New thread
r8 self
New thread
r8 self
he he xd
2nd for this thread is gay and everybody posting, besides me, is a attention whore faggot
Tried to be honest
it's not hiro
it is what happens when two people upload 2 images at the exact same time
they swap thumbnails
there is someone who intended to post that snorlax that is now wondering why the thumb is a graph
it used to be WAY worse but moot largely fixed it durring the switch over to html5
I am a narcissistic prick
>inbred redneck cousinfucker detected
thats georgia you're thinking of
Heey lookin good
why is there no happiness bar?
I'm quite happy
>Is that Russia
>If so, bait as well
>Not using the American flag
Russia return to Russia and get off American soil
>No flag
What are you fucking retarded?
because you need at least one reason to bitch about my chart
chaotic good on the DnD scale, if you don't know what that is, don't talk to me
>metal health
5/10, average
>physical health
no diabeetus, strong heart, never had surgery, shit like that... -3 for smokes, and probable early death, because cancer seems to be picking my family off one by one recently
>sex life
not a virgin, only ever fucked one gurl and had my peepee touched by two others
>social skills
I'm here on Cred Forums, what else is there to say about that?
5/10 average
$1000 cash to burn every month after bills and groceries (this kind of money is twice as much as the minimum wage here)
>self esteem
I have no anxiety issues, don't feel bad about unattainable goals or desires etc., -2 for no sex (at my age that's really not a central subject)
>artistic skill
6/10, just slightly above average... I dabble, average people find my shit interesting, talented people find my shit average
yep, sounds about right
Virgin with 0 sex life, and quasi-disabled bum with 0 income, living with his parent like a worthless faggot.
Otherwise, a chart to be mostly OK with.
i probably look so autistic don't I, just because I haven't tried to get or been laid in like 5 years
you are a massive faggot
holy fuck. do you not know how to MS Paint?
fill tool isn't hard to find.
i'm surprised you didn't just upload a photo of your monitor, with your answers filled in in finger paints.
You might need to rethink your "intelligence."
I sure as fuck didn't rate myself as high as you rated yourself, because I am honest. You seem to think you're in the top tier, and your MS paint shows you aren't...
am i?
>both have funny accents
>both drink too much
>both wear weird stuff
>both are honestly pretty irrelevant to the world despite them somehow always making the news for some retarded bullshit
Yeah. Sorry.
aww, mind mansplaining it to me?
This is fkin sad
don't assume my gender, shitlord.
I am the perfect man
garsh, i just dont get this life thing, do i?
perfect is 10s everywhere u cuck
>i'm surprised you didn't just upload a photo of your monitor, with your answers filled in in finger paints.
but i already did...? whatre you going to do about it
>following Roygbiv
well done, sir faggot
>my accent is american
>Im sober
>Im wearing a tshirt and jeans
>you are correct I am irreivent
NOPE, I am only age 28 and so I only had 28 skill points to distribute into my attributes you stupid fuck.
genius detected
this is how it works, der
then you have not yet attained perfection u stupid nigger
>Actually being this autistic
I am perfect for my level bracket, you dumb cunt. No seriously, 1v1 me in the PvP ring. I'll critical your ass 100 to 0. I'll stun luck you before the fight even starts. You won't take a single HP from me when I am buffed up, and I can oneshot you without ever having to use my finisher. So shut your damn mouth boy, unless you want to get seriously fucked up.
these threads are gay
and yet, here you are
fine fucking go ahead and suck my dick in the middle of a pvp see if I care
on bloods i'll fuck u up
there you go
even gay guys get sex
look at him, clearly he is a plant
you sound so smarts
you stoopid, Ireland and Russia have alotttt of Billionaires and Ireland is one of the top Producers of Plane Parts and OMG planes are used by erry cuntry that can use em, ya fucking retard hick
File name say it all familio.
inb4 everyone is smart
whats an alot?
also 10 billionaires in a country of nothing but potato farmers doesnt make your relevant
> intelligence 10
> looks 10
> self esteem 2
Every year i visit one of those threads just to check if anything changed. It didn't.
your a bit lopsided buddy
Yo other Canada bro, how are you enjoying Prime Minister Sunshine's reign of terror or prosper depending on who you are?
Also, why is your sex life so low if your looks and physical health is so good?
20 y/o ausfag
Yes, I don't know why, It looked ok in my phone...
I'll trade you 3 points wealth and 2 points self esteem for 4 points in sex.
were you laying on your side? that happens to me sometimes
intelligence 7/10
too thick to include flag
I envy your social skills
>not putting all of your checks in intelligence so you can get more skill points per level
My new favorite reaction face
Any of the southern states that defect will have any military buildings/assets that don't stay loyal firebombed and any of you redneck faggots that claim to be muh southern pride will get mowed down by a-10s and attack teams.
Ih the meanwhile, those southerners will just sit by idly. Seems legit.
im painfully average and i dont know what to do
Here's mine
You're probably correct. But I doubt they would run A-10's on Murican soil. Those images would never go away and would do irreversible harm. They would just drone us and send in stealth teams to kill/capture the leadership.
Joel is that you
You're right. However a second civil war in this era would be devastating and horrific anyway. Personally I'd rather flatten any resistance as soon as possible short of nukes and scorched earth methods. But that's just me.
I have no social skills what so ever.
argentine here, AMA
Intelligence: I consider myself relatively logical and clever
Morality: totally edgy
Mental Health: fucked
Physical Health: not obese, i drink a fuck ton and smoke too much, could be worse
Sex life: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Social skills: i'm not a fucking autist, i can hold a conversation with most people
Looks: i consider myself attractive
Wealth: i'm surviving, not thriving
Self esteem: i fucking hate myself
Artistic skill: not a great artist in the drawing sense, but I can write decent music
life's tough Cred Forumsros
>tfw im a god amongst men
Deal, my self esteem is so bad anyways that I just hate myself more after it.
really showing your artistic skill with the american flag you drew
stop being autistic
fuck boy come at me
you are p autistic tbh
b-b-b-b-but mister! this is the only thing i know.
green goblins and cherry toppins
really?! thanks for the info, ill go tell everyone i know about this new information! they'll be delighted!
im not saying that to insult you or anything. But to help you find the place where you need to start seeking, do you want to fix your problems
Bored and depressed atm.
when someone gets up in your face and insults you, replying "try saying that to my face!" just looks retarded. It was already said to your face.
that's pretty much what you're doing with "come at me."
I did come at you.
You're an idiot.
what problems?
that wasnt me but I was just trying to see if you were trolling of if you were actually retarded enough to fall for it
I should be thankful seeing these answers
calm down he might be using an inferior program like adobe Photoshop
the only reason I don't get girls is because i have low self esteem.but why want a girl when i can masturbate to pictures of the sexiest person on earth, myself.
anons with high looks and intelligence hit me up
high iq .. use paint,
no art skill ... and use paint..
>Virgin at 23
>Can lose it anytime
>So long as I overcome myself and stop being so antisocial
>It'll never happen
>I chose to go home and watch anime instead of taking up the invite to my co-worker's house for drinks
Send me money on Pay Pal.
I'm slowly starving
I'm on my phone, so this is pretty shit looking.
Srpska, not Russia.
Peace and love.
USA flag, too lazy to put it on
Srpska isn't a country you Slavic fuck. You faggots will never get to unite with Serbia. I hope you rot in Bosnia.
that is what you dagos for over a century of socialism.
Chem grad student here.
And money
>invite to my co-worker's house for drinks
Sounds like she wants to accuse you of rape.
Bit crappy
Not good with people in general