In control of a church sound system. Just found the aux. Dubs decides.
In control of a church sound system. Just found the aux. Dubs decides
Other urls found in this thread:
Darude dankstorm
>Dude! you found the aux!
death grips - spikes
one last shot nigga
chrono trigger ost
marilyn manson - antichrist superstar
keep it classic, OP
Nine inch nails - closer
You're the best around - Joe Esposito.
OP has to deliver!
re roll.
Trips, read'em and weep OP.
rerolling for this
Hacking complete
I cant stop sucking dicks a classic
Fart sounds
Fucking play the song already.
OP here, will take a bit. But I will post results.
op failed us
OP is s faggot they won't deliver. Fucking fag.
No, fuck you. I'll do it.
Just give me a second.
OP is fag
>dubs decide what song I play in an empty church to an audience of no one
Jesus Christ Cred Forums fucking sucks dick lately
Don't lie to me OP you like them young don't you. I bet you're the $5 foot lover, Jared. God damn subway. Fucking up again.
the church is full
Here, fuck you.
deliver already OP tired of waiting i need to take my dog to the park
they havent turned on the speakers yet
for your 3 seconds of video?
Black metal.
It's just speeches man
OP is just trying to make everyone go to church.
ITT: No one who actually knows what the aux on a mixer is used for
enlighten me pls so I dont fuck this up?
If you want to play music all you need to do is find the channel that the XLR or 2x quarter inch to 1/8th inch or mini cable (headphone jack) is plugged into.
Most audio guys keep it towards their groups, on one of the stereo inputs. Then raise the gain or trim, and bring up the channel fader. Make sure your master faders are up and your channel is routed to your master. That's it. Super easy.
An aux is just a channel that you can apply to any of the other channels, usually used for adding a sub into certain channels but not into others. There are also many other practical applications for using an aux, whether it be pre or post fader.
this is boring