Hai Cred Forums

Hai Cred Forums

100% real redhead london lass here.

I need help.

I desperately want to be a flight attendant for either BA/Virgin/whatever really, has anyone ever done an assessment day?

I've just done one BA day, it was brutal. I thought I did well but in the end they only took about 5% into the last interview phase.

So anyone with any advice?

Any flight attendants on Cred Forums?

Thanks so much, and yeah will timestamp, post moar, blabla.

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you know the rules

Dont have the answers you search for. But instead have a bump so you may eventually find them.


Btw you're mad cute. And what he says

I think you're looking for this image

Thanks so much!!!

Yeah and I know I'm using my tits unfairly, but tbf isn't that what a flight attendant does? haha

>100% real

at the end of the day its tits or no help



it's based on tits you know, post em and we can tell ya if they pass


you have to suck off the pilots before every flight to relax them, no matter what they look like

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I replied because you're a femanon, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

Exposure next, but I need answers... or at least help!

Is it crazy hard to get in to?

Anyone a pilot, ex flight attendant, anything?

How many fedoras do you own? Also, favourite katana?


Pro Tip: if you're not going to post tits, might as well leave as you're not going to get an answer until we see some titties.

holy shit

who the fuck do u think u are

My girlfriends friend is a flight attendant.
Let me put it to you this way - she's the only girl I know that can walk with a beer held between her legs.
> If you're half decently hot and not entirely retarded, you're good to go.

I actually work in aviation as a pilot for a small Scottish airline, but I can't help you yet.

You know the rules.


Just post you tits with a timestamp, no face needed.

That's a plus for '''that'''' job for sure, but the buissness in Cred Forums is using them fairly for us to ""hire"" you.

first time, eh?

oh wow ..did you even try and make that look real

>being this new

None of the above, but I knew a flight attendant and she fucking hated it. You sure you wanna do that?


You have it the wrong way around. First you post timestamped tits, then you get answers.

Due the high and harsh competition in today's laboral market, it's not an easy task to get a job. not only being an attendant is crazy hard, but being anything now demands high quality job skills to make yourself a chance into whatever you're applying into.

Fine, tits.

I hate my tits though. And freckles.

Like I said, natural redhead.

There's no bs in what I posted - why would I make up that I want to be a flight attendant to Cred Forums? I know it's pathetic.

What can I say, I have a dream.


Nice tits

Lovely pair, no reason to hate them.

show penis

I love your tits

Does anyone else have a freckles fetish?

wow nice breasts!... yeah, you're surely a qt3.14 an all that, but even if you're a qt, you can't be guaranteed to get a job. you have to put all your efforts in learning useful skills in order to be competent enough for the job you're applying into. for instance, a job like "attendance" is cataloged as a 'services' job. services jobs require you to know, as a must, high end customer services skills, and as a plus, an entretainment skill, for e.g. being a magician, or whatever that can entretain the customer with.


woops, sorry! it was meant to be replied to you.

>wow nice breasts!

You can't even post a timestamp with your tits so I'd say a remedial job like flight attendant is way out of your reach. Dumb broad. Just continue on with your pitiful existence as a semen demon.

yup. They're nice.

Sharpie in the pooper.

Hey op what you think of this?

Tbh you know you could make tons of dosh as an escort. Men would pay lots for a natural redhead.

heh typo, english is not my native language.

my english is actually chinese "tiel" kek.

What part of London you in?

you're fucking beautiful and I already just busted two nuts.

This is true. I'd pay up to $250/hr or so.

op delivered now go away


Woop London! Anyone from South or East London?

redhead tier tits


top kek

I have first hand information about it, basically the only way to become a pilot and get a job is being the son of another pilot.
For flight attendats, you must know several languages and almost in every case be a gay male.
Now tits with timestamp


take a look at glassdor for info:

Hot enough. Full frontal or face?

hey OP, did you used to post here some time ago about being a super damaged nympho who couldn't get out of being a high end prostitute? I remember someone who looked similar to you coming on here talking about that, detailing her very dysfunctional love life and struggles.

Dunno if this helps but I had a gf who went to work for Emirates, she had to apply 3 times, apparently so thay knew she really wanted the job. Also being super meticulous with clothing/hair/makeup, and looking more traditional rather run a emo sjw chick

>basically the only way to become a pilot and get a job is being the son of another pilot
What you've just said is trivial, because that can be applied to every "high end" job imo, kek.

I dated a girl who was a flight attendant. She was really pretty. She said the competition was fierce and that she didn't even want to do it anymore by the end of it, but just stayed in because she wanted to "win".

Now that i've helped you, can you help me out with something?

I'm in love with a natural redhead and i want to know, what's the special soft spot for a redhead to make her fall in love with a person?

Are you a northerner? If so where?

two mates who work for ba and both said its highly competitive took one a few years to make it, done some commercial work with easyjet and it just seems like a close knit industry

Kek you are sad