt traps to masturbate to
Pretending I'm under 27 to "hang with you bros".
And you'll never know...
not kill myself
Because its the last place you can honestly express an opinion.
The last few years of my life has been spiralling out of control & I ended up here
You guys are my family
>The last few years of my life has been spiralling out of control & I ended up here
I know that feeling
Wanking on girls half my age
I'm 33. I've been here since the beginning, and before that I was a SA goon. I'm basically addicted to shit-posting, and honestly I have nowhere else to go, anons.
That's rad!
Do you honestly feel that old and inadequate?
What's your opinion?
I love you yoo, user
Being dismayed by how boring and tame you kids are these days.
Anything I want it to be not have to deal with mob mentality and social justice that holding off color opinions invoke on 'social sites'
Prove you're an oldfag
wasted trips
There is no way I could prove anything to your satisfaction, user.
41 guy here. Killing the hours as i need to catch a plane in a few hours to go to CA to start a new job in the middle of fucking nowhere.
original fag
not sure why i'm back here place went to shit yearrs ago now i remember why i left
Where in CA, user?
Literally drinking scotch on the toilet
30, been here 10 fucking years, don't know where else to go
I'm 27. I'm on the run from adult life. I've been been there and done it and hated it. Wound up here.
I´ll be based in Fort Bragg but moving around the Mendocino county for some weeks.
Yeah, it's nothing to bragg about.
take your douche flute elsewhere, real men quit cold turkey, you'll be smoking again in a week hitting that fucking mouth fedora
I'm studying society when people are able to speak publicly with no consequence. Too many stupid kids, but the adult responses can be fascinating. The range of responses include sarcastic, helpful, compassionate, retarded, pitiful, angry, deceitful, funny, ... it's amazing.
i come here for the porn and sometimes stay for the shit posting
also once in awhile you get a really good thread or post that expands your perspective on life
other places seem really fake and hive mindish, people with opposing opinions get buried and shoved out of sight. on here it just turns into a huge flame war of a thread for everyone to see
>also once in awhile you get a really good thread or post that expands your perspective on life
screenshots or never happened
since its impossible to tell who or what made a post here how is that valuable in proving any sort of hypothesis?
there's a tiny portion of people on here who put effort into their posts instead of resorting to meme reposnses or shit flinging
these can be from legit hate speeches to a random post about some shit that happened in their life
27 yo fagfag here. Looking for dick rating threads and other forms of faggotry.
/soc/ is the board for you the, user.
30 fag here, sleep deprived shitposting. At this point it's more of a profession than anything else.
We made Cred Forums while your generation destroyed it
28 here.
Basically this Not sure where else to go. Slowly burning bridges with everyone I know, withdrawing from the world, gaining weight, drinking myself to death every night, watching My Little Pony in an effort to salvage the last of my humanity while my housemate bangs his girlfriend in the room above mine.
>watching my little pony
You deserve to be forever a scone