Hi Cred Forums This is it. Tonight i will be ending my own life. I've been spending the last hour making preparations and i'm ready to go through with it.
As an oldfag who's been on Cred Forums since 2004, i thought i would finally give back to the community in the best way possible: i am willing to an hero on cam for you all.
All that i request is for you guys to link me to a site where i am able to stream it for you guys, then i will gladly fulfill my promise.
How dare you insult Steven like this. You really should kill yourself.
Nicholas Rivera
Edgy newfag shitfuck who was sent her from a normie like Mr Nightmare or GamerfromMars GET OUT
Noah Cruz
Lets see how many times we can screenshot this.
For the toaster of Steve, of course. Always wondered what happened to him. Like, what is he up to nowadays. Is he all better?
Bentley Evans
I was there that night!
Adam Collins
Brody Parker
Wyatt Ward
Yeah last I knew he's fine man. His name is Dakota Wrojack or some shit like that? He's Canadian. I was in the thread and the tinychat so I know the firefighters rescued him. I wasn't even mad that OP didn't fully deliver that night cuz that was one hell of a fucking ride that night. I love Toaster Steve with all my heart.
I've always wondered what happened to him. I was in that thread, live. Dude fucking delivered.
Well, almost.
Cameron Baker
Me too brother. I was doge or some shit like that in the chat . I love that dude. Top 10 OPs ever imo
Nicholas Cooper
i was in the thread that night too i told him he was a faggot and nobody would ever remember him also I said if he lived he should repeat what he did and become legend
Aiden King
Luis Taylor
Ian Nelson
Man he's a legend regardless of him being rescued. He didn't pussy out at all. He was under his bed and ready to go down with the ship but his faggot dorm neighbors reported the smoke and he was rescued. God what a fucking riot that shit was. He was so fucked up lmao. I have a massive T-Steve folder on my computer. Of just random pics of him in life. He's a boss
Justin Ramirez
Jaxon Harris
This is the last significant thing to happen on this trap porn forum
Ian Carter
Sir, I do believe it is in fact you who is the newfag here.
Hudson Parker
His name is Dakota J. Moore he went to University of Guelph (near toronto for you amerifags)
Ian Cox
Anyone have a link to video of this?
Henry Walker
Nah man... Did you not hear about the dude about a weak ago who became an hero by slicing his fucking arm up? I'll try to find screenshots. That shit was epic.... He forreal took his last breaths with his Cred Forumsros. He was in Arizona
Gavin Sanders
Benjamin Ortiz
Do you even toast bro?
Logan Cruz
Justin Reed
Thanks for correcting me mate i knew I had the last name wrong. They're whole videos somewhere on YouTube of the whole night as it transpired
Jackson Gomez
Aww....toaster ???? is still one of the cutest anons on Cred Forums. No homo, would care for him and let him rest on my lap any given time.
Ryder Cook
Here's one of the screenshots I got from the thread I mentioned.