$700 from a scalper
wtf lmfao
at least try..
5 sents fag
Unsolvable without further information.
welcome newfag
$1.50, or, if you're trying to be an asshole and play with words, half the price plus $1, the cost undefined so far due to asker of the question being a faggot.
Bc op/you are a faggot.
is Cred Forums really this dumb?
This is like fifth grade math
Not sure if stupid or just trolling
well it clearly says there that the ticket is $1, you can't just say "well this is 49.99 but you have to pay an extra half that amount" for everything because that's a retarded way of doing things. the price you pay is one dollar, if you pay more than that you're an actual retard
this entire thread is retarded
My God! ... Cred Forums failed.
$2.00 you idiots.
It costs $1.00+half of $2.00
>I can't into reading
No, it cleary says price = 1 + price / 2.
>he's right, you know.jpg
[insert infinity symbol here]
You pay half of whatever the ticket costs plus $1. I'm going to input that the tickets are $50. Therefore the ticket is worth as much OP's faggotry.
>it originally costs 1 dollar plus half the price
>It starts out costing 1.50
Good job faggots
>> ...half it's price ...
half it is price ... what is "half it is price"?
is english even your second language?
>plus 1/2 "it is" price.
>post makes no sense
-op is a faggot
Answer is $3.00
Is there some kind of joke I'm missing?
op here lmao! none cal solve this? LOL!! epic.....!!
> +1 literaly out of fucking nowhere
Are you high?
Well if it costs a dollar plus half its price wouldn't it be a paradox?
Because if the actual cost was $1 then you wouldn't have added half its price.
If it was 1.50 then half its price wouldn't have been added only 1/3
If it was $2 then the first statement about it being $1 was discontinued or paradoxed because you didn't start with that and then added half.
I think this answer is in a logarithmic or exponential answer.
Holy shit, how can people be this dumb...?
ticket = 1
x = what we're solving for
x = 1 + 1(1/2*1)
x = 2(1/2*1)
1/x = 1/2/2
1/x = 1/4
x = 4
Jesus Christ, go back to algerbra
Ill-posed question is ill-posed, so a few answers can be debated if you're a loser with nothing else to do. Answer is supposed to be 2.
Google for verification instead of arguing, it's easier.
>doesn't distribute 2 properly.
Okay, Cred Forums, I'm fucking done.
I'd like a hosnest answer, please.
Are anons like trolling or actually retarded?
Because I've been lurking since, uh, 2007 (2006?) and I just can't fucking tell anymore...
You have to add the extra dollar, retard.
is everyone here trolling op or are you all retarded? its basic math the answer is 2
I pay nothing because I do not know what that ticket is for.
Checking those nice dubs my friend
In this case x would be the ticket, and op said the ticket costs 1$