ITT help me fill my reaction folder

ITT help me fill my reaction folder

Other urls found in this thread:


what anime/hentai weeb trash is this from?






Need sauce








D.A.K 16.10.16


get 4chanX you newfag



i wanna stick my dick in his hair hole


what is this meme, I've seen it before. But I don't know what it is?

Also here a common pepe.



















This fucking story...
















>ate] [Auto] 2









I can't stand Japanese drawing




you may be in the wrong thread




And this is why I love Hei. Such a fucking alpha.





Yeah? Well those gooks can't stand your scribbles with your bologna stank.



Is this from Darker than Black? That's what popped into my brain when I saw it.


Put the image in my post in it, OP, the image talks about the people on this list:

Also, if you want to know how the people on this list got to be where they are, start reading at page 12 in this book:





Christ, that image is a clusterfuck. Whoever created it has no concept of visual design.

my brain trembles














































well im off, got work tomorrow and cant be fucked to keep dumping
night Cred Forums








DAK means "Das Armageddon kommt" which translates to "The Armageddon comes"

D.A.K. .is essentially a meme hinting at a possible revolution in Germany, implying that it will be a return to the Germany of Nazi-ish times, in that they are going to spill a lot of blood, mostly of non-germans.

Got it from another thread.

sauce? where's that girl from

The game

I need to know what this is from

JoJo's bizarre adventure
You fucking casual

And then save a copy to a flash drive, burn a CDrom and make a copy on an external HD so you NEVER HAVE TO ASK AGAIN.

Oh my, those were actual tits, i was expecting some crazy shit... damn you Cred Forums